Le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) recrute pour ces 03 postes (06 Juin 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : 03 postes

Lieu du Travail : Congo/ Nigeria

Date de Soumission : 19/06/2022

Description de l'emploi

Le Programme alimentaire mondial des Nations Unies est la plus grande agence humanitaire au monde qui lutte contre la faim.  La mission du PAM est d’aider le monde à atteindre l’objectif Faim Zéro dans nos vies. Chaque jour, le PAM travaille dans le monde entier pour s’assurer qu’aucun enfant ne se couche le ventre vide et que les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables, en particulier les femmes et les enfants, puissent avoir accès aux aliments nutritifs dont ils ont besoin


Coordinateur provincial du Cluster sécurité alimentaire


En plus des crises et chocs climatiques qui affectent les populations de la République Démocratique du Congo, le pays traverse une crise politico-sécuritaire qui continue de provoquer une forte détérioration de la situation de sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle nécessitant une assistance humanitaire et un renforcement des moyens d’existence conséquents Il estimé plus de 26 millions de personnes en situation d’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle pour l’année 2022 (source : IPC – 20ème cycle).

Depuis plusieurs années, les régions de l’Est de la RDC et particulièrement les provinces de l’Ituri, Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu et ont fait l’objet d’une attention soutenue de la part des acteurs humanitaires en raison des violences armées et de leurs effets en termes de déplacements forcés de personnes, de destructions d’infrastructures telles que des structures de santé et des écoles, d’accès aux services et de perte des moyens de subsistance. A ce jour, la RDC compte environ 5,5 millions de personnes déplacées à l’intérieur du pays — occupant ainsi le premier rang en Afrique en termes de déplacement interne. Cette situation humanitaire fait qu’un nombre important d’acteurs interviennent dans cette province, notamment dans le secteur de la sécurité alimentaire. Le cluster Sécurité alimentaire a besoin de renforcer la coordination sectorielle et rendre plus efficient les opérations d’assistance envers les populations les plus vulnérables.

Le coordinateur du Cluster dans la province de Bunia va permettre d’atteindre l’objectif 4 du plan de réponse humanitaire qui cherche à renforcer l’efficacité, la rapidité et la redevabilité de l’action humanitaire. La pluralité des acteurs humanitaires existants en RDC rend complexe les mécanismes de coordination et la recherche de synergie et d’efficacité reste un défi que Cluster aidera à relever. Pour cela le Cluster Sécurité Alimentaire, le CSA en RDC recherche un(e) coordinateur(trice) pour assurer une bonne performance du Cluster Sécurité alimentaire dans la province. Il fera la promotion et assurera le respect des principes humanitaires et de partenariat.

Le coordinateur facilitera le reporting, le partage de l’information et la collaboration avec des groupes d’acteurs au niveau provincial. Cela inclut les autorités, les acteurs humanitaires, les autres Clusters comme nutrition, protection, eau et assainissement. Le coordinateur du Cluster fera la promotion de la cohésion programmatique provinciale et la coordination générale afin de suivre les tendances et d’identifier les préoccupations communes dans les domaines opérationnels ; et d’élaborer les stratégies de plaidoyer et de programmation en amont. La performance du Cluster Sécurité Alimentaire, à son tour, sera suivie et évaluée selon les normes du cluster et du IASC.

PRINCIPALES FONCTIONS ET RESPONSABILITÉS (liste indicative et non exhaustive) :

Le coordonnateur du Cluster Sécurité Alimentaire au niveau provincial a pour mission d’assurer des réponses rapides, cohérentes et efficaces aux besoins en sécurité alimentaire en obtenant des divers protagonistes qu’ils réagissent de manière appropriée aux crises humanitaires.

Sous la supervision directe du Chef du bureau de Bunia et celle technique du Head of Food Security Cluster, le coordonnateur du Cluster Sécurité Alimentaire au niveau provincial assumera les responsabilités générales suivantes :

  • Assurer une coordination appropriée avec tous les partenaires humanitaires (y compris les ONG, clusters et autres mécanismes de coordination humanitaire ;
  • Veiller à la coordination des actions humanitaires avec les autorités nationales / locales, les institutions publiques, la société civile locale et les autres acteurs compétents ;
  • Organiser des réunions mensuelles du cluster sécurité alimentaire ;
  • Produire le bulletin mensuel sur la sécurité alimentaire dans la province ;
  • Participer aux réunions Inter-Cluster et à toutes les réunions sur la sécurité alimentaire ;
  • Pourvoir à l’évaluation des besoins, suivie de leur analyse cohérente au niveau sectoriel ;
  • Impliquer activement les principaux partenaires humanitaires dans les réponses et analyse de sécurité alimentaire ;
  • Garantir la mise en œuvre d’approches participatives et d’inspiration communautaire ;
  • Assurer l’intégration des thèmes transversaux prioritaires dans l’évaluation des besoins sectoriels, (Genre, SBGV, sexe, âge, HIV/SIDA, droits humains, environnement et relèvement précoce) ;
  • Planifier et élaborer les stratégies en matière de sécurité alimentaire ;
  • Faire appliquer les normes et veiller à la conformité des réponses aux normes techniques et aux obligations juridiques existantes ;
  • Mettre en place des mécanismes de suivi et d’établissement de rapports ;
  • Sensibiliser les partenaires et participer à la mobilisation de ressources ;
  • Former et renforcer les capacités des intervenants et les services de l’Etat ;
  • Soutenir les enquêtes sur les besoins à la fois multisectoriels et spécifiques du cluster et dans un second temps utiliser l’existant pour informer le secteur en charge de la planification.
  • S’assurer que la stratégie de réponse inter-agences du cluster tient compte des résultats clefs des enquêtes de besoins, des manques identifiés, et élaborer un plan de réponse intersectorielle et inter agences, en tenant compte des zones transversales des autres secteurs ou cluster.
  • Suivre et contrôler le plaidoyer des membres du cluster pour les interventions spécifiques du cluster, et s’assurer que les membres sont informés des opportunités de financements.
  • Répondre et appuyer efficacement à toute demande d’information / d’appui de la part des clusters régionaux et des partenaires du cluster ;
  • Assurer la liaison avec le national Food Security Cluster et se tenir informé des évolutions outils et bonnes pratiques en matière de gestion de l’information.


Formation: Diplôme universitaire ou qualifications d’un niveau master ou équivalent. Études de préférence dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire, agriculture, agroéconomie, affaires humanitaires, sciences politiques, gouvernance.




Experience souhaitée:

5 ans ou plus d’expérience professionnelle au niveau cadre moyen ou supérieur dans le domaine de l’intervention humanitaire, y compris une expérience pertinente dans les opérations d’urgence, en particulier dans le secteur de la sécurité alimentaire.

Expérience de soutien à l’effort de coordination humanitaire dans les situations d’urgence à grand échelle ou dans les clusters.

Expérience de travail en collaboration avec un large éventail d’acteurs humanitaires, y compris les gouvernements, les ONG, les agences des Nations Unies, la société civile;

Capacité de concevoir les stratégies et de les mettre en œuvre au niveau opérationnel.

Compréhension des structures de l’aide humanitaire internationale, notamment du fonctionnement de la réforme humanitaire et des mécanismes de coordination et de financement (OCHA, Fond commun, bailleurs de fond internationaux).

Facilitation et communication : expérience de la coordination à haut niveau et de la conduite de réunions.



Connaissances et compétences: Aptitude à travailler avec une diversité de protagonistes, à travailler avec eux d’entente commune,
Capacité de travailler efficacement sous pression et d’obtenir des résultats même dans les situations difficiles.
Maîtrise des diagnostics, des analyses, du suivi et des évaluations sectorielles et intersectorielles
Capacité à travailler dans un milieu multiculturel
Très bonne communication externe notamment dans le développement des relations partenariales.

Connaissances linguistiques:


Maitrise parfaite à l’oral comme à l’écrit du Français.
Maitrise intermédiaire de l’anglais nécessaire pour travailler dans le système des Nations Unies. : lecture et écriture.


12 mai 2022

Ref.: 162011

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Administration Associate (Travel)


Education: Completion of secondary school education. A post-secondary certificate in the related functional area.

Language: General Service (Headquarters): Fluency (level C) in English language. Fluency (level C) or intermediate knowledge (level B) of another official language may be required depending on the location of the post or area of responsibility. General Service (Field): Fluency in both oral and written communication in the UN language in use at the duty station and in the duty station’s language, if different.

The skills required for success in this position include:
• Excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills
• Ability to independently apply knowledge of travel rules, procedures, and policies
• Able to work collaboratively with others • Good planning and organizing skills • Very good written and verbal communication skills • Keen attention to details • Customer service mindset


This position, under the direct supervision of the National Administration Officer in the Country Office and the overall guidance of the Head of Administration, will provide travel support services to all staff in WFP Nigeria. The incumbent is expected to deliver results with minimal hands-on day to day supervision and to exercise some degree of independence of action as guided by WFP policy and guidelines; effectively communicate with various levels of staff within WFP Nigeria and other locations including HQ, Regional Office staff, and external vendors to ensure the provision of premium Travel Services for WFP Operations.


The incumbent is expected to train staff on the use of the travel platform and provide guidance for various related activities including MSLS, TEC, and DSA; S/he will maintain extensive contact with WFP Nigeria travelers and travel vendors in travel processes and contribute to the resolution of any problems that may arise; act as the coordinating function of the travel team country wide which includes being the focal person for the reconciliation of invoices with all travel vendors engaged by WFP before payment, and provide up to date information to all staff on available travel services.

KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive)

  1. Verify resource requirements in the area of responsibility (WFP facilities, assets, light vehicle fleet, etc.), and assist in the identification of new requirements to facilitate efficiency and cost-effectiveness of operations and services.
  2. Responsible for provision of services such as facilities management, travel, protocol and light vehicle management related, etc., reporting any discrepancies to the supervisor for consistent and timely delivery of services, to ensure the provision of a safe and comfortable working environment for WFP staff.
  3. Support the production of various data and compile and prepare reports in order to contribute to the provision of accurate information for informative decision-making and to support the effective and timely management of WFP resources.
  4. Contribute to planning, monitoring and processing administrative actions related to procurement, finance, human resources, etc., including contracts with external vendors to ensure all data is accurately and timely recorded, processed in WFP corporate systems and any operational issues addressed.
  5. Adapt and update administrative processes, supporting the implementation of operating procedures, in order to contribute to the continuous improvement of administration services in the area of responsibility.
  6. Answer a range of queries related to the provision of administrative services in order to support the resolution of daily issues.
  7. Coordinate the activities of a team of staff working in the area, to ensure individual and team objectives are met in compliance with all relevant regulations, policies, and procedures, and performance plan.
  8. Provide training and guidance to staff in interpretation of administrative procedures, policies, processes, and use of corporate systems to ensure consistency and efficiency of services provided to all clients.



  • Understand and communicate the Strategic Objectives: Coaches team in the most effective ways to communicate WFP’s Strategic Objectives to WFP team and partners in the field.
  •  Be a force for positive change: Implements new methods or tools to improve team’s work processes and productivity.
  •  Make the mission inspiring to our team: Maps team’s activities and tasks to specific successes in beneficiary communities to showcase positive impact.
  •  Make our mission visible in everyday actions: Explains to teammates how each unit contributes to the overall WFP mission.


  • Look for ways to strengthen people’s skills: Identifies skill development opportunities such as training modules or on-the-job experiences for self, colleagues and direct reports.
  •  Create an inclusive culture: Facilitates team building activities to build rapport in own unit.
  •  Be a coach & provide constructive feedback: Facilitates the pairing of junior colleagues with coaches within own team.
  •  Create an “I will”/”We will” spirit: Proactively anticipates potential challenges and develops mitigation plans to ensure that team meets goals and targets.


  • Encourage innovation & creative solutions: Identifies opportunities to be creative in own work and to help team be more innovative and accurate in their respective tasks and areas of work.
  •  Focus on getting results: Monitors team’s deliverables and provides feedback to ensure outcomes are delivered consistently and accurately.
  •  Make commitments and make good on commitments: Provides accurate guidance to team on expected responsibilities and tasks, whilst also upholding own commitment to the team.
  •  Be Decisive: Sets an example and provides guidance to junior team members on when to escalate issues when faced with challenging issues in the workplace or in the field.


  • Connect and share across WFP units: Facilitates partnerships with other WFP units to accomplish missions in the field.
  •  Build strong external partnerships: Sets an example and provides guidance to team on how to build relationships with external partners.
  •  Be politically agile & adaptable: Articulates to colleagues or direct reports the value of contributing to other WFP teams and agency partnerships in fulfilling WFP’s goals and objectives.
  •  Be clear about the value WFP brings to partnerships: Organizes, monitors, and prioritizes own and team’s efforts to ensure that they will fulfill the needs of internal and external partners.


Capability Name Description of the behaviour expected for the proficiency level
Business Support Services & Reporting Applies strong ability to identify country level requirements and develop customer focused solutions and action plans. Communicates data-based findings in a highly impactful way that is tailored to the audience.
Internal Controls & Risk Management Utilises understanding of risk management approaches and internal controls to monitor projects and programmes to confirm regulatory compliance, ensure data integrity and ensure client satisfaction.
Resource Management Monitors trends in staffing and resource usage to anticipate and escalate potential issues to programme leaders and key clients.
Specialised Knowledge in Administrative Services Demonstrates a broad or specialist knowledge of administration best practices, techniques and processes, and a good grasp of WFP standards, processes, and infrastructure in area of responsibility; applies this to ensure the provision of efficient and effective administration services.
Customer Focus Monitors and supervises administrative work against the established standards and protocols for service excellence. Ensures that customer problems are identified and resolved.


• Liaise with travel agents to make flight reservations and bookings for staff members travelling locally and internationally, on the most direct and least costly flights.

• Manage and maintain paper and electronic records within the area of responsibility in accordance with established procedures, to ensure swift and easy access as required.

• Be a first point of contact for internal queries on travel, to facilitate the provision of efficient and effective resolution of daily issues.

• Process travel requests, calculate and process DSA payable for local and international duty travel of WFP staff and partners

• Liaise with relevant travel agencies to ensure that the organization obtains the best service and price for all official travels.

• Review and process travel claims and supporting documentation for completeness, accuracy of computations, validity, availability of budget and conformity with WFP rules prior to certification and approval. Investigate all discrepancies for clarification and possible correction

• Advise staff on more efficient and cost-effective routings to ensure that the organization benefits from savings due to advance purchases; assist in providing staff with information regarding requirements for travel both within the country and abroad.

• Responsible for collecting invoices related to travel management services, filing documents for processing, and carrying out reconciliation – verify invoices for payment from travel agents against trip documents for actual services rendered and follow up with Finance unit to ensure timely payment.

• Participate in the onboarding of new staff and keep staff members informed on issues relating to related travel such as security clearance, and documentation procedures.

• Extract, input, maintain, and verify correctness of travel records in WeTravel to ensure accurate transactions related to travel costs and staff travel.

• Contribute to the preparation of Admin quarterly expenditure plan on travel costs and maintain travel plan and budget related records.

• Generate periodic reports from the Travel module, monitor open/outstanding Trips and periodically close open TRIPS/items in WINGS

• Support the Head of Admin/Admin Officer in the implementation of the internal standard operating procedures (SOPs) and practices, which includes drafting and communicating any changes to WFP staff.

• Support the monitoring of travel related contracts to ensure that the terms and conditions agreed are being applied by the vendor including but not limited to customer service response and survey administration and compilation of results.

• Manage incoming and outgoing correspondence, e-mails, and telephone calls related to travel processes.

• Share knowledge with focal points countrywide engaged in the processing of travel documents in line with the procedures, rules, and regulations.

• Contribute to the preparation of office budgets on travel costs and maintain relevant budgetary control records.

• Perform other related duties as required.


  • • Has demonstrated a sound understanding of general administrative operating standards and awareness of international humanitarian development issues through day-to-day work.• Has provided ad-hoc guidance to new staff members.
    • Proficient in the use of office equipment, web-based applications and computer software packages, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, etc.
    • Excellent drafting ability and communication skills, both oral and written; ability to communicate complex concepts orally; ability to prepare written reports that are clear, concise and meaningful.
    • Good interpersonal skills, courtesy, tact and ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships in a multicultural team environment, with high level of teamwork, good sense of initiative and ability to plan and follow procedures;
    • Ability to handle a large volume of work quickly and accurately under time constraints;
    • Knowledge of Travel Standard, rules, regulations and procedures


Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply.
Only Nigerian Nationals or valid Nigerian residence and work permits holders are eligible to apply.
Applications must be submitted online and in English only.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Canvassing of any sort will lead to automatic disqualification of the concerned applicant.


Deadline: 19 June 2022, no later than 11:59 pm (Nigeria Time)

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Analyste principal de l’information et des affaires


WFP’s updated evaluation policy covering 2022-2030 includes ambitions towards promoting and enhancing the use of evaluation evidence. In this respect and building from a recognized demand for increased accessibility of evaluation evidence beyond single evaluation reports, and for faster availability of the existing evidence to potential users, the corporate evaluation strategy includes provisions to share available evaluation evidence more efficiently and more broadly. Existing systems and mechanisms enabling the use of evaluation evidence beyond single evaluations, involve highly manual processes including person-led review of documents and tagging to feed into databases, intended to facilitate faster extraction based on demands.

An initial analysis of existing systems and mechanisms has concluded to their partial effectiveness in allowing for a comprehensive and systematic extraction of evaluative evidence or in producing reliable trends analyses. It also confirmed the very high demand on human time. This analysis coupled with an initial review of potential offerings of advanced technologies, such as A.I. powered systems used in peer offices, has prompted OEV to explore requirements further, starting from a comprehensive analysis of the environment in which OEV evidence is produced, to explore all possible solutions, including those based on technology-powered automation.

OEV is therefore seeking an experienced Information & Business Analyst with expertise in deep learning and related technologies, to accompany this exploratory and scoping phase.


  1. The consultant will play an advisory role to OEV, supporting in assessing knowledge and information management needs, mapping out how data is leveraged across existing systems and mechanisms, and understanding options that could be considered to manage evaluative evidence to facilitate its re-use through automated solutions;
  2. Building on initial exploration with other evaluation offices in other multilateral and bilateral agencies, the Consultant will lead conversations with those relevant and in particular with the UNDP Office of evaluation to assess the relevance and applicability of the AIDA (artificial Intelligence for Developmetn Analytics) to WFP evaluations;
  3. The consultant will lead conversations with other WFP divisions who are working in the same field, in particular the Divisions on Innovations and Knowledge Management (INK), Research, Assessment and Monitoring (RAM) and Technology (TEC), to understand the environment in which existing systems and mechanisms function; identify needs and opportunities for further automation and understand compatibility requirements with corporate systems and standards;
  4. Based on above consultations, the consultant will advise OEV about potential ways forward. To this end, the consultant will aim to formulate a requirements document outlining:
  • context & connections (links to any existing wider initiative or business areas in which this improvement is required, such as parent goals or initiatives);
  • business process or situation needing to be improved, and the summary of the core problem(s) in that process currently;
  • cost of this problem over time (e.g., $/month) if this problem is not addressed;
  • primary actors (potential users or people directly affected by the problem) and what motivates them (e.g., saving time, money, risk) in the current context;
  • what the primary actors are trying to accomplish when they experience the problem we want to improve;
  • Outcomes (when the problem is solved, the benefits that the users will experience, and the associated value brought to them and to the organization);
  • Indicators & Metrics (the KPIs or other potential measures to indicate if the Outcomes are being realised); and
  • Primary Goal (the overall goal in the scope of this improvement. Ideally based on one key Indicator and expressed in terms of improving its value from X to Y by time T.)
  1. Following the demand identification process, the consultant will collaborate closely with OEV, with support from TEC, to identify options for overall solution design, listing the most important features, capabilities and system qualities required to address the problem.  This should lead to a short option paper clarifying pro and cons of various options between outsourcing the service, adapting an existing automated tool, or developing a new one, and should clarify, for each option:
  • expected key features, capabilities & qualities of the solution;
  • challenges & risks, people, processes, tools, and partnerships needed, including solution maintenance requirements;
  • systems or products (internal or third party) that are affected or are required as part of the solution; and
  • most important milestones to achieve and expected timeline.

The consultant will work remotely with periodic travel to Rome as required specially to interact with TEC, INK and the Innovation Accelerator’s team in particular. Details of visits to Rome will be agreed in the initial phase of the consultancy along with the overall work plan.


The above work will be done ensuring adherence to norms and standards for evaluation at all times, and observance of the code of conduct for evaluation profession within the United Nations.


  • Requirements’ paper
  • Options paper


Education:      Advanced University degree in in Computer Science, Mathematics, Software Engineering, Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, or related fields.


  • More than 12 years of progressively responsible professional experience in leading or contributing to complex digital transformation projects
  • Demonstrated experience with overseeing technology led projects including machine learning
  • Demonstrated experience with acting as interface between client and technology service provider and ensuring smooth communication both ways, understanding the larger user-focused environment
  • Familiarity with WFP and UN environment, experience with similar projects and understanding of evaluation are assets

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Broad and authoritative knowledge of knowledge of information technologies related to automated data management systems powered by artificial intelligence
  • Demonstrated project management capacity, strong organizing skills and proven ability to produce results to deadlines.
  • Demonstrated experience in facilitating dialogue between technical stakeholders and non-technical client, i.e. translating client into technical specifications and vice versa;


  • Fluency (level C) in English language. Intermediate knowledge (level B) of a second official UN language is desirable.

Closing date for applications:  Sunday 19 June 2022.