Le Conseil norvégien pour les réfugiés (NRC) est une organisation humanitaire indépendante qui aide les personnes contraintes de fuir. Nous intervenons dans des situations de crise dans plus de 31 pays, apportant des aides d’urgence et à long terme à des millions de personnes chaque année. Nous défendons les personnes forcées de fuir, en défendant leurs droits. NORCAP, notre fournisseur mondial d’expertise, contribue à améliorer la capacité internationale et locale à prévenir les crises, à s’y préparer, à y répondre et à s’en remettre. Le CNRC gère également l’Observatoire des déplacements internes à Genève, un chef de file mondial en matière de rapports et de défense des personnes déplacées dans leur propre pays.
Un emploi au CNRC peut conduire à un emploi ou à un déploiement dans des régions, pays, zones ou bureaux qui peuvent présenter des risques considérables en matière de santé, de sûreté et de sécurité. Le CNRC prend cela très au sérieux et a mis en place des procédures pour réduire les risques connus, mais ne pourra jamais éliminer tous les risques.
Le CNRC est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l’égalité des chances et s’efforce de diversifier son personnel en termes d’âge, de sexe, d’origine ethnique, de nationalité et de capacité physique.
General Responsibilities
- Adherence to NRC policies, guidance, and procedures including for data protection and handling of confidential and personal identifiable information
- Contribute to institutionalizing and strengthening of NRC M&E minimum standards regionally with specific focus on identifying successes and issues in use of data management systems, tools and procedures for better reliability and quality of M&E data;
- Contribute to organisational learning through supporting specific analysis, lessons learned and reports, including ad hoc requests from regional office teams.
- Contribute to improved management, presentation and analysis of key M&E information at CO and regional level. This includes quantitative and qualitative data from M&E systems and evaluations
- Perform routine quality checks on data, using the various dashboards and data management systems of NRC. Compile data quality red flags in a user-friendly report to inform relevant stakeholders.
- Follow up on key M&E processes going on in COs, including outcome monitoring exercises, evaluations, after action reviews, and how the information generated by these exercises is being used both at the CO and RO levels.
- Support Regional M&E Adviser in assessing and tracking of M&E compliance in the region.
- Replicate trainings and technical support in prioritized country offices on M&E minimum standards and standard M&E training packages.
- Contribute to organisational learning through establishing a methodology for compiling existing specific technical analyses, lessons learned and reports from COs and at the regional level, in collaboration with the Risk and Compliance teams (recommendation tracker).
- Support knowledge management for M&E in the region (utilizing features and functionalities of Office 365 and other relevant tools and platforms
Specific Responsibilities
- Lead the centralization of M&E tools, guidelines and best practices in CWA to inform the development of the mandatory indicator toolkit.
- Support Regional M&E Adviser in developing and implementing framework for analysis of data at the regional level
- Support the HO and RO M&E teams in translating all key M&E documents between French and English, and maintain an active list of new documents to be translated.
- Support the M&E Adviser in organising learning events across the region (regional workshops, sub-regional events, best practices sharing, thematic learning events…) both in country and at the regional office, virtually and/or in person.