Le PNUD s’est engagé à réaliser la diversité de la main-d’œuvre en termes de genre, de nationalité et de culture. Les personnes appartenant à des groupes minoritaires, des groupes autochtones et des personnes handicapées sont également encouragées à postuler. Toutes les demandes seront traitées avec la plus stricte confidentialité.
Le PNUD ne tolère pas l’exploitation et les abus sexuels, aucun type de harcèlement, y compris le harcèlement sexuel, et la discrimination. Tous les candidats sélectionnés seront donc soumis à des vérifications rigoureuses des références et des antécédents.
Procurement Process : | IC – Individual contractor | |
Deadline : | 13-Jun-22 | |
Posted on : | 01-Jun-22 | |
Development Area : | CONSULTANTS ![]() |
Reference Number : | 91827 | |
Link to Atlas Project : 00090776 – PIMS 5115 Biomass Electricity |
Documents : TDRs Avis de publication MSF |
Date : 01/06/2022 Référence : PNUD/IC/06/2022/MSF/rl Pays : BENIN Description de la mission : Mission d’appui pour soutenir la validation économique et commerciale des projets d’auto-approvisionnèrent énergétique alimentés à la biomasse. Nom du commanditaire : Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement Durée de la mission/services : 5 mois
Le PNUD Bénin, à travers cet avis compte recruter un consultant national Expert en Energie pour la mission ci-dessus référencée. Ledit consultant sera en appui au Consultant International déjà recruté. Les Termes de Référence (TDRs) sont disponibles sur le site du PNUD à l’adresse :
L’offre doit être soumise par courrier électronique à l’adresse [email protected] au plus tard le 13/06/2022 à 10 h 00. Prière noter qu’aucun envoi ne peut dépasser 5Go et plusieurs envoies sont autorisés.
Toute demande d’éclaircissements doit être envoyée par écrit ou par courrier électronique à l’adresse [email protected] au plus tard le 06 juin 2022. Le rapport sur le point des questions-réponses, faisant partie intégrante du dossier, sera posté sur le site de publication au plus tard le 07 juin 2022.
Le profil et l’expérience requis sont dans les Termes de référence détaillés aux pages 12 et 13 et les critères d’évaluation à la page 7.
4. DOCUMENTS A INCLURE LORS DE LA SOUMISSION DE L’OFFRE Les Candidats intéressés doivent soumettre les documents et renseignements suivants pour prouver leurs qualifications en mettant la référence PNUD/IC/06/2022/MSF/rl dans l’objet. L’offre technique et l’offre financières doivent être obligatoirement soumises de manière séparée :
* Composition de l’Offre technique : – CV et/ou P11 et attestations de services similaires – Méthodologie à adopter (en collaboration avec le consultant International déjà recruté) – Chronogramme indicatif *Offre financière : L’offre financière doit être en Lumpsum (forfait) et non en homme/jour en tenant compte de la durée et des exigences et étapes de la mission (Cf. TdRs). Elle doit prendre en compte tous les couts liés à la mission sauf les DSA en cas de mission sur le terrain où le taux de DSA national sera payé.
5. ÉVALUATION Les Candidats seront évalués techniquement sur la base des exigences requises dans les TDRS. L’offre financière la plus basse parmi celles techniquement qualifiées sera retenue
Les Candidatures féminines sont vivement souhaitées |
Poste 2 : Consultancy on Video Production
Background |
Project Description
The global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is produced yearly by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and aims to measure poverty by tracking multiple sets of deprivations relating to health, education, basic standards of living, employment and other relevant dimensions of poverty. As such, the MPI provides a comprehensive and in-depth picture of poverty – in all its dimensions – and monitors progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 – to end world poverty in all its forms. The global MPI is extracted from over 100 national multidimensional poverty indices and complement existing measures of income poverty by revealing populations living in poverty who would otherwise be overlooked. The national MPIs help identify not only who is living in poverty, but also how they experience poverty. They reveal the overlapping deprivations within and across groups in different parts of a country and enable policymakers to see how these deprivations change over time. In Nigeria, UNDP and the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) are currently collecting data for the 2022 Nigeria MPI report. The report will measure deprivations at the household and individual level in health, education and standard of living across the country. The findings will contribute to building a deeper, more holistic understanding of what poverty means in Nigeria. In turn, the report will provide evidence to improve policies to reach the most severely poor and facilitate approaches to implement the SDGs in a way that address the deprivations that currently leave people behind. While data is at the core of the MPI report, impactful and accessible visual content is critical for the outreach and impact of the report to enhance engagement and interaction with development practitioners, policy makers and the general public. In this regard, UNDP is seeking the services of one(1) individual contractor to capture and produce impactful videography to be used in the 2022 Nigeria Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) report and launch event. The video content will also be used as advocacy material online through UNDP and its partners social media channels.
Duties and Responsibilities |
Scope of Work
Working closely with the MPI technical team, government partners and under the supervision from the UNDP Communications Specialist, the contractor will support the overall visual content strategy for the the 2022 Nigeria Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) report by providing the following services:
Expected Outputs and Deliverables The Contractor will be required to complete the following outputs and deliverables:
Institutional Arrangement The contractor will be reporting to and supervised by the UNDP Nigeria Communications Specialist and will work closely with the UNDP Nigeria Inclusive Economic Growth Team as well as partners and stakeholders across the project including the Federal Government, UN agencies, Oxford University, CSOs and others. Progress updates via physical or virtual meetings will be required with the UNDP Nigeria Communications Specialist to summarize activities and progress made within each time period. The contractor will be given access to the relevant information necessary for execution of the tasks under this assignment. The contractor will be responsible for providing its own working materials needed to execute the assignment (i.e. laptop, digital camera, professional drone, internet, phone, scanner/printer, etc.) and must have access to reliable internet connection. Duration of the Work The contractor will be expected to work for a total of 35 days from the commencement of the contract. All work must be completed no later than October 31, 2022. Duty Station The contractor will be homebased with the exception of conducting six field missions across Nigeria. On field missions, the contractor will be expected to join the MPI team to select locations across Nigeria’s 36 States and the FCT.
Competencies |
Qualifications of the successful individual contractor
The contractor must possess the following professional and educational qualifications: Education Qualifications Minimum bachelor degree in journalism, engineering, videography/photography, visual arts, digital media and communications or another relevant field. Experience
Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments The contractor will be expected to submit a proposal with a lump sum amount which must be all-inclusive of all relevant costs needed to execute the project. Please note costs will be paid in NGN and that the approved contract price is fixed regardless of changes in the cost components. The following payment schedule will be followed plus DSA amount stated for accommodation and feeding while on travel for 18 days across 6 different locations in Nigeria:
Travel During the assignment, the contractor will be required to travel to six field locations across Nigeria to capture videography contentin agreement with the programme and UNDP Nigeria communications and MPI technical team. UNDP will pay the contractor a DSA rate of 30,0000 NGN per day to cover accommodation and feeding. UNDP will purchase return economy class tickets for all required travel to the six field locations. Recommended Presentation of Offer Interested contractors will be expected to provide the following documents:
Required Skills and Experience |
Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer
The Contractor’s proposals will be scored using a combined scoring method, where the qualifications and methodology will be weighted a max. of 70% and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%.
Application Instruction Individual consultants interested in applying for this position must complete their application using the Template for Offeror’s Letter to UNDP confirming interest and availability for the Individual Contractor (IC) assignment. The methodology, other documents and the Financial Proposal files MUST BE COMPLETELY SEPARATE. The financial proposal (Offeror’s Letter to UNDP confirming interest and availability for the Individual Contractor (IC) assignment) shall be encrypted with different passwords and clearly labelled. Financial Proposal without password will be disqualified. The password for opening the Financial Proposal should be provided only upon request of UNDP. UNDP will request password only from bidders whose Technical Proposal has been found to be technically responsive. Failure to provide correct password may result in the proposal being rejected. Download forms here Offeror’s letter to UNDP confirming interest and availability for the Individual Contractor (IC) Assignment – Click to download – https://bit.ly/3Fy0d5V |
Poste 3 : Recrutement d’un Consultant International en charge de l’élaboration d’une étude sur les opportunités des régions (guide d’investissements) en RCA
Recrutement d’un Consultant International en charge de l’élaboration d’une étude sur les opportunités des régions (guide d’investissements) en RCA | ||
Procurement Process : | IC – Individual contractor | |
Office : | République Centrafricaine – CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC | |
Deadline : | 17-Jun-22 | |
Posted on : | 01-Jun-22 | |
Development Area : | CONSULTANTS ![]() |
Reference Number : | 91821 | |
Documents : NOTICE DE PUBLICATION Termes de Référence |
Overview :Cette notice est publié pour le recrutement d’un Consultant International en charge de l’élaboration d’une étude sur les opportunités des régions (guide d’investissements) en RCA.
la date limite pour la réception des offres est: vendredi 17 juin 2022 |