Plan International est une organisation humanitaire et de développement indépendante qui fait progresser les droits des enfants et l’égalité des filles.
Nous croyons au pouvoir et au potentiel de chaque enfant. Mais ce potentiel est souvent étouffé par la pauvreté, la violence, l’exclusion et la discrimination. Et ce sont les filles qui sont les plus touchées.
En collaboration avec les enfants, les jeunes, nos supporters et nos partenaires, nous nous efforçons de créer un monde juste, en nous attaquant aux causes profondes des problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les filles et tous les enfants vulnérables.
Nous soutenons les droits des enfants de la naissance à l’âge adulte. Nous permettons aux enfants de se préparer et de réagir aux crises et à l’adversité. Nous faisons évoluer les pratiques et les politiques aux niveaux local, national et mondial en utilisant notre portée, notre expérience et nos connaissances.
Nous construisons des partenariats puissants pour les enfants depuis plus de 80 ans, et nous sommes maintenant actifs dans plus de 70 pays.
Poste 1 : Livelihood Field Animator
Functional Area: Programs
Reports to: Livelihood Technical Officer
Travel required: Work intensively in the field: The Livelihood Field Animator will spend at least 80% of his/her time in the field mainly in the implementation and monitoring of GEJ activities and secondarily in the monitoring of economic empowerment activities
Grade: Service Provider
The Livelihood Field Animator (LFA) ensures the implementation, monitoring and reporting of Youth Savings Groups (YSGs) activities within the framework of the Plan for Girls project. He/she accompanies the YSGs in the Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) approach within the communities were the project is being implemented, notably Ngong and Lagdo.
He/she is the primary interface between existing YSGs in the communities and the project management team in Garoua and provides efficient and effective responses to project beneficiaries.
He/she accompanies YSGs towards economically sustainable options and the creation of microenterprises in line with the Plan for Girls project’s aim to contribute to the self-determination, independence and economic development of young people and especially young girls.
• The Livelihood Field Animator is responsible for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of GEJ activities within the communities, paying particular attention to livelihood activities that the project implements in his/her area of jurisdiction.
• The Livelihood Field Animator will represent Plan International Cameroon in relevant platforms related to savings and entrepreneurship issues and will work in close collaboration with administrative and traditional authorities, religious leaders, opinion leaders, humanitarian and development organizations in his/her area of jurisdiction.
• Implementation, monitoring and supervision of YSGs activities;
• Mobilise target communities to inform and sensitise them about the project activities;
• Ensure that the selection of beneficiaries is done in a transparent manner and in strict compliance with the selection criteria defined by the donor;
• Plan and coordinate jointly with the State’s Technical Services, all the activities of the YSGs, including training, supervision and support for the legalization of the YSGs;
• Provide the YSGs and therefore the beneficiaries with the necessary training, guidance and support to better understand the requirements of the programme in order to achieve the objectives within the given timeframe;
• Implementing the programme, regularly evaluating and documenting progress towards achieving the set objectives;
• Supervise all monetary transaction procedures carried out by YSGs members, including borrowing/ lending to avoid diversion of group funds;
• Ensure the acquisition and proper use of equipment made available to the groups in his/her area of assignment;
• Report any problems encountered in the field such as participant complaints, interference from local authorities and security threats and/or problems;
• Follow up on incidents and security problems reported in the area of intervention
• Produce the necessary documents relating to YSGs activities to ensure transparency vis-à-vis the donor;
• Manage the administrative procedures directly related to YSGs activities: legalisation of YSGs, partnership with the State’s technical services;
• Contribute to the identification of trades with high employment potential for young people with the support of the State’s technical services and on the basis of studies on the Region’s economy;
• Participate in orientation sessions for young people in the choice of their promising trade with the support of the State’s technical services;
• Define, with the support of the State’s technical services and the beneficiary youth groups, the integration kits necessary for the start-up of their activity;
• Monitor, with the support of the State’s technical services, the progress of the YSGs and their support for the Youth Village Savings and Loans Association (YVSLA) methodology;
• Supervise with the technical services of the State the socio-economic and entrepreneurial integration of the YSGs and ensure that their activities take off effectively;
• Organise, with the State’s technical services, and supervise the development and support of the EYGs on the themes of social cohesion and community life;
• Carry out any tasks related to the livelihoods and empowerment activity that his or her hierarchy may entrust to him or her.
Ensures that Plan International’s global policies for Child Protection (CPP) and Gender Equality and Inclusion (GEI) are fully embedded in accordance with the principles and requirements of the policy including relevant Implementation Standards and Guidelines as applicable to their area of responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring staff and associates are aware of and understand their responsibilities under these policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), their relevance to their area of work, and that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
• Livelihood Technical Officer–high
• Project staff – high
• Garoua Office staffs – high
• Plan staff in other offices – low
• LNGO – High
• Partners – High
• Sub-divisional Delegations– High
• Adolescents – Medium
• BachelorDegree in a relevant field of rural and community development (sociology, anthropology, geography, agronomy, environment, socio-economics etc.) or holder of a Baccalaureate or equivalent diploma with at least 5 years’ experience in a similar position;
• At least 03 years’ experience in working specifically with savings groups;
• Mastery of the different stages of the VSLA methodology;
• Demonstrated ability of timely and effective delivery of project activities and other outputs (reports, etc.)
• Commitment to safeguarding, gender equality and participation;
• Ability to work independently and as a team player who demonstrates leadership;
• Able to work within disaster affected communities in a sensitive and participatory manner;
• Ability to operate effectively under extreme circumstances including stress, high security risks and harsh living conditions.
• Well-developed written and oral communication skills in both French and English.
• Works with trustworthiness and integrity and has a clear commitment to Plan’s core values and humanitarian principles.
• Experience in the North of Cameroon is an asset;
• Knowledge of local languages in the target area (Fulfude, Ndourou, Toupouri, Massa, etc);
• Ability to work in multidisciplinary, multicultural and multilingual teams;
• Knowledge of computer tools (Word, Excel, email);
• Valid driving license A and ability to drive motorbikes;
• Experience in civil society or in the NGO sector.
We are open and accountable
1. Promotes a culture of openness and transparency, including with sponsors and donors.
2. Holds self and others accountable to achieve the highest standards of integrity.
3. Consistent and fair in the treatment of people.
4. Open about mistakes and keen to learn from them.
5. Accountable for ensuring we are a safe organisation for all children, girls & young people
We strive for lasting impact
1. Articulates a clear purpose for staff and sets high expectations.
2. Creates a climate of continuous improvement, open to challenge and new ideas.
3. Focuses resources to drive change and maximise long-term impact, responsive to changed priorities or crises.
4. Evidence-based and evaluates effectiveness.
We work well together
1. Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
2. Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
3. Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
4. Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.
We are inclusive and empowering
5. Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
6. Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
7. Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
8. Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.
[In this section, state “typical office environment”, or conditions such as “must work outside in an extremely hot and humid climate”. Also note if any protective equipment is required.]
• Intensive fieldwork: The Livelihood Field Animator will spend at least 80% of his/her time in the field mainly in the implementation and monitoring of GEJ activities and secondarily in the monitoring of economic empowerment activities;
• Intense periods of work at all times of the day;
• Working in multiple locations and on the move;
• The work requires intense interventions in the field, in areas often at risk (of flooding, kidnapping etc…). This requires caution, vigilance and respect for safety instructions;
• He/she should work under pressure and accept travel and stay in often austere areas.
[Please delete as applicable]
Mid contact: Frequent interaction with adolescents
Location: Garoua
Poste 2 : Psychosocial worker
The Child Protection/Gender Based Violence (CP/GBV) Social/Case worker will be responsible for providing GBV psychosocial assistance services in line with child protection assistance guidelines for best interests of the child, confidentiality, do no harm and child participation. The case worker will work closely with women /girls and children including Unaccompanied and Separated Children and other vulnerable children at risk of and survivors of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect, providing case management services in line with Plan’s Standard Operating procedures, and Global minimum standards of child protection case management and GBV case management.
Social /Case Worker (Service Provider or Staff): Responsible for supervising the activities of Community Focal Points, provide training on Child Protection and GBV Community Based Mechanisms (CP/GBVCBM), support women of CP/GBVCBM to counsel girls on sexuality related issues, follow-up identified cases needing psychosocial support and supervise the radio programs. Liaison between the Community Focal Point and Gender Specialist.
The Social Worker will provide regular reports on program activities in his/her zone of intervention on a weekly/monthly basis to the Gender Advisor. He/she will be responsible for consolidating monitoring data from the zone allocated to him/her. The Social Worker will also provide support to Community Focal Point in making referrals to local protection agencies.
Major Responsibilities:
• The Social/Case worker will assume full responsibility to assess the level of risk that children are exposed to, and the risk factors to GBV and immediately report any cases that could evolve into high risk cases to the direct line Supervisor (Case Management Officer/Gender Advisor).
• Identify, prioritize, assess and provide psychosocial support to children at risk of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect and GBV survivors
• Monitor and report child protection and GBV issues and violations in assigned communities or zone.
• Provide case management services in line with the National Standard Operating Procedures for GBV case management in line with GBV IMS & Global Child Protection Case Management Guidelines.
• Take at least 25 identified CP cases of vulnerable children from Initial Assessment to Case Closure using the Inter-Agency Case Management forms during the project performance period.
• Provide psychosocial support and adequate referrals to consentful GBV survivors
• Ensure that children are followed up and receiving proper case management and that cases are prepared for case discussions/case management meetings
• Ensure regular case management meetings and conferences are conducted to reflect on progress and to accommodate the lessons learned and improve case management system accordingly; [participate in Best Interest Determination as appropriate.
• Be proactive in identifying opportunities to better support children through facilitating processes, systems etc.
• Ensure adequate alternative care services: Seek to understand traditional care strategies for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) including potential protection risks linked to these. Assess the capacity of the community to absorb children that need care and the complementary support that is potentially required.
• Mobilize community leaders and community-based organizations (such as foster parents’ groups) to support alternative care.
• Provide psychosocial support for children in care, parents and caregivers
• Provide parents and caregivers with information on child psychosocial distress, and on how they can support their children to recover, as well as access services.
• Establish regular structured recreational activities led by community volunteers/Community focal points and coordinate these with other activities. This may include child friendly spaces, ensuring that age and gender-sensitive activities are developed and implemented for children and adolescents.
• Work with other sectors and partners to ensure that they consider the protection and wellbeing of children and assist them to make their services child-friendly and accessible.
• Ensure full responsibility & accountability –for maintaining, drafting and updating reports which include case management reports and field activities report.
• Promotes and ensures the principles of child protection, GBV support and child participation are respected within the Plan International projects and with identified child protection resources at field level.
• Support training and orientation of CPC members, Community Focal Points and Foster families on child protection, SGBV and positive parenting.
• Collaborate with the D.O to conduct referral pathway/ GBV Platforms quarterly meetings at the Divisional level with protection actors (MINPROFF, MINAS, Police, Gendarmerie, District hospitals, Justice, partner NGOs etc…)
• Organize referral pathway quarterly meetings at the community level with community-based organizations, the gender/protection committee and Plan International Cameroon
• In collaboration with community leaders, and institutional partners, the Social Worker (Social and Community Assistance Officer) will identify GBV-affected survivors and other vulnerable girls and boys who respectively match a clearly defined eligibility criterion for social assistance
• Facilitate the provision of startup kits will be given to survivors of GBV.
• Periodically monitor the use of the support provided to target beneficiaries in collaboration with partners (MINPROFF, MINJEC, MINAS etc.).
• Train target beneficiaries on gender equality, safeguarding, entrepreneurship and leadership.
• In collaboration with MINAS and MINPROF, conduct a close supervision and animation of women centers and the mobile units in their respective duty stations.
• In collaboration with MINPROFF and MINAS, create where appropriate gender clubs and monitor activities of the different clubs monthly
• Provide psychosocial support to GBV survivors and Child Protection issues
• Contribute to the organization of special event
• Contribute to all gender activities conducted in their duty station
• Collect GBV/CP data of gender/child protection activities conducted
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning
• Ensure CP/GBV risk assessment is done for assigned zone
• Ensure all child protection concerns are addressed and also participate in case management meetings.
• Ensure the action plans of Girl/Boys clubs, is adequately followed and implemented
• Report on opportunities and constraints and any adjustments needed in the project.
• Ensure assessment, documentation, good follow up of all referred cases and report accordingly;
• Follow-up survivors from GBV/child abuses, identification and evaluations of their needs
• Give feedback on the project during community meetings with beneficiaries and Community leaders a month.
• Ensure Children and Young People Safe Guarding Policy of Plan International Cameroon and Gender and inclusion are respected by all and applied in all interventions
• Always comply with Plan International’s Fraud Policy to safeguard and protect Plan’s assets and reputation.
• Supervise and keep good ongoing mentorship and life skills activities in their CEFIFE (Women Centers) and Mobile units in communities
Information and Co-ordination
• Provide regular weekly updates with inputs from all Community Animators
• Submit monthly reports to Gender advisor on activities implemented.
• With the permission from the Gender Specialist/CPTO can represent Plan in CP/GBV stake holder meetings.
Human Resources and Administration
• Participate in the training and briefing of animators and partners and Community Focal Points and other key stakeholders on CP and/or related issues when required
Dealing with Problems
• Maintain neutrality while doing resolving conflicts.
• The job requires intense interventions on the field, in areas partially at risk. This requires prudence, vigilance and compliance with security instructions on the part of the animator.
• Excellent and creative leadership skills will be utilized to properly implement the activities, in accordance with the standards, principles and with possible resistance from colleagues as is often the case in emergency response work
• S/he should work under pressure and accept travels and lives in the area (i.e Ngong or Lagdo)
Key relationships
• Keeps and maintain high contact with children, their families and communities
• Maintains a high contact with other partners at the Divisional Delegation of Health, Social Affairs, Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family, Basic Education, networks and other organizations.
• Maintains high contact with local partners.
• Gender Advisor (P4G)
Qualification and Experience
• A university degree in social sciences, sociology, anthropology, psychology or Law, with at least 2 years of experience in Social Work
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills in French and English. Ability to speak the local language (fofulde) of the assigned zone will be an added advantage.
• Has experience in working with children (boys and girls)
• Will be a Resident in the assigned communities.
• Should be able to ride on bike and own a category “A” driving license.
• Timely and effective delivery of project activities and other outputs (reports, etc.)
• Commitment to child protection, gender equality and participation
• Skills in participatory assessment, recreational activities, informal education, life skills training and sensitization on child and adolescent protection and prevention of GBV.
• Good computer skills (Microsoft Words, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer)
• Ability to network with grassroots structures.
• Competence in working with survivors of GBV/CP abuses, case management
• Commitment and adherence to humanitarian values and standards,
• Not been involved in any child protection issues
• Demonstrates neutrality in the current socio-political crisis.
• Works with trustworthiness and integrity
• Resilience/Adaptability and flexibility: Ability to operate effectively under extreme circumstances including stress, high security risks, diverse cultural contexts and harsh living conditions. Works and lives with a flexible, adaptable and resilient manner.
• Demonstrates awareness and sensitivity to gender and diversity.
• Patient, adaptable, flexible, able to improvise and remain responsive under pressure.
We are open and accountable
• Promotes a culture of openness and transparency, including with sponsors and donors.
• Holds self and others accountable to achieve the highest standards of integrity.
• Consistent and fair in the treatment of people.
• Open about mistakes and keen to learn from them.
• Accountable for ensuring we are a safe organisation for all children, girls & young people
We strive for lasting impact
• Articulates a clear purpose for staff and sets high expectations.
• Creates a climate of continuous improvement, open to challenge and new ideas.
• Focuses resources to drive change and maximise long-term impact, responsive to changed priorities or crises.
• Evidence-based and evaluates effectiveness.
We work well together
• Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
• Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
• Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
• Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.
We are inclusive and empowering
• Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
• Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
• Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
• Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.