Le Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires (OCHA) recrute pour ce poste (07 Juin 2022)

Le Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires (OCHA) recrute pour ce poste (07 Juin 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer/ Monitoring and Reporting

Niveau Requis : Diplôme universitaire supérieur

Lieu du Travail : RCA

Date de Soumission : 26/06/2022

Description de l'emploi

One of OCHA’s aims being to sustain an effective innovative humanitarian financing system that meets the needs of crisis-affected people, this role will be assigned to the Central African Republic Humanitarian Fund (CAR HF). The CAR HF is part of the 21 country-based pooled Funds (CBPF), multi-donor humanitarian financing instrument managed by OCHA at country level under the overall responsibility and leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC). With around $25 million of donors’ contributions received per year, the CAR HF allocates funding to around 45 partners including (i) UN agencies, (ii) international and (ii) national NGOs and (iv) other partners like the ICRC. In an underfunded context such as the humanitarian crisis in Central African Republic, the CAR HF represents a critical funding mechanism and tool for the humanitarian community. On daily basis, the CAR HF is managed by a dedicated Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU), a team of nearly 10 staff members. The Head of HFU is also the Fund Manager of the CAR HF. Under the oversight management of the Fund Manager/Head of HFU, the role and responsibilities of the incumbent will be articulated around the following three points: (i) Support the CAR HF on aspects related to project monitoring including planning and conducting project field visits, (ii) Support CAR HF reporting processes, ensuring evidence-based analysis of the performance and results achieved through activities undertaken by Implementing Partners, (iii) Participate in the selection of project proposals by assisting in the organization of technical reviews during CAR HF allocation processes, and (iv) Assist the CAR HF in the identification and use of lessons learnt by participating in knowledge sharing and synthesis of lessons learnt in support to improved decision-making and internal M&R systems. Finally, the incumbent will be working in close collaboration with the National Monitoring and Reporting Officer.

Description de la tâche

Under the direct supervision of the Fund Manager/ Head of Humanitarian Financing Unit, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks: (i) Support the CAR HF on aspects related to project monitoring including planning and conducting project field visits: a. Contribute to the planning of monitoring activities. This may include planning of monitoring visits and programmatic reports into the Grants Management Sys-tem; planning and update of the Monitoring and reporting dashboard; discuss-ing with the implementing partner and other stakeholders about the project pro-gress and status, identifying data collection methods, and organizing direct field visits and/or monitoring instance where field visits are not feasible. b. Carry out field monitoring visits. This may include collecting and analyzing rele-vant data in an impartial manner to compare actual project achievements with those initially planned and those reported. Depending on the monitoring meth-od used, this may require engagement and information collection with project beneficiaries, local authorities, implementing partners and other stakeholders. c. Report on monitoring activities. This may include timely preparation of a draft monitoring report to be submitted to relevant stakeholders and undertaking fol-low up actions as agreed with different stakeholders. d. Follow up with partners on the implementation of M&R recommendations, re-port back to stakeholders and update the recommendations’ register into the GMS. (ii) Support CAR HF reporting processes, ensuring evidence-based analysis of the per-formance and results achieved through activities undertaken by Implementing Part-ners. a. In accordance with the CAR HF reporting timeframes, support the organization, collection and conduct of quality assurance of progressive narrative report and final narrative reports submitted by implementing partners. b. Assist in the identification and synthesis of issues and recommendations relat-ed to project performance including the provision of inputs to the CAR HF An-nual Report or other reports on a specific activity or type of project, or updates to stakeholders and decision makers. (iii) Participate in the selection of project proposals by assisting in the organization of technical reviews during CAR HF allocation processes. a. Support the process of review, selection and quality control of proposals. b. Contribute to quality improvement by assessing the narrative content and the logical framework of each project proposal in relation to expected results, risk analysis and planning assumptions; linkages between inputs, activities, out-puts and outcomes to ensure that they are clearly articulated and in line with cluster response plans and allocation strategic notes, ‘value for money,’ quality of M&R plans, their feasibility and coherence with CAR HF M&R. (iv) Assist the CAR HF in the identification and use of lessons learnt by participating in knowledge sharing and synthesis of lessons learnt in support to improved decision-making and internal M&R systems. a. Support in the identification of lessons learnt during the project implementation. b. Assist in the drafting of success stories related to project implementation. Furthermore, UN Volunteers are required to: (i) Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activi-ties (for instance in events that mark International Volunteer Day). (ii) Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country. (iii) Provide annual and end of assignment reports on UN Volunteer actions, results and opportunities using UNV’s Volunteer Reporting Application. (iv) Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publi-cations/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc. (v) Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly arrived UN Volunteers. Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.

Critères d’éligibilité


18 – 26

Critères d’éligibilité supplémentaires

This assignment is funded by the Government of Sweden and therefore specific criteria apply: – Candidates must be Swedish nationals. – Candidates must be 29 years old or below at the time of application. NOTE: If you are older than 26 when applying, the system will display a notification that the ’application does not meet the eligibility criteria’. Please disregard this notification. – Candidates who already served on a UN Volunteer assignment funded by Sida are not eligible. – Candidates may apply to a maximum of three assignments and indicate the order of preference in the ‘Additional remarks’ field when filling in the application form. – Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The selection will be done by the UN Host Entity at the level of the country of assignment. Interviews will be conducted by the UN Host Entity between 12 and 30 July. – Prior to deployment, selected candidates will attend a mandatory preparation training from 10 to 14 October organized by Sida.

Application deadline: 26 June 2022


Le candidat doit être un ressortissant d’un pays autre que le pays d’affectation.

Priorités du donateur


Expérience requise

0 années d’expérience en or demonstrated interest in: program/project Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation (MRE), including in conducting MRE activities and data collection.

• Desirable: Minimum of one year of relevant experience at the national or international level in international development and/or humanitarian programming issues.
• Previous experience of working in the region or Central African Republic is an asset.
• Desirable: Knowledge of the UN Common System.
• Previous experience as a volunteer and/or experience of another culture, (i.e. studies, volunteer work, internship) would be highly regarded.

Domaine(s) d’expertise

Business management, Development programmes, Economics and finance

Permis de conduire



French, Niveau: Fluent, Requis English, Niveau: Working knowledge, Souhaitable

Niveau de formation requis

Bachelor degree or equivalent en International Development, Social Sciences, Economics, Educational studies or other relevant field of study. Certification in project management, monitoring and evaluation will be an advantage.

Compétences et valeurs

Accountability Adaptability and Flexibility Building Trust Client Orientation Commitment and Motivation Commitment to Continuous Learning Communication Creativity Empowering Others Ethics and Values Integrity Judgement and Decision-making Knowledge Sharing Leadership Managing Performance Planning and Organizing Professionalism Respect for Diversity Self-Management Technological Awareness Vision Working in Teams

Autres informations

Conditions de vie et remarques

Bangui is a relatively small town (in comparison to other capitals), very green and bordered by river Oubangui. Bangui is a non-family duty station and is currently classified as hardship duty station “D”. The security phase in force is green (precautionary movements). The overall security situation of CAR is volatile. While Bangui, the capital city of Central African Republic, is more stable, the potential for sectarian violence and opportunistic crime remains significant. In Bangui, there is a UN curfew in force from 10 pm to 6 am every day from Monday to Sunday. Besides that, there are a certain number of restaurants and a few recreational places within the authorized perimeter for UN staff. The R&R cycle is of 6 weeks. The country continues to face security challenges. The UN Volunteer will be undertaking field visits to monitor projects funded by the CAR HF in field locations including in remote areas. All field travels will be subjected to security clearance by UNDSS. Incidents affecting UN Security Management System personnel have occurred in the very recent past.

Déclaration d’inclusivité

Le programme des Volontaires des Nations Unies est un programme d’égalité des chances qui accueille les candidatures de professionnels qualifiés. Nous nous engageons à atteindre la diversité en termes de sexe, de soins et de caractéristiques protégées. Dans le cadre de leur adhésion aux valeurs du programme VNU, tous les Volontaires des Nations Unies s’engagent à combattre toute forme de discrimination, et à promouvoir le respect des droits de l’homme et de la dignité individuelle, sans distinction de race, de sexe, d’identité de genre, de religion, de nationalité, d’origine ethnique, d’orientation sexuelle, de handicap, de grossesse, d’âge, de langue, d’origine sociale ou de tout autre statut.

Note sur les exigences en matière de vaccination Covid-19

Les candidats sélectionnés pour certains groupes professionnels peuvent être soumis à des exigences d’inoculation (vaccination), notamment contre le SRAS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), conformément à la politique de l’entité hôte applicable.