Le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) recrute pour ce poste (14 Juin 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : Spécialiste de la coordination P4, Secrétariat du PBF

Niveau Requis : Diplôme universitaire supérieur

Année d'Expérience Requise : 5 ans

Lieu du Travail : Tchad

Date de Soumission : 23/06/2022

Description de l'emploi

Le Programme alimentaire mondial des Nations unies est la plus grande agence humanitaire qui lutte contre la faim dans le monde. La mission du PAM est d’aider le monde à atteindre la faim zéro de notre vivant. Chaque jour, le PAM travaille dans le monde entier pour faire en sorte qu’aucun enfant ne se couche le ventre vide et que les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables, en particulier les femmes et les enfants, puissent avoir accès aux aliments nutritifs dont ils ont besoin.


The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) is the UN’s principal financial instrument for consolidating peace in countries affected by violent conflict.  From 2006 to 2021, the PBF has allocated more than USD 5 billion to 45 countries. Since its creation, 58 Member States have contributed to its financing within the framework of the Strategic Plan 2017-2019 and 2020-2024. The PBF works transversally and supports integrated responses to meet the most urgent needs. It responds quickly and flexibly to political opportunities; and catalyzes processes and resources by demonstrating greater risk tolerance.

The Sahel is a priority region for the PBF, which invested USD 570 million in the region since the Fund was created for national and cross-border peacebuilding projects.  This large financial support will play an important catalytic role in efforts to mobilize resources for the United Nations system as part of the operationalization of the UN Support Plan for the Sahel.  It will also provide a strong programmatic response to requests of Member States of the region and of the G5 Sahel Secretariat.

Chad was declared eligible to access the PBF In 2017 for a period of five years and this eligibility was extended for one year up to May 2023. Since then, the United Nations system in Chad has been working closely with the Government to develop project proposals that could be financed by this fund.  The PBF financed 15 projects in Chad with a total funding envelope of just under 33 million. The active portfolio consists of the following 10 peacebuilding projects with a budget of 25,4 million (for more detail see Gateway):


  1. Supporting the participation of young people and women in local governance and peacebuilding.
  2. Empowering vulnerable young people in central Chad to become agents of peacebuilding
  3. Prevention and management of inter-community tensions through better access to and rational management of natural resources
  4. Young people, weavers of peace in the cross-border regions of Gabon, Cameroon, and Chad
  5. Promoting peacebuilding through conflict resolution and dialogue between communities and local authorities in northern Chad
  6. Project to prevent the feminization of Boko Haram’s modus operandi in Chad
  7. Support for an inclusive and peaceful institutional and political transition in Chad
  8. Support for the establishment of an Observatory for the Promotion of Gender Equality and Equity in Chad
  9. Consolidation of peace and security between farming and herding communities in the provinces of Salamat, Sila and Ouaddaï
  10. Secretariat of the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund in Chad – Support for Portfolio Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation


The Coordination Specialist’s main mission will be to ensure the fulfillment of the mandate assigned to the Peacebuilding Fund Secretariat, by ensuring the effective coordination and implementation of projects financed by the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) in the country.

Summary of key functions:

  • Supervise the staff of the PBF Secretariat in Chad and ensure quality follow-up on peacebuilding projects and reports;
  • Support the operation of the PBF Joint Steering Committee in Chad;
  • Ensure strategic alignment, the mobilization of resources for the consolidation of peace in Chad and the coordination of technical and financial partners.


  1. Supervise the staff of the PBF Secretariat in Chad and ensure quality follow-up on peacebuilding projects and reports:
  • Supervise the work of the Secretariat team (PBF Monitoring & Evaluation officer, Communication specialist, Financial and Administrative assistant and Driver) and strengthen their expertise in the field of peace-building;
  • Manage the funds of the PBF Secretariat and ensure submission of reports on the Secretariat’s work to the Peacebuilding Support Office, in accordance with the deadlines;
  • Ensure interface with the Peacebuilding Support Office through regular exchanges and report implementation of the Fund’s projects to the Joint Steering Committee and the Parties involved;
  • Liaise between the Government, the United Nations recipient agencies and civil society for inclusive and coordinated development and implementation of PBF projects;
  • Ensure the quality of the reports developed by the agencies of the United Nations on the status of progress in the implementation of PBF-funded projects and results achieved, in accordance with deadlines;


  • Set up, together with the Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, a system for monitoring the achievement of PBF project results, including data collection and analysis;
  • Support and coordinate the preparation of the Joint Steering Committee’s annual report on the progress of the national peacebuilding priorities;
  • Ensure compliance with PBF guidelines on project development and reporting;
  • Contribute to relevant reports of the Office of the Resident Coordinator related to peacebuilding (Annual Strategic Report to PBF, UNDAF/ UNSCDF report, etc.).


2. Support the operation of the PBF Joint Steering Committee in Chad:

  • Support the Joint Steering Committee with secretarial tasks, including the organization of meetings, preparation of working papers, drafting of reports and sharing of relevant documents;
  • Prepare briefing notes, regularly update the Joint Steering Committee of progress in order to facilitate decision-making ;
  • Monitor and disseminate decisions and recommendations made by the Joint Steering Committee.
  • Ensure early warning to the Joint Steering Committee, the Resident Coordinator, the implementing agencies and the PBF of risks, delays and problems related to the implementation of PBF projects.
  • Contribute to harmonizing and improving project documents and project reports before submitting them to the Joint Steering Committee (quality assurance mainly on the peacebuilding aspect in accordance with PBF guidelines).
  • Organize the field mission of the Joint Steering Committee


  • Ensure early warning to the Joint Steering Committee, the Resident Coordinator, the implementing agencies and the PBF of risks, delays and problems related to the implementation of PBF projects.
  • Contribute to harmonizing and improving project documents and project reports before submitting them to the Joint Steering Committee (quality assurance mainly on the peacebuilding aspect in accordance with PBF guidelines).
  • Organize the field mission of the Joint Steering Committee


3. Ensure strategic alignment, the mobilization of resources for the consolidation of peace in Chad and the coordination of technical and financial partners:

  • Collaborate with the RCO peacebuilding team to curry out the regular analyzes of the regional, national and provincial contexts and conflict situation, guide programming and suggest entry points for the formulation of new projects;
  • Ensure a monitoring role for the identification of potential sources of funding;
  • Contribute to the formulation of new proposals for projects and programs likely to be financed by the PBF;
  • Support coordination and ensure coherence of funding for peacebuilding;
  • Communicate progress on the peacebuilding priorities to national authorities and technical and financial partners in order to encourage additional funding and to ensure sustainability of the results;
  • Ensure the visibility of PBF in communications on projects funded by PBF;


  • Advocate with the government for the internal mobilization of financial, human and material resources for peacebuilding purposes;
  • Advocate and coordinate with technical and financial partners In support of peacebuilding;
  • Contribute to the elaboration of a national peacebuilding strategy in Chad;
  • In collaboration with the RCO team and PBF beneficiaries, ensure the integration of the Triple Nexus humanitarian-development-peace approach in PBF programming;
  • Contribute to the preparation of the re-eligibility demand (portfolio evaluation, conflict analysis, strategic results framework etc)


Organizational skills:

  • Integrity in accordance with United Nations values and ethical standards;
  • Advocacy for the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the United Nations ;
  • Flexibility and adaptability to cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age aspects.

Functional skills:

  • Demonstrates knowledge of the coordination of projects and activities
  • Ability to support identification, formulation and implementation of peacebuilding projects ;
  • Excellent communication skills (written and oral), both in teams and with the various partners, UN agencies, NGOs, government and technical and financial partners on development policies and strategies.


    • Knowledge of PBF procedures is advantageous
    • Excellent oral and written communication skills with high-level interlocutors, particularly in the coordination of governmental and international organizations.
    • Understanding of the concepts of human rights, gender, strengthening the role of women and young people in the peacebuilding process is desirable;
    • Knowledge of peacebuilding issues in Chad and prior experience in the region would be an asset.