Le PNUD recrute pour ces 2 postes (08 Septembre 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : 2 postes

Lieu du Travail : RDC , Gabon

Description de l'emploi

POSTE 1 : Programme Analyst, Social and Environmental Standards

Description de l’emploi


Le PNUD s’engage à assurer la diversité du personnel en termes de sexe, de nationalité et de culture. Les personnes issues de groupes minoritaires, de groupes autochtones et de personnes handicapées sont également encouragées à postuler. Toutes les candidatures seront traitées avec la plus stricte confidentialité.

Le PNUD ne tolère pas l’exploitation et l’abus sexuels, tout type de harcèlement, y compris le harcèlement sexuel, et la discrimination. Tous les candidats sélectionnés feront donc l’objet d’une vérification rigoureuse des références et des antécédents.

Job Purpose and Organizational Context

Since 2020, UNDP DRC has had a 2020-2024 programme cycle that is aligned with the country’s 2020-2024 National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD) whose five priorities include: (i) strengthening governance and peacebuilding, (ii) diversifying and transforming the economy, and (iii) the environment and sustainable and balanced development. It is also in line with UNDAF (United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework), which focuses on(i) improving the quality and effectiveness of governance, (ii) consolidating the rule of law and (iii) the interaction between development, humanitarian and peace. The 20-24 country programme will adopt an integrated approach with three main priorities: (i) promoting governance for sustainable development, (ii) economic transformation and sustainable management of natural resources, and (iii) supporting the stabilization and resilience of affected populations, which are aligned with the three development outcomes that underpin the six Model Solutions/Signature Solutions of UNDP’s Strategic Plan (PS) 2018-2021.


The implementation of the programme may be subject to certain risks, specifically: (a) low levels of resource mobilization; (b) persistent impacts of climate change on livelihoods; (c) high turnover of implementing partner staff; (d) lack of improvement in the socioeconomic situation; (e) resurgence of conflicts in the programme target areas; (f) fiduciary risks; (g) weak institutional capacities; (h) implications and needs deriving from the political and MONUSCO transitions; and (i) resurgence of the Ebola outbreak 29. To mitigate these risks, UNDP will: (a) focus on major integrated and transformational projects (emergency community development programme) for greater impact and efficiency, and to facilitate scaling up; (b) rely on its local representatives to improve synergy and the efficiency of interventions; and (c) strengthen its resource mobilization strategy to diversify its resource and funding base by extending the support of the private sector, emerging countries, foundations, international financial institutions and vertical funds including the Green Climate Fund. This will be achieved by leveraging the Sustainable Development Goal platforms, which will make it possible to strengthen the significant relevance of the programme to a large coalition of actors that can play a financing role; (d) apply the UNDP social and environmental standards to monitor environmental and natural risks and fully mainstream gender from the design phase to the execution and evaluation of all projects; (e) advocate for the timely sharing of information and the designation of programme coordinating assistants in the event of implementing partner staff turnover; (f) systematically analyse these risks through the steering committees; (g) undertake an analysis of risks in scenario planning in order to better adjust the programme; just to mention some.


UNDP’s Social and Environmental Standards (SES) underpin our support for sustainable development. The objectives of the standards are to:

  • Strengthen the social and environmental outcomes of Programmes and Projects
  • Avoid adverse impacts to people and the environment
  • Minimize, mitigate, and manage adverse impacts where avoidance is not possible
  • Strengthen UNDP and partner capacities for managing social and environmental risks
  • Ensure full and effective stakeholder engagement, including through a mechanism to respond to complaints from project-affected people


The starting point to ensure these standards are applied is through UNDP’s project-level Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP), which is a requirement for projects. The objectives of the SESP are to: (a) integrate the SES Overarching Principles (human rights, gender equality and environmental sustainability); (b) identify potential social and environmental risks and their significance; (c) determine the Project’s SES risk category; and (d) determine the level of assessment and management required to address potential social and environmental risks and impacts. All guidance on UNDPs Social and Environmental Standards can be found in the SES Toolkit.


The Programme Specialist will be responsible for first layer oversight (of the aforementioned portfolio), capacity building and knowledge management to strengthen SES implementation across the Country Office portfolio, from programme and project design through implementation. The Programme Specialist will not be responsible for the preparation and execution of SES instruments during NIM project implementation (as this is a project execution function under the Implementing Partner) but will rather quality assure project-level safeguards instruments prepared by the project teams, and monitor, advise and oversee the project teams in executing the relevant safeguard management measures..

Duties and Responsibilities
The results to be delivered by the Programme Specialist will provide key risk management and SES compliance capacity for the Country Office, helping ensure UNDP delivers on its commitment to protect people and the environment across all programming and avoid inadvertent harm.

Results will facilitate a new phase in SES implementation across the country programme, transitioning from a siloed and projectized approach to SES implementation to a programmatic approach that ensures oversight, alignment, and shared learning.

UNDP’s stakeholders and partners are increasingly requiring that we demonstrate implementation of safeguards, including as a condition for funding. Additionally, this capacity provides an opportunity to strengthen UNDP’s offer to partners on the application of environmental and social safeguards for risk-informed development. Therefore, the results delivered by the Programme Specialist also aim to ensure continued funding and strengthened reputation of UNDP as a leader in sustainable development programming.

Summary of key functions:

  • SES Oversight and Quality Assurance
  • SES Capacity Building
  • SES Knowledge Management
Key Duties and Accountabilities
In this section list up to five primary functions/accountabilities of the position (Typically one sentence each) and examples of duties that must be performed to successfully accomplish key responsibilities.
  1. SES Oversight and Quality Assurance

Example of Duties

  • Conduct a quality review of early drafts of SESPs (or “pre-SESPs”) to ensure proper identification and categorization of risk.
  • Advise project design team and/or PMU on needed social and environmental assessments/management plans and safeguards expertise, including review of related ToRs. (e.g. ESIA, ESMP, ESMF, IPP, RAP, SEP, relevant ToRs, etc)
  • Confirm validity of any SESP exemptions.
  • Quality assure final SESPs prior to submission to PAC or Project Board (for Nature, Climate and Energy Vertical Fund projects, clearance will be prior to submission for Headquarters “Safeguards Clearance”).
  • Support recruitment, onboarding and oversight of safeguards consultants to the project management units hired to support SES execution in projects.
  • Quality assure draft and final SES documentation for projects (e.g. ESIA, ESMP, ESMF, IPP, RAP, SEP, relevant ToRs, etc) to ensure they meet technical standards and requirements (for Nature, Climate and Energy Vertical Fund projects, clearance will be prior to submission for Headquarters “Safeguards Clearance”).
  • Support project teams in responding to HQ/RBA SES oversight reviews and relevant audit/investigation/evaluation findings.
  • Identify risks for which additional technical support may be needed through the Global Policy Network, Regional Bureau, or external consultants (e.g. through ExpRess roster) and opportunities for projects to cost-share needed expertise.
  • Undertake safeguards oversight missions, as needed and per projects’ M&E plans etc.
  • Quality assure safeguards sections of progress reports and evaluations (e.g. donor reports, annual progress reports, GEF PIR/GCF APR, mid-term and final evaluations) and contribute substantively where in line with the oversight function (e.g. in support of relevant Team Lead)
  • Track progress of high/substantial risk and other priority projects’ implementation of required SES elements (ESIA, GRM, stakeholder engagement, disclosure, FPIC, etc.).
  • Regularly scan available data on SES implementation across the portfolio to identify emerging risks or High/Substantial Risk projects that may require additional oversight and support.
  • Escalate issues to second layer oversight (RBA and BPPS Nature, Climate, Energy team, where relevant) and advise CO senior management on safeguard risks where needed.

2.) SES Capacity Building

  • Conduct a CO capacity assessment to identify baseline quality of SES documentation, capacity needs, priority risks, and opportunities.
  • Develop and coordinate implementation of an action plan to strengthen SES implementation across the aforementioned portfolio, clarifying the oversight and quality assurance process, roles and responsibilities, and a learning plan.
  • Ensure CO SES action plan is aligned with and contributes to global/regional SES implementation plans.
  • Support regular SES capacity development, awareness raising, trainings and other learning opportunities for the CO team and implementing partners.
  • Ensure the Stakeholder Response Mechanism is established and operational at the CO level.
  • Ensure project-level grievance mechanisms are established within the project governance structure and that relevant safeguard risks are monitored by Project Boards.
  • Establish roster of national social and environmental safeguards consultants.
  • Support and advise senior management in their engagement with partners and stakeholders (including affected people, implementing partners, donors) on issues related to the SES.
  • Advise and support senior management on any SECU/SRM cases.
  • Prepare communication materials and products that can be used to communicate the SES and UNDP’s Accountability Mechanism with partners and project affected people.
  • Present on the SES and Accountability Mechanism at inception workshops and support on-boarding of project-level safeguards experts.
  • Conduct an assessment of national capacities/safeguards to identify key gaps between the SES with guidance on how these gaps should be approached across the portfolio, as well as entry points for capacity building and use of national systems.
  • Review national grievance redress mechanism (GRM) capacities/entry points related to the CO portfolio.

3.) SES Knowledge Management

  • Engage and coordinate with SES experts in Headquarters (including second layer oversight provided by RBA and BPPS Nature, Climate, Energy team and SES policy owner, BPPS Effectiveness Group) and other regions to ensure consistency in policy interpretation and oversight.
  • Document lessons learned, including from cases where things went wrong as well as good models of SES implementation.
  • Track and share precedents that have implications for the entire portfolio to ensure an aligned and consistent approach (e.g. identification of indigenous peoples).
  • Share lessons learned across the portfolio and also with regional, global teams to facilitate learning.
  • Maintain a library of project safeguards documents and examples that can be used as reference points.
  • Engage with CO Gender Specialist and/or Gender Focal Team to document and share lessons learned and good practice related to gender-related risks, including analysis of national gender and social inclusion issues and how these can be addressed across the portfolio.
  • Coordinate exchange between project-level safeguards experts to facilitate shared learning, consistency across the portfolio, and identification of opportunities to cost-share or combine efforts on risks faced by multiple projects.
  • Engage in safeguards networks and partnerships, including with UNCT, to ensure learning and exchange on safeguards with partners and UNDP’s leadership role in this area.

Prepare an annual report on SES implementation in the office, capturing key lessons learned and recommendations for how to strengthen SES implementation moving forward

Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities: N/A

Required Skills and Experience



  • Master’s degree in International Development, Environmental or Social Studies, or other relevant areas

Experience, Knowledge, and Skills


  • Minimum 2 years of relevant experience in social and environmental safeguards.

Knowledge, and Skills

  • Demonstrated expertise in the development and quality assurance of safeguards instruments (e.g. ESIAs, ESMPs, ESMFs, IPPs, GRMs, RAPs); – Required
  • Demonstrated knowledge in managing risks in major integrated and transformational projects (emergency community development programme) for greater impact and efficiency – Desirable
  • Knowledge of vertical funds including the Green Climate Fund and their related risks – Desirable
  • Training and capacity building skills related to environmental and social safeguards. – Desirable
  • Excellent skills related to stakeholder engagement – Desirable
  • Experience implementing social and environmental safeguards at the project level and providing technical support to implementing partners – Required.
  • Able to communicate effectively in writing to a varied and broad audience in a simple and concise manner – Required.

Language requirements

  • Fluency in French
  • English is desirable Expected Demonstration of Competencies
Achieve Results LEVEL 1: Plans and monitors own work, pays attention to details, delivers quality work by deadline
Think Innovatively LEVEL 1: Open to creative ideas/known risks, is pragmatic problem solver, makes improvements
Learn Continuously LEVEL 1: Open minded and curious, shares knowledge, learns from mistakes, asks for feedback
Adapt with Agility LEVEL 1: Adapts to change, constructively handles ambiguity/uncertainty, is flexible
Act with Determination LEVEL 1: Shows drive and motivation, able to deliver calmly in face of adversity, confident
Engage and Partner LEVEL 1: Demonstrates compassion/understanding towards others, forms positive relationships
Enable Diversity and Inclusion LEVEL 1: Appreciate/respect differences, aware of unconscious bias, confront discrimination
People Management 

UNDP People Management Competencies can be found in the dedicated site.

Cross-Functional & Technical competencies

Thematic Area Name Definition
Business Development Knowledge Generation Ability to research and turn information into useful knowledge, relevant for context, or responsive to a stated need
Business Management Risk Management Ability to identify and organize action around mitigating and proactively managing risks
Business Management Evaluation Ability to make an independent judgement based on set criteria and benchmarks – Ability to anticipate client’s upcoming needs and concerns.
Business Management Working with evidence and data Ability to inspect, cleanse, transform and model data with the goal of discovering consistency or discrepancy between planned and actual activities and programme performance and results.
SDG Integration SDGs SDG Monitoring and Reporting
Digital & Innovation Data collection Being skilled in Data Sorting, Data Cleaning, Survey Administration, Presentation and Reporting including collection of Real-Time Data (e.g. mobile data, satellite data, sensor data).
Results-based Management Advocacy strategy and implementation Ability to create and implement advocacy strategies which lead to impactful change

Female candidacies are strongly encouraged.

Important applicant information

All posts in the NO categories are subject to local recruitment.


POSTE 2 : Programme Analyst, UNV (covering Congo and Gabon)

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

The UNV Field Units (FU) are mainly accountable for the mobilization and placement of UN Volunteers in UN Agencies, Funds, and Programmes focused on peace, development and humanitarian needs.  The UNV Field Units represent and position UNV in the respective countries and bring UNV’s services and solutions closer to its partners from governments, UN entities, civil society and private sector.

Under the matrix management of the Portfolio Manager/Specialist, Regional Office, and the UNDP Country Director/Deputy Country Director, the Programme Analyst leads and manages the UNV Field Units in Congo and Gabon. She/he is responsible for effective strategic planning, leading to mobilization and placement of UN Volunteers, select administrative/operational support to volunteers, and advocacy and positioning of UNV interests in both countries, in line with UNV’s Strategic Framework.  The Programme Analyst builds and maintains relationships with main partners, and effectively coordinates with the Regional Office and HQ organizational units, on volunteer mobilization, programme implementation, and provision of substantive inputs and facilitation of corporate initiatives. The main responsibility of the Programme Analyst is to increase volunteer volume in Congo and Gabon through these programmatic and partnership functions.

Duties and Responsibilities
1. UN Volunteer mobilization and management
  • Liaise with UN agencies in the countries to ensure an understanding of UNV’s mandate, key offers and the added value that UN Volunteer assignments bring in support to the achievement of their respective mandates;
  • Maintain business intelligence on UN agencies, identifying specific entry points to diversify partnerships with the key result of increased volunteer assignments, including the assessment and reporting on the forecast demand for UN Volunteers in the countries;
  • Identify volunteer placement opportunities and present UNV value proposition and volunteer modalities with the objective of maximizing international and national volunteer presence, including collaboration in the preparation of descriptions of assignment, with partner agencies and other partners;
  • Ensure that incoming and outgoing UN Volunteers are adequately briefed and debriefed and extend personal support and guidance to UN Volunteers serving in the countries;
  • Work closely with the Field Security Officer and provide support to the UN Designated Official to ensure a detailed understanding among UN Volunteers on all security-related issues;
  • Monitor the well-being and performance of serving UN Volunteers through routine field visits to their duty stations and discussions with their supervisors and counterparts;
  • Oversee and approve UN Volunteers’ entitlements as delegated, authorized, or needed;
  • Provide overall management and administrative support to UN Volunteers and;
  • In the event where no UNV Programme Assistant/Associate is present, support the recruitment of national and international UN Volunteers as well as other administrative duties for placement and management of UN Volunteers assigned to the countries in line with the conditions of service and in close coordination with the relevant organizational units.
2. Advocacy, partnership building, and UNV programme integration
  • Lead UNVs’ field efforts as the representative of the organization in the countries, ensuring key results and delivery of the Strategic Framework and the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Establish, foster and maintain effective outreach and relationships, including the formalization of partnerships and other exchanges of confidence such as inclusion in the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), as well as with government, UN agencies, NGOs, the private sector and other relevant development partners;
  • Participate in UN thematic forces, UN-led assessments, Programme Management Team (PMT) meetings, post-conflict needs assessments, UNSDCF planning processes, technical missions and funding appeals to identify opportunities for volunteerism and volunteer placement;
  • Establish, foster and maintain effective outreach and relationships with local civil society organizations, prioritizing those focused on volunteerism, to contribute to community-led sustainable development in the countries;
  • Encourage national and local actors to establish a framework on volunteer infrastructure that supports volunteerism for peace and development, including the adoption of relevant policies and legislation;
  • Strengthen and determine business intelligence related to partnerships, promotion of volunteerism and shaping and delivering volunteer infrastructure advisory services and conduct countries scans as input for corporate planning processes;
  • In close coordination with the Regional Office and the Communications Section at headquarters, prepare, disseminate and present countries-specific promotional information on the mandate and work of UNV with relevant development partners and the media;
  • Coordinate activities and plan events, in collaboration with other agencies, for annual, national and UN-recognized international celebrations, including the International Volunteer Day (IVD);
  • Encourage and monitor serving UN Volunteers to embrace the ideals of volunteerism, act as advocates for volunteer action, and document their experiences in promoting volunteerism; and
  • Support, in the case of UNV-funded projects UNV programmatic engagement.
3. Management
  • Develop and manage the implementation of the Field Units’ annual work plan, including management and reporting on UNV support funds and budget;
  • Lead the UNV countries-presence to ensure coordinated and effective delivery of services as well as enable a supportive and collaborative work environment;
  • Manage any UNV assigned personnel within the FU including supervision, performance assessment and capacity development; and
  • Establish and monitor implementation of the FU’s annual work plan and set performance indicators.
Core Competencies

Achieve Results:

  • Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact

Think Innovatively:

  • Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems

Learn Continuously

  • Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences

Adapt with Agility

  • Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands

Act with Determination

  • Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results

Engage and Partner

  • Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration

Enable Diversity and Inclusion

  • Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity

Cross-Functional & Technical Competencies

Negotiation and Influence
  • Ability to reach an understanding, persuade others, resolve points of difference, gain advantage in the outcome of dialogue, negotiates mutually acceptable solutions through compromise and creates ‘win-win’ situations
Knowledge Generation
  • Ability to research and turn information into useful knowledge, relevant for context, or responsive to a stated need
Results-based Management
  • Ability to manage programmes and projects with a focus at improved performance and demonstrable results
Partnerships Management
  • Ability to build and maintain partnerships with wide networks of stakeholders, Governments, civil society and private sector partners, experts and others in line with UNDP/UNV strategy and policies
Digital Awareness and Literacy
  • Ability and inclination to rapidly adopt new technologies, either through skilfully grasping their usage or through understanding their impact and empowering others to use them as needed

Event planning and execution

  • Ability to plan, manage and execute of public and private events to ensure that they support and amplify individual communications and advocacy initiatives, as well as UNDP’s overall brand and mandate.

Private sector engagement

  • Ability to identify, conduct outreach, and manage relationships with the private sector
Required Skills and Experience
  • Master’s degree in social sciences, international development, project management, public/business administration or related fields;
  • A bachelor’s degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the master’s degree.
  • 2 years of relevant work experience preferably in a humanitarian, development and/or peace related field;
  • Experience in partnerships and/or inter-agency cooperation is essential;
  • Work experience with the United Nations is an asset;
  • Previous experience in a civil society setting and/or as a volunteer with volunteer management and/or promotion of volunteerism is a distinct advantage;
  • Experience in Microsoft office and internet;
  • Openness to embrace Digital Transformation and use of new technologies;
  • Fluency in French;
  • Fluency or strong command in English.
Please note that continuance of appointment beyond the initial 12 months is contingent upon the successful completion of a probationary period.
  • Only short-listed applicants will be contacted;
  • The successful candidate will hold a UNDP letter of appointment;
  • This post is open to nationals of the Republic of the Congo only.
Applicant information about UNDP rosters
Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.
Scam warning
The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.