Depuis 30 ans, la WCS Congo est un acteur majeur de la conservation de la biodiversité en République du Congo. La WCS Congo a facilité la création de plusieurs aires protégées majeures, dont le Parc National de Nouabalé-Ndoki (PNNN) : 4 000 kilomètres carrés de forêt pluviale continue de basse altitude au cœur du Bassin du Congo, abritant de nombreuses espèces menacées comme le gorille de plaine occidental. En plus de la gestion de ce parc national unique, WCS Congo est actif dans les zones environnantes, travaillant avec les communautés, le gouvernement, ainsi qu’en partenariat avec les compagnies forestières pour promouvoir des niveaux durables de chasse de viande de brousse.
A quelques centaines de kilomètres au sud du Parc National de Nouabalé-Ndoki, WCS Congo gère, en collaboration avec le Ministère de l’Economie Forestière, la seule réserve communautaire du Congo, la Réserve Communautaire du Lac Télé (RCLT), créée il y a 20 ans. La RCLT abrite environ 20 000 personnes vivant dans 27 villages, ainsi qu’une biodiversité exceptionnelle sur plus de 4 400 kilomètres carrés de savanes humides, de forêts inondées et de forêts primaires humides. Notre vision est celle d’un espace où les hommes et la nature coexistent, où la biodiversité est protégée, où les communautés locales jouent un rôle central dans la gestion et la valorisation des ressources naturelles de la réserve, et où la tourbière continue à jouer un rôle crucial dans l’atténuation du changement climatique.
Pour poursuivre ses efforts de communication, indispensables pour soutenir et faire connaître ses résultats et lever des fonds, WCS Congo cherche à recruter un photojournaliste professionnel pour venir au Congo afin de produire des photos mais aussi des écrits (articles, portraits, success stories, etc.) autour de nos activités de conservation sur nos deux principaux sites d’intervention.
The objective of this assignment is to produce photos and stories of WCS Congo’s conservation work taking place in northern Congo. The content should focus on:
- Giving voice and representation to all stakeholders involved in our conservation efforts: communities, staff, partners, beneficiaries, etc.
- Promoting the work of our teams, highlighting their successes as well as their challenges.
- Reflecting the diversity of WCS Congo’s conservation activities in the northern Congo region (in NNNP, LTCR, as well as their periphery area).
- The upcoming celebration of the 30th anniversary of the creation of the NNNP.
- Produce high quality photos and stories that promote WCS Congo’s mission
Working with the WCS Congo Communications officer prior to arrival in the country, identify compelling stories, events, and the most interesting program sites to visit that will best enable the content to be captured. Draft an itinerary for the mission.
- Follow best practice in obtaining consent
Using the consent form template provided, ensure that consent is obtained from every non-WCS-staff member photographed or interviewed during the trip.
- Edit and organize photos, draft and share stories while in country
The angle adopted for each story must be validated with the Communications officer beforehand. Each story must be the result of a professional and detailed journalistic work, including compelling quotes from relevant characters.
- The photojournalist will be moving between different field sites during his stay, made possible thanks to WCS support and logistics.
- The photojournalist will be given flexibility in contributing their expertise and experience in choosing the topics to cover, but will follow the directions of WCS staff to focus on certain key themes/sites as well as follow all security and safety protocols.
- The WCS shall own all rights, title and interest in any written material developed during the course of the assignment. The photojournalist will own and retain copyright to all photographic material created under the present agreement, but grants WCS a royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to publish, use, distribute, reproduce and publicly display the images, to sublicense use of the images, and to create derivative works from the images, in perpetuity, in any print, electronic, digital or other format, in any media publications, channels, materials or exhibitions for purposes of promoting the Wildlife Conservation Society’s mission, including but not limited to editorial, advertising, publicity, and fundraising purposes, and any other use without payment of compensation. Whenever used, the WCS will use reasonable efforts to afford the photographer a credit in the following form: © First Name initial.Full last name/WCS. E.g: © F.Name/WCS
The photojournalist will be free to use the photos resulting from this assignment for his own purposes (appropriate location attribution will be used with all images where practical). In the event, that a use may conflict with WCS’s goals or materially benefit another conservation NGO, the photojournalist has to clear it with WCS beforehand. The photojournalist may in no case license the resulting photos to an image database.
- The photojournalist agrees to keep strictly confidential all information and material about or relating to the operations, research, projects and finances of WCS, its partners, donors or others or concerning WCS’s trustees, officers, employees and contractors, that is not publicly available.
- The photojournalist must comply with Congo’s laws, the WCS Code of Conduct, as well as health and safety protocols.
WCS Congo will cover the costs for:
- Per diem, food and lodging, as per WCS Congo policy*;.
- All transport within Congo.
- Visa and related costs
* At field sites the photographer may be required to stay in a tent.
The photojournalist will be responsible for:
- Bringing their own equipment.
- Health insurance and equipment insurance.
- Travel accident insurance.
- Ensuring they have any required personal medication, and all the required and recommended vaccinations (for entry to Congo and for gorilla viewing).
- Fluency in French and English.
- Professional level of photographic skills.
- Ability to find human-interest stories.
- Proven experience in journalism of an international standard.
- Experience working in remote areas in Africa.
- Ability to work in the field, often in challenging conditions.
Six weeks (42 days), between March and May 2023.
- Photos and stories must cover different thematic, at least: Research, Community Development, Livelihood diversification, Infrastructures & Logistics, Conservation Technology, and Anti-poaching efforts, in both the NNNP and the LTCR, as well as in their surrounding areas. The photojournalist and the Communications officer will work closely during the whole assignment on each production. A minimum of 2 full illustrated stories is expected from each site.
- Selected and edited photos should be handover in an easily-navigable database to the Communications officer at the end of the assignment.
Written pieces must be handover ready for publication at the end of the assignment, accompanied by relevant and captioned photos, in either French or English, depending on the language in which the photojournalist feels most
How to apply
Please provide a resume, portfolio, quotation and proposed dates that address the deliverables outlined in this ToR to [email protected] cc [email protected] before February 3, 2023.