La République centrafricaine (RCA) compte seize préfectures en plus du district de Bangui. Le pays est enclavé, les possibilités de déplacement sont très limitées et il est entouré de pays instables qui connaissent des problèmes de sécurité (Tchad, RDC, Soudan et Cameroun). Une situation sociopolitique instable, des troubles sociaux et des griefs avec de fréquentes grèves des fonctionnaires entraînant l’interruption des services de santé, d’éducation et de la fonction publique en raison d’années de salaires impayés. Les coupures de courant sont la norme, ce qui provoque l’insécurité en ville. La population, y compris les expatriés, est préoccupée par l’augmentation des cas de criminalité, conséquence directe du coup d’État de mars 2013 de la SELEKA – une coalition de groupes rebelles – et des récents événements de décembre 2013 qui ont plongé le pays dans le chaos. Les vols sont susceptibles d’être annulés lorsque la volatilité de la situation sécuritaire augmente. Les vols de l’ONU sont également disponibles pour se déplacer vers les zones d’opération de l’ONU dans le pays. Le programme de R&R a été rétabli depuis août 2013 et maintenu pour tous les lieux d’affectation en RCA à une fréquence de 6 semaines. Les conditions de vie deviennent de plus en plus difficiles en raison de l’augmentation des prix et de la rareté des produits de base et de la nourriture. Les légumes et les fruits frais sont disponibles sur le marché. Les possibilités de logement privé sont limitées et l’obtention d’un logement conforme aux mesures de sécurité peut prendre environ 4 semaines ou plus. Néanmoins, tous les Volontaires des Nations Unies en service peuvent actuellement vivre dans les complexes des Nations Unies, où ils disposent d’un logement décent leur assurant un confort minimum et supérieur. Le coût moyen d’un logement varie d’environ 500 USD, pour un petit appartement sans meubles et sans groupe électrogène, à 1700 USD avec toutes les commodités. Dans le but d’acquérir une expérience enrichissante, les volontaires des Nations Unies en RCA s’acquittent de leurs tâches avec flexibilité, engagement et volonté de vivre et de travailler dans des conditions difficiles, notamment la chaleur et un approvisionnement limité en eau et en électricité.
Description de la tâche
Reporting to the Country Representative, the Planning, Monitoring and Reporting Specialist will provide support to CAR UN Women country Office program colleagues in incorporating monitoring and reporting into programme formulation as well tracking against Strategic Plan targets and the reporting of results to internal and external audiences, more specifically: 1. Provide guidance to CAR UN Women Office in incorporating monitoring and reporting into Program formulation and management • Provide quality assurance of program documents through review of results frameworks in order to meet SMART criteria; • Manage the development of monitoring indicators, monitoring calendars, and field monitoring plans and quality assurance processes; ensure use of relevant evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations are incorporated to programme formulation; • Coordinate annual work plan monitoring, reviews and reporting; • Ensure linkage of Annual Work Plans (AWPs) and corresponding Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER) Plans with the UN Women Strategic Plan; • Provide strategic guidance to partners and CAR UN Women Office in developing Performance Monitoring Frameworks (PMFs) and Baseline Surveys; • Provide advice to country offices in the clearance of donor agreements and Programme Cooperation Agreements; • Ensure sufficient funds for monitoring, evaluation and reporting at country/ regional level. 2. Provide technical guidance to the CAR UN Women Office in oversight, monitoring and tracking of results against country/ regional level targets and UN Women Strategic Plan • Ensure data collection and analysis from field visits are coordinated and standardized across programmes; • Monitor data from partners on a quarterly basis and draft regular management briefs to inform decision making; • Visit partners to support monitoring of results and planning processes; • Lead the review of financial reports based on contractual obligation; • Monitor the spending of donor funds and other programme expenditures and disbursements; • Develop and monitor the CAR UN WOEMN PROGRAM Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Plan. 3. Oversee reporting of results to internal (Senior Management) and external (Executive Board, Donors) audiences: • Coordinate and provide technical guidance to the country office in meeting internal and external reporting requirements and deadlines, including annual reporting process; • Finalize donor and programme reports (both narrative and financial); • Ensure use of relevant evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations are incorporated into programme reporting; • Review progress reports submitted by partners and provide feedback to improve quality and timeliness of reporting; • Ensure the availability (including collecting and maintaining) of data for country, regional and global corporate reports, mid-term reviews, and final evaluations. 4. Provide technical support to the CAR UN Women Office in the implementation the UN Women’s evaluation policy: • Provide technical support to the implementation of UN Women’s Evaluation plan at the country level; • Provide guidance to CAR UN WOEMN PROGRAM / programme staff on evaluations; • Ensure communication between the CAR UN WOEMN PROGRAM and RO regarding Evaluations; • Represent the country offices in monitoring and evaluation working groups in the context of United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). 5. Provide support to the Country Representative in strategic planning for the CAR UN Women Office: • Provide advice on the formulation of concept notes for UN Women’s intervention areas; as well as the office’s strategic note; • Develop country programming processes and products, including the annual workplan, strategic note, and programme/ project documents, the preparation of United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and other UN system joint programming documents; • Follow up on required action/outstanding issues and report on outcome/ result. Alert the Country Representative/ CO on critical issues to be addressed. 6. Provide technical support and guidance to the development of strategic partnerships and resource mobilization efforts: • Manage activities and other promotional events to engage bilateral and multilateral institutions/ donors, private sector and civil society to expand and/or sustain interest and resources for UN Women programmes and joint UN system programmes; • Provide support and advice to the Country Representative in forging and implementing strategic partnerships to increase outreach on UN Women’s work in country; • Provide guidance and advice to development partners and national counterparts on implementation of key UN frameworks and conventions on gender equality; • Provide network and capacity development to partner Civil Society Organizations and other stakeholders. 7. Contribute to knowledge building and capacity building • Identify and disseminate good practices, lessons and knowledge; as identified through programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities; • Develop capacity development tools, including training materials and packages; • Manage capacity building opportunities of staff and partners in the region/country in the areas of Results Based Management (RBM), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E); • Promote the awareness and understanding of the shared responsibility of M&E among all staff members through communication, training, learning and development activities.
Critères d’éligibilité
27 – 80
Le candidat doit être un ressortissant d’un pays autre que le pays d’affectation.
Expérience requise
3 années d’expérience en • At least 3 years of progressively responsible experience at the national and international level in Project Management cycle, including planning, monitoring & evaluation and reporting of development projects/ programmes; Experience in the United Nations Systems, more specifically with UN-Women is an asset; Field experience is an asset.
Domaine(s) d’expertise
Information technology, Development programmes
Permis de conduire
French, Niveau: Working knowledge, Requis English, Niveau: Fluent, Requis
Niveau de formation requis
Master degree or equivalent en • Monitoring and evaluation – mandatory; • Results-Based Management (RBM) – mandatory; • Gender equality and the advancement of women – mandatory; • Other development programme/project experience – mandatory; • Research and feasibility studies – asset; • Resource mobilization and partnership – asset;
Compétences et valeurs
• Accountability • Adaptability and Flexibility • Commitment and Motivation • Commitment to Continuous Learning • Communication • Integrity • Planning and Organizing • Working in Teams