Le PNUD recrute pour ces 6 postes (08 Août 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : 06 postes

Lieu du Travail : Tchad / Guinée

Description de l'emploi

L’objectif général du PNUD est de contribuer au développement humain durable . Le PNUD a quatre domaines d’intervention dans son mandat : ​​la réduction de la pauvreté, la gouvernance démocratique, l’environnement et l’énergie, et la prévention des crises et le relèvement.

Poste 1 : Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, (NPSA 10) Bissau, Guinea-Bissau

Job Identification
  • Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
Posting Date
08/08/2022, 12:11 AM
Apply Before
08/20/2022, 07:59 AM
Job Schedule
Job Description
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 170 countries and territories, working with governments and people on their own solutions to global and national development challenges to help empower lives and build resilient nations.

UNDP has an important role in supporting health outcomes by supporting countries to address the social, cultural and economic determinants of HIV and health, in partnership with UN entities and other organizations. This is done through UNDP’s core work in reducing inequalities and social exclusion that drive HIV and poor health, promoting effective and inclusive governance for health, and building resilient and sustainable systems for health. UNDP also contributes through its coordinating and convening role in bringing together multiple partners and resources at national and local levels.

As a trusted, long-term partner of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund, GF), UNDP’s value proposition lies in providing an integrated package of development solutions to strengthen institutions to deliver health services. Through its contributions as interim Principal Recipient (PR) and provider of technical assistance in over 53 countries since 2003, UNDP’s provision of integrated policy, implementation and capacity development support to countries has yielded significant health and development results in challenging operating environments. Proactive risk management and investing in sustainability are the cornerstones of UNDP’s portfolio management approach and providing technical assistance to national counterparts during all phases of implementation, strengthening legislation, policies, and regulatory frameworks, and building capacities across key functional areas, including financial management, health information systems, procurement and supply chain management. The Global Fund – Health Implementation Support Team, HIV, Health and Development Group, Bureau of Programme and Policy Support, Global Policy Network (GF/HIST) is a dedicated team providing support to UNDP Country Offices implementing health and development programmes.

The Global Fund (GF) to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria has been providing Grants for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for Guinea Bissau to assist county in addressing the challenges posed by the three diseases since 2003, with UNDP Guinea Bissau as a key GF partner managing the funds on behalf of the government. Following successful capacity development of the Ministry of Health, UNDP transitioned from its interim role of Principal Recipient in 2008, with all three grants being managed by the Government of Guinea Bissau. However, following the April 2012 military coup d’état, in 2013 the Global Fund decided to reengage UNDP as Principal Recipient (PR) for the Round 9 Phase 2 Malaria and Tuberculosis Grants. Once again, UNDP in Guinea-Bissau was recognized as a UN strategic partner in the efforts of fighting these diseases. Additionally, in 2014, UNDP was requested by GF and the HIV PR (SNLS – National AIDS Secretariat) to undertake procurement of HIV health products and commodities. UNDP has been working with national partners to update national health strategies and prepare concept notes for the GFATM New Funding Model 3 (2021-2023) Malaria and COVID grants, which are intended to support national health responses to the three diseases, COVID and Health System Strengthening until December 2023.

As the Principal Recipient of the malaria grant, UNDP ensures programmatic management, coordination and financial accountability of the two grants; and capacity building of national counterparts on programmatic and financial management of the grants. UNDP also ensures timely procurement and management of commodities, efficient monitoring and evaluation and submission of quality reports to the Global Fund. UNDP works closely with other UN- agencies, NGO’s and MoH involved in the health sector.

For the implementation of the Global Fund program, UNDP Guinea Bissau established in 2013 a Program Management Unit (PMU) that coordinates the implementation of the projects and provide general guidance of Global Fund rules and procedures to all Sub Recipients participating in the implementation of the projects.

Duties and Responsibilities
    1. Implementation of Global Fund evaluation policies and strategies


Ensures the implementation of the Global Fund’s evaluation policies and strategies, with a focus on achieving the following results:


  1. Participation in the planning, preparation and management of thematic, programme/project and other types of evaluations conducted in the context of malaria control.
  2. Promotion of evaluation standards, quality assurance/quality control and capacity building in malaria control.
  3. Contribution to the evaluation work plan, including the identification of topics and projects/programmes to be evaluated.
  4. Coordination of specific evaluation missions for development projects, sector/thematic evaluations or evaluations/desk studies on selected topics.


    1. Coordination of the evaluation process of malaria programmes


Ensures effective coordination of the evaluation process of the Malaria Control Programme, focusing on the achievement of the following outputs:


  1. Draft Terms of Reference (TOR) for specific thematic/sectoral evaluation missions and/or evaluations, participation in consultant and evaluation team selection, technical comments on evaluations and budgetary oversight.
  2. Advice on NMCP evaluation policies, procedures and practices for programme managers, NMCP evaluation staff, consultants and/or evaluation team members.
  3. Provision of technical advice at the programme/project design stage establishing a framework with indicators defined at the design stage to facilitate evaluation at later stages.
  4. Preparation of analytical papers on the areas evaluated, effectiveness and impact of the NMCP programme
  5. Monitoring the implementation of evaluation recommendations. Ensuring optimal use of evaluations by providing guidance in the preparation of timely management response to all mandatory evaluations and developing a communication plan.
  6. Organising data quality audits and monitoring for validation by INASA
  7. Contribute to the drafting of donor reports (PUDRs) in accordance with the GF’s pre-established timetables.
  8. Push the health data digitalization agenda (Malaria, COVID19, Seasonal Malaria Chemoprophylaxis, LLIN mass distribution, access to the last mile data using tables (RTM), integrating community health data within the DHIS2, digital management of events related to vulnerable groups, at risk groups and the most disadvantaged) forward in collaboration with INASA



    1. Facilitating knowledge building and knowledge sharing on monitoring and evaluation

Facilitates knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the area of monitoring and evaluation, with a focus on achieving the following results

  1. Identification and formulation of evaluation results, lessons learned and recommendations to be integrated into broader GF PMU/UNDP knowledge management efforts, disseminated in learning events and channelled to decision-making processes;
  2. Contribution to the implementation of the Evaluation Knowledge Management and Learning Strategy.
  3. Collaboration and coordination with other UN agencies, government bodies, NGOs and other organisations on monitoring and evaluation issues.
  4. Participation in leading data management (results-based monitoring and evaluation) and related capacity building / training efforts in the country.
  5. Contribute to the development of a multi-sectoral approach to combating malaria.
  6. Lead the drafting of UNDP CO internal & external newsletters with focus on health and social protection

Institutional Arrangement

The M&E Specialist will report to the M&E Specialist and she will support the programmatic management of the project and works closely with the Global Fund project management team to support the successful implementation of the project.

Achieve Results: LEVEL 3: Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact
Think Innovatively: LEVEL 3: Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems
Learn Continuously: LEVEL 3: Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences
Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 3: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands
Act with Determination: LEVEL 3: Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results
Engage and Partner: LEVEL 3: Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration
Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity
People Management (Insert below standard sentence if the position has direct reports.)

UNDP People Management Competencies can be found in the dedicated site.

Cross-Functional & Technical competencies 

Thematic Area Name Definition
Business Direction & Strategy System Thinking Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgement to understand how interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system
Business Management Results – based Management Ability to manage programmes and projects with a focus at improved performance and demonstrable results
Business Management Digital Awareness and Literacy Ability and inclination to rapidly adopt new technologies, either through skilfully grasping their usage or through understanding their impact and empowering others to use them as needed
Business Management Working with Evidence and Data Ability to inspect, cleanse, transform and model data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions and supporting decision-making
Health HIV, Health and Development Understanding and practical experience of social determinants of health and the ability to apply them to strategic and/or practical situations
Required  skills
  • Extensive knowledge of monitoring and evaluation methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative data collection, processing and analysis.
  • A good understanding of routine health information systems, and literacy in management information systems in Guinea Bissau.
  • Experience in the usage of office software package and handling of web based management systems.
Desired skills in addition to the competencies covered in the Competencies section
  • Experience working with the UN or an international organization is an asset.
  • Knowledge of the Global Fund procedures and reporting requirements is an asset.
  • Experience in designing and implementing country level monitoring and evaluation and health information system training is an asset
  • Experience working with national disease programmes in monitoring and evaluation is an asset
  • Experience providing strategic advice and undertaking trend analysis of performance results to inform programme planning, management, and adaptation is an asset
Fluency in spoken and written  Portuguese is required. Knowledge of French or English is an asset
Required Skills and Experience
  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Public Health, Statistics, Epidemiology or related social sciences ORBachelor’s degree with additional 2 years of relevant experience will be given due consideration in lieu of Master’s degree
  • Minimum 5 years with Master’s Degree or 7 years with  Bachelor’s degree of experience in monitoring and evaluation in the analysis of socio-economic problems and related policy issues.
Important applicant information

All posts in the NPSA categories are subject to local recruitment.

Applicant information about UNDP rosters

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.

Scam warning

The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.

Poste 2 :

Recrutement d’un(e) consultant(e) national(e) en charge de la réalisation d’une étude sur la sensibilité du secteur financier tchadien au genre
Procurement Process : IC – Individual contractor
Deadline : 16-Aug-22
Posted on : 08-Aug-22
Reference Number : 94342
Link to Atlas Project :
Documents :
Notice Consultant National IC
Overview :REPUB-IC/TCD10/2022/06/021                                                                                                                                Date: 08 août 2022

Pays :                                      Tchad

Projet :                                    Projet d’Appui à l’Entreprenariat Féminin et à l’Expérimentation des solutions innovantes à fort impact économique et social

Titre du poste : Recrutement d’un(e) consultant(e) national(e) en charge de la réalisation d’une étude sur la sensibilité du secteur financier tchadien au genre

Durée : La mission est prévue pour une durée de trente-cinq (35) jours ouvrables.

Lieu d’affectation :              N’Djamena

Type de contrat :                   Contrat Individuel

Date cible de début de la mission :  29 août 2022

Les candidats intéressés sont invités à soumettre leurs offres (technique et financière) de service par courriel en fichiers séparés conjointement à l’adresse suivante : [email protected] au plus tard le lundi 16 août 2022 à 12 heures précises, heure de N’Djaména, en indiquant la référence REPUB- IC/TCD10/2022/06/021 (Si cette référence n’est pas indiquée en objet de votre mail, votre offre ne peut être considérée).

Les demandes de clarification pourront être envoyées à la même adresse ci-dessus précisée.

Poste 3 :

recrutement de 2 Consultant(e)s nationaux (le) s chargé(é)s de l’appui à l’élaboration/révision des PDC de Bitkine et Doba
Procurement Process : IC – Individual contractor
Office : Tchad – CHAD
Deadline : 24-Aug-22
Posted on : 08-Aug-22
Reference Number : 94338
Link to Atlas Project :
00126224 – Appui à l’Amélioration de la Gouvernance Locale
Documents :
Overview :Titre du poste : Consultant (e) national (e) chargé(e) de l’élaboration/révision des Plans de développement Communaux de Bitkine et Doba.

Pays : Tchad

Projet : Projet d’appui à l’amélioration de la gouvernance locale et participative des communes des provinces affectées par l’extrémisme violent et le sous-développement

Durée : quatre-vingt-dix (90) jours de travail effectifs repartis sur une période totale ne dépassant pas 180 jours calendaires

Lieu d’affectation : Bitkine ou Doba avec des déplacements dans les localités secondaires suivant les besoins de la mission. Par ailleurs, le PNUD décidera sur la base des éléments objectifs du lieu d’affectation de chaque consultant(e) individuel/le sélectionné(e)

Type de contrat : Contrat Individuel

Date cible de début de la mission : 1er septembre 2022

Les Termes de Références (TDRs) complets sont à télécharger sur le site http://procurement-notices.undp.org/search.cfm. Dans la case « country office », veuillez indiquer « CHAD » et cliquer sur « Search »

Les personnes intéressés sont invités envoyer leurs dossiers de candidatures à l’adresse [email protected]  au plus tard le mercredi, 24 août 2022 à 11 heures 00 minutes TU+1 en précisant en objet du mail les références « IC/TCD10/2022/08/029 Consultant(e)s national(e)s l’élaboration/révision PDC.

Si cette référence n’est pas indiquée en objet de votre mail, votre offre ne pourra être considérée .

Poste 4 :

Procurement Process : IC – Individual contractor
Office : Tchad – CHAD
Deadline : 24-Aug-22
Posted on : 07-Aug-22
Reference Number : 94323
Link to Atlas Project :
00140248 – Consolidation de la paix et de la sécurité entre les com
Documents :
IC/TCD10/08/2022/027 & 028
Overview :Pays :                      Tchad

Titre du poste :   i) deux Consultants nationaux juriste

ii) un(e) consultant(e) national(e) spécialiste en genre et droits humains

pour la rédaction d’un document stratégique devant permettre la mise en place d’un centre de transit et d’orientation (CTO) au profit des ex-associés aux groupes extrémistes dans la localité de Bol, province du Lac.

Projet :                   Appui au renforcement des capacités de réinsertion communautaire des ex-associés aux groupes extrémistes dans la province du Lac Tchad.

Durée :                   soixante (60) jours effectifs de travail repartis sur Trois (03) mois

Zone d’intervention :    Région de Diffa (Goudoumaria, Niger), province du Lac (Bol) et Ville de         N’Djamena/Mara.

Type de contrat :         Contrat de prestation de service

Date cible de début de la mission : 1er septembre 2022

Les Termes de Références (TDRs) complets sont à télécharger sur le site http://procurement-notices.undp.org/search.cfm. Dans la case « country office », veuillez indiquer « CHAD » et cliquer sur « Search »

Les juristes et spécialistes genre intéressés sont invités envoyer leurs dossiers de candidatures à l’adresse [email protected]  au plus tard le mercredi, 24 août 2022 à 11 heures 00 minutes TU+1 en précisant en objet du mail les références suivantes :

  1. IC/TCD10/2022/08/027 Consultant(e)s national(e)s juristes.
  2. IC/TCD10/2022/08/028 Consultant(e) national(e) spécialiste en genre et droits humains.

Si cette référence n’est pas indiquée en objet de votre mail, votre offre ne pourra être considérée.