Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) est le réseau mondial de développement des Nations Unies. Il préconise le changement et relie les pays aux connaissances, à l’expérience et aux ressources afin d’aider les gens à se construire une vie meilleure. Nous sommes présents sur le terrain dans 170 pays et territoires, travaillant avec les gouvernements et les populations pour trouver leurs propres solutions aux défis du développement mondial et national, afin de contribuer à l’autonomisation des personnes et à la construction de nations résilientes.
The Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) has the responsibility for developing allrelevant policy and guidance and supports the results of UNDP’s 2018-2021 Strategic Plan, focusing on seven outcomes including, strengthening institutions to progressively deliver universal access to basic services (Outcome 3). The HIV, Health and Development Group (HHD Group), within BPPS, is helping to contribute towards this outcome. The HIV, Health and Development Strategy 2016-2021: ‘Connecting the Dots’ elaborates UNDP’s work on HIV and health in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UNDP’s partnership with The Global Fund, makes a vital contribution to UNDP’s Strategic Plan, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the SDGs and the pledge to leave no one behind. UNDP has an important role in supporting health outcomes by supporting countries to address the social, cultural and economic determinants of HIV and health, in partnership with UN entities and other organizations. This is done through UNDP’s core work in reducing inequalities and social exclusion that drive HIV and poor health, promoting effective and inclusive governance for health, and building resilient and sustainable systems for health. UNDP also contributes through its coordinating and convening role in bringing together multiple partners and resources at national and local levels. As a trusted, long-term partner of The Global Fund (GF), UNDP’s value proposition lies in providing an integrated package of development solutions to strengthen institutions to deliver health services. Through its contributions as interim Principal Recipient (PR) and provider of technical assistance in over 53 countries since 2003, UNDP’s provision of integrated policy, implementation and capacity development support to countries has yielded significant health and development results in challenging operating environments. Proactive risk management and investing in sustainability are the cornerstones of UNDP’s portfolio management approach and providing technical assistance to national counterparts during all phases of implementation, strengthening legislation, policies and regulatory frameworks, and building capacities across key functional areas, including financial management, health information systems, procurement and supply chain management. Within the HHD Group the Global Fund – Health Implementation Support Team (GF/HIST) is a dedicated team providing support to UNDP Country Offices implementing health and development programmes. UNDP has been a Global Fund (GF) Principal Recipient (PR) since GF first supported Guinea Bissau’s efforts to combat HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria in 2003. Over the years, through successful capacity development, the PR function for TB and HIV/AIDS has been transferred to the Ministry of Health and SNLS. In 2020, UNDP was requested by the Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM) in Guinea-Bissau and the Global Fund to continue its PR role for the Malaria 2021-2023 grant. UNDP is PR for the GF Malaria Grant, and is supporting Health System Strengthening activities under C19RM2 grant. For the implementation of the Global Fund project, in 2013 UNDP Guinea Bissau established a Program Management Unit (PMU) that coordinates the implementation of the projects and provide general guidance of Global Fund rules and procedures to all Sub Recipients participating in the implementation of the projects. During COVID-19 pandemic, the PMU was designated to closely collaborate with the Ministry of Health and the High Commission to Fight COVID-19 to provide an adequate emergency response. The overall purpose of this position is to strengthen health systems at the national and regional levels, particularly for improving the delivery of quality health services in the selected regions. At the sub-national level, the main objectives are to strengthen the organizational capacities for managing health services and delivering on the national and local health priorities as per annual plans, using GF NFM3 and C19RM2 resources from both GF grants. A related and important goal for MoH at the regional level is to also document and share the lessons from the support provided to local health systems. The HSS Specialist will report to the UNDP GF Project Manager and work closely with the M&E and PSM Specialists, in close coordination with the Ministry of Health.
Provide technical support in the implementation of Health Systems Strengthening activities under NFM3 HSS elements of the MOH PNDS TB-HIV and UNDP Malaria GF grants:
- Support the MOH in establishing a coordinating mechanism involving all stakeholders that are engaged in the health sector, including the COVID19 response.
- Conduct situation analysis, desk review of health trends, undertake gap analysis in relevant areas including social determinants of health, to guide the development of health systems policies, legislations and programmes; draft technical reports.
- Review the on-going health sector reform agenda and its implementation in close consultation with UNDP GF HIST, Global Fund, and health partners to better understand the existing challenges and gaps; and advise on generating adequate evidence and intelligence to develop a road map for policy development;
- Liaise with all health services providers, key stakeholders, scientific bodies, involved in the health system review processes to facilitate exchange of information and sharing of lessons learned from other countries undertaking relevant reform processes, facilitate the discussions around the health sector with partners and through the donor forum;
- Contribute to the development/implementation of national health strategy, policies, plans and monitor progress towards achievement of UHC, including the mapping of health donors;
- Participate in the consultative process of elaboration and proposition of a revised integrated health management information system and contribute to writing up the documents;
- Develop a capacity development plan for MOH in the area of HIV, TB and Malaria in consultation with the Global Fund, UNDP GF HIST and other in country stakeholders.
- Ensure that WHO global, regional and local commitments on health information and monitoring system evidence
- based policies in particular those supporting the primary health care.
- Provide technical advice to the Ministry of Health, UNDP, and other health partners and institutions to facilitate timely implementation of programmes and plans related to primary health care, according to UNDP & GF policy and technical guidelines.
- Provide technical guidance on the implementation of Malaria, HIV & TB programmes and provide technical support to relevant national authorities.
- Identify needs for external technical support in coordination with UNDP and Global Fund and ensure proper and timely handling and monitoring of consultants’ briefing, agenda, facilitation of the missions, evaluation and follow up on recommendations.
- Proactively participate in resource mobilization activities by developing project proposals reflecting health priorities in the country, participate in emergency appeal, ensure the needed follow up in terms of fundraising efforts, timely implementation, monitoring, evaluation and donor reporting.
- Ensure timely preparation of technical correspondence, draft technical briefs for mission and background reports, senior managers’ speeches, presentations, and other material related to the areas of responsibility provide advice to the national authorities in preparation of technical reports, briefs and other documents as needed.
Strengthens the capacity of National partners to ensure the quality, timeliness and completeness of national data, for health indicators as well as community level and malaria control with the following outcomes:
- Provide technical advice to the national programmes addressing services prioritized in primary health care.
- Advocate with national, district and community-level health institutions to raise awareness about their role in improving health outcomes.
- Participate in updating and adapting relevant national guidelines, materials and tools related to health information system including those related to primary health care.
- Enabling the development and strengthening of centres of excellence on Health Management Information Systems (HMIS).
- Coordinate assessments, site strengthening, follow-up and supervision, including developing supportive supervision guidelines.
- Identify training needs on Health Information System and assist in the design and implementation of measures to address those needs
- Oversee the development of training curricula and quality improvement systems.
- Assist and supervise the implementation of planned trainings in collaboration with the different departments in the MoH;
- Engage regional and national stakeholders to define desired health outcomes and confirm clinical performance standards in alignment with national health service delivery standards and QI processes in different health facilities) and settings (static clinics, referrals, outreach), assess existing gaps in meeting standards, and develop a plan of action to achieve the desired health outcomes.
- Develop and test approaches for quality and performance improvement according to the local context as needed.
- Apply quality standards to ensure that health services meet national requirements, as well as meet client expectations.
- Contributes to strengthening the referral system at all levels of health system
- In collaboration with program staff and the M&E Specialist, ensure that necessary quality improvement planning, budgeting and management activities occur to facilitate smooth and efficient program functioning
Core Competencies
• Ability to make new and useful ideas work
• Ability to persuade others to follow
People Management
• Ability to improve performance and satisfaction
• Ability to listen, adapt, persuade, and transform
• Ability to get things done while exercising good judgement
Social Determinants of Health
- Understanding and practical experience of social to pave a path for innovation and continuous improvement in determinants of health and the ability to apply professional area of expertise them to strategic and/or practical situations
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Knowledge of methodologies, assessment tools, monitoring, evaluating and reporting and ability to apply to practical situations
Capacity Development
- Ability to strengthen and maintain the capabilities of individuals, societies, to set and achieve development objectives over time
- Ability to engage with other agencies, donors and productive working relationships
Knowledge Management
- Ability to efficiently handle and share information and professional area of expertise knowledge
- Knowledge of gender issues and the ability to apply to strategic and/or practical situations, including analysis of projects from a gender perspective
- Master Degree in health and or Medical Science (Public Health, Epidemiology, Health, Nursing), management, social sciences, or a relevant are with substantial experiences in the area
- A minimum of 5 years of combined working experience in health system strengthening including policy formulation, management of public health services/health projects, and provision of technical assistance to Government institutions.
- Demonstrated experience in health program implementation.
- 5 years’ experience in implementing malaria, TB, HIV program is an asset.
- 5 years in monitoring and evaluation of health programs is an asset.
- Knowledge of and experience in Health System Strengthening (HSS).
- Previous Experience in working with government (especially with Ministry of Health), development agencies, and/or International NGOs in health is desirable.
- Experience in West African countries is an asset Work experience in a challenging operating environment is an asset Demonstrated experience in building capacities of national institutions
Language Requirements:
- Written and spoken fluency in French is required.
- Working knowledge of English both written and oral is an asset.
- Knowledge of Portuguese or Spanish is an asset.
- Mastery of computer tools (excel, word, Powerpoint etc) Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply
• Candidates selected pursuant to this vacancy may be subject to UNDP’s policy on Probation upon assignment.