La Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) est une organisation américaine privée à but non lucratif fondée en 1895. Sa mission est de préserver la faune et les lieux sauvages en comprenant les problèmes critiques, en développant des solutions scientifiques et en prenant des mesures de conservation qui profitent à la nature et à l’humanité. Avec plus d’un siècle d’expérience, des engagements à long terme dans des dizaines de paysages, une présence dans plus de 60 pays et une expérience dans la création de plus de 150 aires protégées à travers le monde, WCS a accumulé les connaissances biologiques, la compréhension culturelle et les partenariats nécessaires pour garantir que les espaces sauvages et la faune prospèrent aux côtés des communautés locales. En collaboration avec les communautés et les organisations locales, ces connaissances sont appliquées pour résoudre les problèmes de gestion des espèces, des habitats et des écosystèmes qui sont essentiels à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des populations rurales pauvres dont les moyens de subsistance dépendent de l’utilisation directe des ressources naturelles.
Duties and responsibilities:
Management of Field Research at MDK
- Coordinate field work of all MDK’s Research Teams.
- Participate in daily follows/habituation of gorillas at MDK.
- Supervise the collection of data (e.g. behavioral observations, health symptoms using Animal Observer App, meteorology, Cybertracker) at the MDK site.
- Implement tests of reliability measures to ensure that research team members are collecting data accurately and in a standardized manner.
- Oversee the implementation of the direct observational health program for gorillas at MDK.
- Train Congolese Research staff in reduced impact protocols for daily ape follows, behavioral monitoring techniques, use of portable data collection devices, data management, and reporting.
- Contribute to the professional development of the Congolese Research staff at MDK including individualized research projects to present in Bomassa and/or Brazzaville.
- Supervise data entry and backups for the MDK site.
- Ensure the quality of collection, storage, inventory and transport of biological samples (i.e. fecal, insect samples) obtained at MDK, as well coordinated shipment to Bomassa.
Communication and Personnel Management
- Organize staff schedules and movement logistics.
- Compile monthly site reports summarizing data collection, field efforts, staff participation, and research highlights which are submitted to the GTAP Project Manager, NNNP Director of Research and Ecological Monitoring and the Principal Investigators of MDK.
- Work with the GTAP Project Manager, Principal Investigators of MDK and the NNNP Director of Research and Ecological Monitoring to provide transparent, timely supervision of the gorillas, site and personnel.
- Communicate and collaborate as necessary with the NNNP/WCS Tourism manager and team on all aspects of tourist activities having place at MDK.
Management of MDK Camp, Food Stocks, and Facilities
- Oversee the submission, preparation and arrival of food orders for the MDK site.
- Ensure MDK camp facilities are properly maintained.
- Ensure MDK Research staff maintain proper use and care of field equipment.
- Work with WCS/GTAP to minimize the impact of the tourist site construction and footprint on MDK, including wildlife, staff, camp, and operations.
Expériences / Formation
- A master’s degree (or higher education) in Biological Sciences or other relevant conservation field experience.
- At least 3 years of experience in Africa in a similar role.
- Fluency in French and English, both oral and written.
- Good knowledge of animal behavior and ecology are crucial for a successful application, as well as experience in managing a remote field site.
- Previous experience in project management (staff supervision, work-planning and reporting, etc.).
- Knowledge of Excel/Word is mandatory, with working knowledge of GIS, SMART and R also preferable.
- Field tracking and navigation skills (with GPS and compass) are essential, with previous training in wilderness first aid also preferred.
- Previous experience using camera traps for research is also preferred.
- Excellent social and communication skills with local staff and all cooperation partners; s/he should be able to work in a multicultural and multinational environment while living in isolated field camps (solar power, limited satellite internet and no running water).
- S/he needs to be physically fit, enough for forest work in tropical climate.
- Additional skills could be a plus: mechanical aptitude, construction skills, electrical skills and problem-solving mindset.
Comment postuler
Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications should apply by emailing an application letter and CV containing the names and contact information of 3 referees to: [email protected] by 11 March 2022 as the deadline. Indicate “Site and research Manager” on the subject line of the email. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.