L’UNFPA est l’agence directrice de l’ONU pour la réalisation d’un monde où chaque grossesse est désirée, chaque accouchement est sans danger, et le potentiel de chaque jeune est accompli. Le nouveau plan stratégique de l’UNFPA (2022-2025) met l’accent sur trois résultats transformateurs : mettre fin aux décès maternels évitables ; mettre fin aux besoins non satisfaits de planification familiale ; et mettre fin aux violences basés sur le genre et aux autres pratiques néfastes.
Mission et objectifs
For decades, the Eastern DRC provinces have been plagued by rampant insecurity, with a significant number of security attacks, community conflict, humanitarian needs and incidents against the local population that involved youth. UNFPA commits to provide humanitarian response but the need of maximizing sustainable measures and action in the nexus peace, security and humanitarian in favour of youth is of paramount importance.
Description de la tâche
Under the overall authority and leadership of the RR, and the secondary supervisor of the programme coordinator and the direct supervision of the Youth Women, Peace and Security Programme Specialist the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:
• Contribute to the effective planning, monitoring and reporting of activities related to YWPS and humanitarian, including quality assurance of the design, implementation and coordination of the multi-agency peacebuilding program;
• Support UNFPA-DRC in its efforts on Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) and SCR2250 (and related resolutions) as well as Women, Peace and Security (WPS), the gendered dimensions of peacebuilding, and 1325;
• Participate in field visits and joint monitoring missions with key peace and security and humanitarian provincial and local counterparts in support of projects’ monitoring, and impact assessments;
• Contribute to the DO efforts in the implementation of gender equality in all aspects of the work and programmes;
• Organize quarterly project reviews with implementing partners;
Critères d’éligibilité
18 – 26
Critères d’éligibilité supplémentaires
This assignment is funded by the Government of Sweden and therefore specific criteria apply: – Candidates must be Swedish nationals. – Candidates must be 29 years old or below at the time of application. NOTE: If you are older than 26 when applying, the system will display a notification that the ’application does not meet the eligibility criteria’. Please disregard this notification. – Candidates who already served on a UN Volunteer assignment funded by Sida are not eligible. – Candidates may apply to a maximum of three assignments and indicate the order of preference in the ‘Additional remarks’ field when filling in the application form. – Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The selection will be done by the UN Host Entity at the level of the country of assignment. Interviews will be conducted by the UN Host Entity between 12 and 30 July. – Prior to deployment, selected candidates will attend a mandatory preparation training from 10 to 14 October organized by Sida.
Application deadline: 26 June 2022
Le candidat doit être un ressortissant d’un pays autre que le pays d’affectation.
Priorités du donateur
Expérience requise
0 années d’expérience en and/or demonstrated interest in: • Youth Peace and Security • Human Right Previous experience as a volunteer and/or experience of another culture, (i.e. studies, volunteer work, internship) would be highly regarded;
Domaine(s) d’expertise
Development programmes, Social work
Permis de conduire
French, Niveau: Fluent, Requis English, Niveau: Working knowledge, Souhaitable
Niveau de formation requis
Bachelor degree or equivalent en International Development, International Relations, Political Science, Economics, Social work Demography, Gender Studies, or other related field
Compétences et valeurs
- Adaptability and Flexibility
- Building Trust
- Commitment and Motivation
- Commitment to Continuous Learning
- Communication
- Creativity
- Empowering Others
- Ethics and Values
- Integrity
- Judgement and Decision-making
- Leadership
- Managing Performance
- Planning and Organizing
- Professionalism
- Respect for Diversity
- Self-Management
- Technological Awareness
- Vision
- Working in Teams
Autres informations
Conditions de vie et remarques
Living conditions in Goma is quite good with all usual amenities. Accommodation is expensive in Goma but for food, local markets offer a much cheaper alternative apart from selling possibilities in supermarkets. Goma is considered non-family duty station, and in addition to insecurity related to the volatile security situation as well as various conflict situations, certain places surrounding Goma are subject to increasing street and residential crime. The ability to live and work in difficult and harsh conditions of developing countries is essential.
Déclaration d’inclusivité
Le programme des Volontaires des Nations Unies est un programme d’égalité des chances qui accueille les candidatures de professionnels qualifiés. Nous nous engageons à atteindre la diversité en termes de sexe, de soins et de caractéristiques protégées. Dans le cadre de leur adhésion aux valeurs du programme VNU, tous les Volontaires des Nations Unies s’engagent à combattre toute forme de discrimination, et à promouvoir le respect des droits de l’homme et de la dignité individuelle, sans distinction de race, de sexe, d’identité de genre, de religion, de nationalité, d’origine ethnique, d’orientation sexuelle, de handicap, de grossesse, d’âge, de langue, d’origine sociale ou de tout autre statut.
Note sur les exigences en matière de vaccination Covid-19
Les candidats sélectionnés pour certains groupes professionnels peuvent être soumis à des exigences d’inoculation (vaccination), notamment contre le SRAS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), conformément à la politique de l’entité hôte applicable