ALIMA est une organisation médicale humanitaire créée en 2009. ALIMA est présente dans 11 pays d’Afrique, et son siège opérationnel se trouve à Dakar, Sénégal. En France, ALIMA est enregistrée comme association loi de 1901 et son siège se situe dans le 11ᵉ arrondissement de Paris.
Poste 1 : Coordinateur.trice Projet – Goundam – Mali
ALIMA intervient au Mali depuis juin 2011 aux côtés de l’ONG malienne AMCP – SP, avec un premier projet dans le Sud du Mali, dans la région de Koulikoro, visant à réduire la mortalité des enfants de moins de 5 ans, cette intervention a pris fin en fin 2018. ALIMA/AMCP – SP intervient également depuis mars 2012 dans la région de Tombouctou, en réponse au conflit au Nord du Mali et à l’effondrement du système sanitaire dans cette zone. Après un appui au service des urgences de l’hôpital de Tombouctou, finalement cédé à MSF-F, ALIMA/AMCP- SP a appuyé les districts sanitaires de Goundam et de Diré, aujourd’hui seules les activités de Diré ont été réduites à l’appui aux populations déplacées internes.
L’intervention de Goundam qui ne concernait que la partie sud du district s’est entendue suite aux affrontements entre groupes armés qui ont entraîné de nombreux mouvements de population en avril et mai 2014 au nord de Goundam, l’appui concerne désormais le CSREF et 26 CSCOM. ALIMA/AMCP -SP a étendu ces activités en 2018 au centre avec un projet d’appui aux déplacé.e.s internes menés à Niono et rouvert sa base de Dioila pour un projet de recherche relatif à l’introduction de l’oxymètre de pouls dans les soins de santé primaires.
Actuellement, ALIMA/AMCP-SP intervient dans 4 régions du Mali et dans la capitale Bamako avec la mise en œuvre de 6 projets :
Région de Tombouctou, DS de Goundam, projet dans le secteur de santé-nutrition ; soins de santé primaire dans 25 CSCom et soins secondaires au CSRéf de Goundam, avec la stratégie gratuité ciblée (Enfants <5ans et FEFA) dans les 7 CSCom au sud du district, et gratuité totale dans les 18 CSCom de Goundam. Un accès de soins aux déplacé.e.s internes dans les 5 communes du DS de Diré.
Région de Ségou, district de Niono, avec un projet d’appui aux SSP aux populations déplacées dans les 12 communes du cercle de Niono, PEC des enfants de 6 mois-59 mois MAS dans 16 AS de district, et gratuité ciblée chez les enfants < 5ans et FEFA dans 16 CSCom.
Région de Mopti, district sanitaire de Bandiagara.
Région sanitaire de Bamako, dans le District sanitaire de la Commune, avec un projet de recherche : Projet OptiMA : Optimisation de la prise en charge de la Malnutrition Aiguë (MAS et MAM). Essai pilote dans le district sanitaire de la commune I.
LIEU DU POSTE : Goundam – Mali
Niveau 3 : Dans le cadre de ses fonctions, le ou la titulaire du poste sera amené·e à visiter les programmes et être en contact avec des enfants ou/et des adultes vulnérables. Par conséquent, la vérification du casier judiciaire ou la présentation d’un certificat de bonne vie et mœurs sera nécessaire. Dans les situations où l’impossibilité de fournir un casier judiciaire ou un certificat de bonne vie et mœurs est constatée, une déclaration sur l’honneur sera demandée.
Sous la responsabilité du Chef de mission ALIMA, vous encadrez l’équipe du projet
Votre équipe projet est composée d’un.e référent.e médical, d’un.e administrateur.trice, d’un.e projet, et d’un.e responsable de la qualité des soins Infirmiers (RSI).
Sous la supervision du Chef de Mission, vous êtes le responsable de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie opérationnelle pays dans sa zone d’intervention, en lien avec le plan stratégique triennal et la mandat d’ALIMA.
Plus spécifiquement, vous êtes responsable de la mise en œuvre du projet et de contribuer aux résultats fixés pour le projet en fonction de l’évolution de la situation humanitaire et des besoins dans la zone d’intervention et sur la base des objectifs médico-opérationnels préfixés en collaboration avec la coordination, dans le respect des principes humanitaires et du mandat de ALIMA.
Définition et planification stratégique
Mise en œuvre des programmes
Gestion et suivi du projet
Gestion des moyens matériels et financiers
Analyse des données et reporting
Encadrement et animation d’équipes
Analyse et gestion de la sécurité
Développement des outils informatiques
Prévention contre les abus de pouvoir, les violences sexistes et sexuelles :
Vous avez une expérience réussie au sein d’une ONGI médicale dans la gestion de projets et la supervision d’une équipe multiculturelle. Vous faites preuve d’une grande capacité de négociation et êtes capable de développer et d’entretenir un réseau efficace. Vous savez évoluer dans des contextes sécuritaires dégradés et/ou d’urgence (gestion des épidémies).
Une connaissance approfondie des bailleurs de fonds humanitaires est un atout. Vous êtes à l’aise avec les outils informatiques (word, excel et internet). Vous encouragez le travail d’équipe, vous êtes orienté vers la résolution de problèmes et communiquez facilement.
Durée et type de contrat : CDD de droit français de 6 mois renouvelable.
Prise de poste : septembre 2023
Salaire : Selon grille salariale ALIMA + valorisation de l’expérience + Perdiem
ALIMA prend en charge:
Les frais de déplacements entre le pays d’origine de l’expatrié et le lieu de mission
Les frais d’hébergement
La couverture médicale du premier jour de contrat à un mois après la date de départ du pays de mission pour l’employé et ses ayants droits
L’évacuation pour l’employé et ses ayants droits
Pour postuler, veuillez envoyer votre CV et Lettre de Motivation en ligne
Les candidatures sont traitées suivant l’ordre d’arrivée. ALIMA se réserve le droit de fermer l’offre avant le terme initialement indiqué si une candidature est retenue. Seules les candidatures complètes (CV en format PDF + Lettre de Motivation) seront étudiées.
Les candidatures féminines sont fortement encouragées.
Poste 2 : Logistics Desk Referent – Dakar (Operational HQ) – Senegal – M/F
ALIMA’S SPIRIT: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and provide care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation, and the alliance for organizations and inidivuals. We act with humanity and impartiality in accordance with universal medical ethics. To gain access to patients, we undertake to act in a neutral and independent manner.
OUR CHARTER defines the VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action:
1. Putting the Patient First
2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine
3. Responsibility and freedom
4. Improve the quality of our actions
5. Placing trust
6. Collective intelligence
7. Environmental liability
ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach towards those guilty of acts of gender and sexual violence as well as towards inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. The protection of those benefiting from and impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Everyone collaborating with ALIMA is committed to:
– Respect the charter, the code of conduct, the institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuse of power and sexist and sexual violence, the policy of prevention of corruption and fraud;
– Report any violation of the policies, framework documents, and procedures to a superior, a referent.
CARING – INNOVATING – TOGETHER: Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 10 million patients and today deploys its operations in 12 African countries. In 2021, we developed 60 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflicts, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects are carried out in support to national authorities through nearly 357 health facilities (including 45 hospitals and 312 health facilities). Whenever possible, we work in partnership with local NGOs to ensure that our patients benefit from the best and most relevant expertise wherever it is, whether within their own country or in the rest of the world. In addtition, to improve the humanitarian response, we are carrying out operational and clinical research projects, particularly in the field of the fight against malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.
ALIMA’S TEAM: More than 2000 people are currently working for ALIMA. The field teams, closest to the patients, receive their support from coordination teams generally based in the country’s capitals. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency and opening team based at the Operational Headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams are actively working to raise funds and represent ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams working on behalf of other organizations such as medical NGOs BEFEN, ALERT Health, SOS Doctors/KEOOGO, AMCP, research organizations PACCI and INSERM, Bordeaux or Copenhagen Universities, the INGO Solidarités International and many others.
COUNTRIES WHERE WE WORK: Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Guinée, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Nigeria, République Centrafricaine, République Démocratique du Congo, Soudan, Tchad, Ukraine, Ethiopia.
THE WORK WE DO covers: Malnutrition, Maternal Health, Primary Health, Paediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Dengue, Lassa Fever), Hospitalization, Emergencies, Gender Based Violence, Opening/Closing.
MISSION LOCATION: The position is based in Dakar (Senegal), with 25-30% of the time in the field.
Under the direct supervision of the Desk Programme Manager, the Logistics Desk Referent:
● Works with all other members of the Desk team;
● Reports functionally to the Deputy Director in charge of Logistics;
● Develops mission logistics strategies with the Logistics Coordinators;
● Takes in support all the Logistics Coordinators and the Supply Managers;
● Works transversally with all departments: Medical, Financial, HR, Logistics and landlord;
● Links missions and projects with headquarters to solve problems, implement solutions.
Level 3: As part of his/her duties, the incumbent will visit programs and come into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or a certificate of good character will be required. In situations where a criminal record check or character reference is not possible, a declaration of honor will be requested.
MISSION: The Logistics Desk Referent ensures the technical and logistical support to ALIMA missions, the relevance and coherence of the logistical programmes developed to support the activities and the adequate use of resources. He/she may participate in mission openings by the office and makes regular visits to support and strengthen the mission’s logistics services.
Project design and implementation work:
○ Within the logistics department, contributes to the development of logistics policies. Ensures compliance and monitoring of these policies within the operations carried out;
○ Within the Desk, participates in the definition of operational objectives and provides adequate logistical support to missions;
○ Contributes to the development of projects and their budgets in its area of expertise;
○ Ensures the control, monitoring and evaluation of logistics programmes and activities;
○ Develops and supports logistics HR, their skills and roles;
○ Ensures the quality of materials and resources, and their adequacy to needs;
○ Ensures the implementation of the innovative projects entrusted to it;
○ Ensures adequate emergency preparedness in the countries under its responsibility;
○ Its availability allows for technical supervision and support of programmes and the definition of logistics operations in the countries;
○ Provides technical support to all Logistics Coordinators to implement logistics activities according to requests and needs, such as construction and repair of health facilities, hospitals, patient flow, WASH, biomedical equipment, transport, cold chain, supply, energy, epidemic response and thermal park management;
○ Ensures the application of ALIMA’s logistics policies.
Purchasing manegement:
○ In collaboration with the purchasing department, supervises the quality and adequacy of requirements, compliance with schedules, organisation of resources and follow-up required;
○ Ensures a good quality of supply in compliance with ALIMA logistics procedures;
○ Ensures that logistics and supply management tools are applied in all missions and carries out their regular analysis (procurement timetables and supply plans);
○ Is responsible for the technical validation of logistical means as required;
○ Together with the procurement department, supports the mission teams in the follow-up of international orders in accordance with established procedures;
○ Monitors the management of assets at mission level (vehicles, IT and communication equipment, generators, HF/VHF radio, biomedical equipment, etc.);
○ Liaises with freight forwarders to facilitate the clearance of all imported goods;
○ Ensures that the procurement policy for ALIMA countries follows the US anti-terrorist list procedure;
○ Connects the mission and the MSF supply unit via the portal;
○ Ensures that the mission’s procurement policy allows maximum autonomy for the project.
3. Human resources management:
○ Contributes to the assessment of the overall HR logistics needs at mission level according to the operations developed;
○ Contributes to the recruitment of expatriate logisticians to renew the pool;
○ Contributes to the empowerment and training of logisticians, possibly during training weeks with the support of the logistics department;
○ Supports the missions by defining the logistics objectives assigned to Logistics and monitoring their achievement and updating;
○ Contributes to briefings and debriefings of all expatriate logistics staff;
○ Helps to identify high-level logisticians who will become the future Coordinators.
4. Security management:
○ Helps missions to mitigate the risks taken by teams;
○ Contributes to the implementation of the PAX policy, which corresponds to the EU list of unlicensed airlines;
○ Support the mission for the proper use and reliability of all means and methods used for safety and security purposes;
○ Delegates and contributes to the definition and implementation of all passive / active elements of security and safety policies (premises, travel management, data protection, communication, PAX air transport, health facilities);
○ Contributes, in conjunction with the Head of Mission and the Head of Programmes, to the regular updating and revision of mission security management tools and shares its expertise in security and safety.
Other: Represents ALIMA at regional and national level in different meetings (logistics cluster, UN agencies, other NGOs, donors, etc.).
This job description is not exhaustive. The Logistics Desk Referent may be required to take on other responsibilities and hold other positions depending on HR needs and operations.
● Demonstrated experience as a Logistics Coordinator, with a minimum of 24 months successful experience in this role, on a
volume of business in excess of €1m;
● Demonstrated experience in the logistical management of humanitarian projects;
● Experience in a medical intervention context is a plus;
● Knowledge of medical logistics is a plus.
Qualities of the candidate:
● Capacity to identify difficulties, anticipate risks and make recommendations;
● Ability to optimise the position in line with the objectives and resources of the association;
● Managerial skills; organizational and negotiation skills; communication and interpersonal skills;
● Competence in training, coaching and team support;
● Teamwork skills;
● Autonomy and delegation capacity;
● Ability to analyse and summarise;
● Ability to demonstrate flexibility and endurance;
● Ability to listen, patience;
● Ability to work in a team in multicultural contexts;
● Critical thinking.
● Fluency in French (read, written, spoken) and English is essential.
Contract term: Open-ended contract
Desired start date: ASAP
Salary: 3.000€ net (Indicative), and it depends on the family composition
ALIMA pays for :
● Relocation fees if internationally recruited employee
● Family medical coverage
● Personal and family annual flight tickets if internationally recruited employee
● Children’s school within the limits of the ALIMA Policy
To apply, please send your cv and cover letter to our page.
Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. ALIMA reserves the right to close the offer before the initial deadline if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + cover letter in PDF format) will be considered.
Female candidates are strongly encourages to apply.
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