Médecins Sans Frontières recrute pour ces 2 postes (22 Décembre 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : 02 postes

Année d'Expérience Requise : 2 ans, 10 ans

Lieu du Travail : Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Description de l'emploi

Médecins Sans Frontières, founded in 1971, is an international non-profit organization that provides emergency medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters or exclusion from health care. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of medical professionals, logistics, administrative and various other professions, all guided by our medical ethics and our principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality.

MSF WaCA, created in 2019, is the first MSF headquarters in Africa, and responds to the desire to reinvent the MSF movement after 50 years of humanitarian actions in the world, for more access to care, more reactivity and proactivity for greater medical coverage of affected populations in the world.

Why join us?

You are preparing to become a member of the MSF family, with over 50 years of emergency medical action that earned it the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.

We are an inclusive organization that considers social and professional well-being a right for all and provides an environment that takes into account the diversity of each volunteer.

MSF WaCA claims an African anchorage that considers the local expertise with which it contributes in the implementation of its activities and makes each member, a key actor of the new dynamics of the humanitarian act in the world.

We are looking for:


Department: Operations

Direct Manager: Emergency Program Manager

Working %: 100

Position based in: Abidjan

Mobility: 80% Head quarter and 20% field

Position to be filled on: As soon as possible

General Objective

The objective of this position is to ensure the quality, planning, and adjustment of emergency interventions from a medical perspective, through technical support, advice, and monitoring, all in alignment of the Operational Medical policies and standards.

The Emergency Medical Program Manager will participate in the definition and implementation of the operational emergency objectives as well as in the definition of strategic area of the development of the emergencies, contributes to develop a vision on the relevant emergency thematic to be developed for MSF-WaCA.

Finally, he/she is responsible for medically and technically supervising of all emergency interventions in countries where MSF-WaCA is not present, and in countries where a particular emergency response is managed by the Emergency Desk and not by regular missions.


He/she will be in charge of the following responsibilities:

  • Provide strategic and technical support to field teams
  • Support the teams in the field when designing emergency project proposals together with the rest of the Emergency Desk members.
  • Define and justify the medical strategy of the emergency interventions, ensuring it aligned with both Medical and Operation Department’s objectives.
  • Collaborate and provide technical support during opening and closing emergency interventions.
  • Support emergencies when needed, to ensure effectiveness of our response. Ensure the quality of medical interventions comply with MSF-WaCA standards; though proper monitoring of medical reporting from the field, ensuring that policies in force complied with.
  • Supervise and support implementation of policies and plans
  • Participate and contribute to the formulation of the Annual Plan of the Emergency Desk and the annual plans of field mission/projects if under Emergency Desk.
  • Ensure appropriate procurement, monitoring and management of medical supplies
  • Ensure the correct monitoring and management of medical supplies by the medical teams in the field, together with the emergency medical Coordinator.
  • Ensure that all MSF-WaCA procedures are followed for local purchases, and donations, of medical commodities.
  • Formulates initial medical orders when launching interventions
  • Validate medical orders following standard quality procurement procedures.
  • When required, provide support in elaborating the EPREP stock in regular mission.
  • Is responsible to define and follow up the medical part of the MSF-WaCA emergency stock in our European Supply Center
  • Follow up projects and support reporting
  • Create the communication channels with the medical teams in the field and the rest of the Medical and Logistics Department, ensuring their correct functioning prior agreement from the Emergency Program Manager.
  • Follow-up and reporting
  • Follow up the projects technically through periodic medical / technical reports and/or field visit.
  • Support the teams in the field when dealing with methodological aspects.
  • Analyze the epidemiological data collected periodically and work on them jointly with the teams in the field.
  • Ensure technical training for the medical members of the team in the field.
  • Ensure that the medical teams receive basic technical and methodological information through briefings.
  • Respond to urgent technical issues.
  • Provide direct technical and medical support to the field whenever necessary.
  • Decide together with the Deputy Medical Director and Logistics Department or the person appointed by him/her on the operational research to be undertaken.
  • Support the medical teams in the field, and/or Emergency Desk members when drafting the medical-technical parts for donors
  • Participate in HR processes and training
  • Collaborate with the Human Resources Referent of the Emergency Desk in reviewing and approving descriptions of field positions, based on job profiles.
  • Collaborate with HR in the matching of medical emergency field positions.
  • Participate in the support and development of Emergency Coordinators / members of the Emergency pool.
  • Carry out technical briefings and debriefings of medical professionals, involving Technical-Medical Referents when needed, and identify individual training needs.
  • Ensure that medical teams receive technical and methodological information through briefings, specific sessions, coordinators’ weeks, technical publications, etc.
  • Participate in internal and external courses/information sessions provided by MSF-WaCA.
  • Contribute to the Emergency Desk
  • Be globally acquainted with all the projects as well as the current situation in each one of them
  • Represent Operations department during field visits.
  • Actively participate in decision making processes within the emergency Desk.
  • Can be delegated operational follow up on ad hoc bases for vertical medical interventions
  • Others
    • Consult support services for sparring and as technical content providers when needed.
    • Agreeing with the Medical Operations Department on operational research surveys conducted in the field.
    • Participate in the medical on-call process in HQ.
    • Ensure that knowledge management policies are implemented at his/her level of responsibility (e.g: ensure that the history of the projects with regards to technical aspects is preserved).
    • Ensure medical / technical documentation / bibliography is distributed to the projects requesting it (in addition to the information periodically sent by the Medical Department).
    • Ensure availability of data of emergency interventions implemented by MSF-WaCA (cholera, Malaria Peak, meningitis, floods, etc.).
    • Update the mission’s emergency stock (first aid kits and other medical equipment) at HQ level.
  • Relationship with other MSF sections.
    • Participate in MSF international Emergency Desk meetings.
    • Promote and participate in international working groups relating to emergencies at the request of the Deputy Medical Director.

Pré-requis du poste

Professional experience required/ Who are we looking for?

  • Health professional (preferably a Physician) having basic knowledge of epidemiology and epidemic outbreaks research.
  • Knowledge of large-scale emergency nutrition and vaccination intervention is required.
  • Strong MSF work experience of minimum of 2 years in emergency projects (epidemic response, IDPs, malnutrition), experience in field coordination considered as an asset.
  • Experience as an Emergency Coordinator or Medical Coordinator is required
  • IT knowledge as a user Word and Excel.
  • PSP course will be an asset.

Language skills

Fluency in one of the two working languages of MSF-WaCA:French or English; ability to communicate in the other language.

Aptitudes – Soft Skills

  • Commitment to MSF-WaCA’s Principles
  • Cross-cultural Awareness
  • Behavioral Flexibility
  • Strategic Vision
  • Results and Quality Orientation
  • Service Orientation
  • Planning and Organizing
  • Initiative and Innovation
  • Teamwork and Cooperation
  • Leadership
  • Security Awareness and Management

Computer skills

  • Proficiency and excellent knowledge in computers and Microsoft office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, …)


In a dynamic work environment, MSF offers equal recruitment and development opportunities without any form of discrimination based on gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, geographical origin, profile, physical disability or any other discriminatory ground.

Female candidates who meet the requirements are strongly encouraged to apply.

N.B.:This job description provides a framework for the main responsibilities and primary activities of the position. It is not exhaustive. Therefore, the responsibilities and activities of the position may differ from those described in this job description due to organizational and operational needs.

Deadline: 22/01/2023 at 18:00 GMT
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted



Department: Medical

Direct Manager: Deputy Medical Director

Functional Manager: Deputy Medical Director
Working %: 100%

Position based in: Based in WaCA HQ


Mobility: 30% of the work will be on the field

Type of contract: CDD (renewable)

Position to be filled on: As soon as possible


MSF -WaCA Medical Department is seeking a health Advisor to enhance MSF’s ability to improve and broaden the quality and effectiveness of medical care.

The overall purpose of the medical department is to achieve MSF’s social mission by its leadership, expertise and advocacy through:

The co-creation of medico-operational strategies and priorities

  • Pertinent, context-adapted medical support
  • Leading/oversight of/support for continuing improvement of quality of care and respect for medical ethics
  • Conducting operational research and new medical approaches
  • Internal and external advocacy based on field needs, our experience and the results of our research
  • The development of links between MSF and the medical world


The Medical Advisor will contribute to the improvement of care for patients in MSF projects.

S/he will disseminate and implement the policies and standards defined by the Medical Department and will ensure its strong alignment with Operations and other departments operational plan.

S/he will work on developing medical strategies of care including prevention, primary and secondary care and continuum of care.

S/he will work alongside a team of other colleagues in medical department in Abidjan but as well with MSF Belgium medical referents and other medical colleagues specialized in related fields.

S/he will work connect with scientific societies, medical institutions and universities in Africa, mainly in West and Central Africa region.

S/he will have an overview over WaCA programs with an emphasis on countries in West and Central Africa.

S/he ensures the quality of the WaCA programs as well as the respect for the medical ethics and MSF humanitarian principles.

Responsibilities and Activities

1/ Provide advice and support to desks (emergency and regular) and missions:

  • They will predominantly be providing support to field projects.
  • In conjunction with desk teams, actively participate in the development and monitoring of activities.
  • Support the field and headquarters’ managers in decision-making ensuring good practice, considering specific context constraints.
  • Ensure that guidelines, protocols, and tools to guarantee quality of care, are available to field teams.
  • Be responsible for alerting the operational managers and the medical directorate in case of non-application of procedures, strategies, or protocols.
  • Provide (de-) briefings to headquarters and field personnel related to any medical update.
  • Visits field projects to support teams and evaluate the projects

2/ Participate in the Medical Department activities:

  • Participate in the definition of medico-operational policies, aligned with the MSF WaCA strategic plan, by contributing their specialist expertise and supporting their implementation.
  • Participate in the creation of the action plan of the Medical Department.
  • Participate in the definition of training content and participate in the trainings as facilitator.
  • Participate in defining the indicators needed for monitoring and reporting on medical activities; analyses the data for all missions; and regularly share the results of this analysis with the coordination teams and medical managers.
  • Write protocols and SOP.
  • Participates in the placement in projects of international staff.
  • Collaborates closely with other members of the Medical Department.

3/ Maintaining and overview of their specialty:

  • Monitor Research & Development and technical developments to develop innovative practices and standards.
  • Develop and propose new tools according to developing medical standards: medicines, materials, strategies, techniques, procedures, protocols, guidelines (including budget data).
  • Propose, develop, and monitor operational research projects, at the field level, in collaboration with the desk, Luxor, Epicentre, and other research partners.
  • Develop a network of medical and research actors, humanitarian actors and others.

4/ Provide strategic and technical support to field teams

Collaborate with and give technical support to the teams in the field in all phases of the project cycle (needs assessment, design of project proposal, planning, monitoring and evaluation, project re-orientation, expansion, or closure), for regular, exploratory, and emergency missions.

Assist in establishing networks with national, regional health actors and medical academia.

Support missions with medical advice when drafting the annual planning of the projects, in close collaboration with the rest of the members of Med/ops department.

Provide medical technical support considering operational orientations and the inputs from support departments and national actors.

Support emergencies when needed, to ensure effectiveness of our response.

Ensure that the organization’s medical principles, guidelines, and policies are implemented, as well as the recommendations mentioned in the different medical evaluations. Identify report on, and challenge situations in which their implementation is not viable or may hinder the achievement of operational objectives.

Contribute to implementation of the annual operational plan in the projects according to medical policies.

Ensure the quality of medical interventions comply with MSF standards; though proper monitoring of medical reporting from the Field, ensuring that policies in force complied with.

5/ Follow up projects and support reporting

Ensure timely and accurate medical and pharmacy reporting is submitted by missions; to analyze the fulfilment of operational and medical objectives, and feed medical-operational monitoring and analysis.

Follow up the technical medical part of the projects through field visits and technical reports.

Analyze the medical information, statistics, qualitative information, surveys and guide WaCA interventions accordingly.

6/Participate in Human Resources processes and training

Participate in the support and development of Medical Coordinators.

Carry out technical briefings and debriefings of medical professionals, involving the Technical Referents of the Medical Department when needed, and identify individual training needs.

Ensure that medical teams receive technical and methodological information through briefings of medical field Coordinators, specific sessions, coordinators’ weeks, technical publications, etc.

Participate in internal and external courses/information sessions

Contribute to his/her Operational Cell


Consult support departments for sparring and as technical content providers when needed.

Organize regular exchanges with other operational units and other relevant stakeholders.

Agreeing with the Medical Department on operational research surveys conducted in the field.

Participate in the operational back-ups.

Establish, nurture and maintain a strong relationship, coordination and collaboration with the national, regional health actors

To seek for opportunities and needs in operations which could improve the support, research and innovation capacity of MSF WaCA

In collaboration with medical colleagues, share technical advances, methods and background material with other MSF operational section counterparts.

Represent MSF-WaCA when required outside the movement at the request of the Deputy Medical Director.

Pré-requis du poste

Education / Qualification / Pre-requisites

Education and Experience:

  • Health practitioner (physician preferred) with strong knowledge of health management of humanitarian projects. Knowledge of public health and epidemiology is desirable.

Desirable criteria

  • Coordination experience (project manager, medical team leader, medical coordinator …)
  • Headquarters experience in MSF is an asset
  • Master’s degree in Public Health or Tropical Medicine.

Competencies / Skills

  • Ability to anticipate and plan.
  • Ability to negotiate and convince.
  • Skills in analysis, interpretation of medical data and publications.
  • Ability to write well-structured, concise reports.
  • Organizational skills, solution-oriented thinking, initiative, and good communication skills.
  • Ability to develop and deliver guidance, advice, and training to staff
  • Excellent analytical, strategic conceptual thinking and consulting skills
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment as part of a team in a stressful environment, possessing maturity, patience and understanding.

Aptitudes – Soft skills

  • Strategic vision and analytical thinking
  • Results and sense of quality
  • Organizational skills
  • Mobility, autonomy
  • Diplomacy and networking
  • Cultural acceptance
  • Good negotiation skills, leadership
  • Good stress management
  • Staff management and development
  • Teamwork and cooperation

Professional experience required

  • At least 10 years experiences as Medical Practitioner.
  • Experience of minimum 3 years in field medical-humanitarian projects.
  • Previously experienced as Medical Coordinator and/or Head of Mission in MSF or a similar humanitarian organization is highly valued.

Language’s skills

  • Proficient French & English level is essential.
  • Other languages an asset

Computer skills

  • Good level user level of MS Office package.


In a dynamic work environment, MSF offers equal recruitment and development opportunities without any form of discrimination based on gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, geographical origin, profile, physical disability or any other discriminatory ground.

Female candidates who meet the requirements are strongly encouraged to apply.


This job description provides a framework for the main responsibilities and primary activities of the position. It is not exhaustive. Therefore, the responsibilities and activities of the position may differ from those described in this job description due to organizational and operational needs.

Deadline: 31/12/2022 18:00 GMT
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.