Le Conseil norvégien pour les réfugiés recrute pour ce poste (02 Décembre 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : Director INGO Forum (INGO Coordination Committee-CCO)

Niveau Requis : Diplôme universitaire supérieur

Année d'Expérience Requise : 5 ans

Lieu du Travail : Bangui, RCA

Date de Soumission : 19/12/2022

Description de l'emploi

The Norwegian Refugee Council is an independent humanitarian organization working to help people affected by the crisis in 27 countries. The organization provides social services and support to people displaced by conflict in some of the world’s most impacted regions.

The CAR INGO forum (CCO) is an association recognized by the authorities and currently has 53 international NGO members. The project funded by DG ECHO, SDC and OFDA. The CCO aims to ensure/strengthen, in an independent manner, coordination between member INGOs, local and national authorities, the United Nations, donors, diplomatic representations and external partners.
It facilitates better sharing of information and expertise, the establishment of common guidelines among member INGOs, and the respect of fundamental principles for a more coordinated, efficient, and effective use of humanitarian, recovery, and development resources in response to the needs of the CAR population.

The CCO’s activities are statutorily developed around 6 pillars:

1.    Information / exchange platform
2.    Coordination / representation / relationship with partners
3.    Advocacy
4.    Communication
5.    Access
6.    Training
For more details on the association’s organization, statutes, charter and services offered to its members, see www.ccorca.org

About the position

The purpose of the INGO FORUM DIRECTOR (CCO Coordinator) is overall responsible for facilitating, leading and quality managing the work of the INGO Forum ensuring it remains relevant to the needs of its members and is appropriate to the context.
The INGO Forum Director will have purview of INGO engagement across CAR and engage predominantly at the high level elevating operational concerns in strategic decision-making mechanisms and processes and also engaging in regional and global platforms to raise the profile of the CAR context.

The following is a brief description of some of your roles and responsibilities –

Strategic Coordination and Representation
•    Ensure transparent coordination mechanisms and regular information sharing between INGOs and other stakeholders.
•    Enable INGOs to coordinate at strategic and operational level in CAR by facilitating high quality, regular meetings of Country Directors, Senior Field Managers, thematic working groups, representatives of the INGO Forum and other mechanisms that maximizes the impact of INGO action in CAR. Ensuring information flows, feedback, drafting of relevant agenda and timely follow up on action points.
•    Encourage active and open dialogue between the NGO Executive Committee and INGO forum Plenary (General assembly) members.
•    Participate in important policy and planning processes underway at the UN and government level that requires field level operational inputs from INGOs e.g. Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), multi-donor and UN longer-term recovery and development planning.
•    Provide a regular and reliable conduit for the UN, Government, donor representatives and other stakeholders to communicate and coordinate with NGOs
•    Help maintain high quality countrywide coordination within humanitarian actors and between humanitarian and conflict mitigation/peace-building, recovery and development/governance actors.
•    Coordinate visits of high level evaluation missions, UN and NGO missions, researchers, donors, diplomats as required
•    Increase and enhance INGO engagement with national NGOs and civil society groups to create potential coalitions around key thematic areas.
•    Identify opportunities and strategies for coordination with peace-building and development actors and humanitarians in CAR in line with the Nexus approach

Senior Level Representation 
•    Actively represent INGO Forum members in senior humanitarian and/or development platforms e.g. HCT, Humanitarian-Donor Group, CMCOORD, NHF Advisory Board, relevant technical groups and ensure engagement with and high profile external discussions and ensure the dissemination of high quality written feedback.
•    Regularly network and represent the INGO community at high-level fora and bilateral meetings including with UN, Donors, Member States, military and government, and other representative bodies.
•    Work effectively with delegated representatives of the INGO Forum and ensure accountability to members.
•    Represent INGO Forum members at global meetings and conferences and raise members’ advocacy messages and key priorities by participating in high level panel discussions, round tables and closed door meetings.

Advocacy and Policy Leadership 
•    Lead in implementation of Advocacy Strategy while mobilizing and leveraging support from member organizations.
•    Work with Advocacy Working Group/platform in country to regularly draft policy and positioning papers and briefs in line with collective views of INGO Forum members on topics of concern.
•    Actively engage high profile targets and allies within UN, Government, donor and diplomatic communities in CAR and externally to further advocacy objectives.
•    Stay informed on global, regional and national opportunities to further advocacy objectives by anticipating key dates and ensuring adequate time to contribute productively. Liaise with relevant consortia to this end.
•    Collect, analyse and share information relevant to members and external stakeholders, often with the goal of influencing policies and improving operational or protection space.

Information Sharing, Analysis and Best Practice 
•    Acting as focal point for information/experience sharing with and among NGOs on relevant issues including managing NGO Forum and INGO membership, contact lists and mailing lists
•    Offer regular analysis on key thematic and operational issues impacting country context, humanitarian responses and affected populations.
•    Ensure timely response to requests for help and information from member organizations, non-member organizations and other stakeholders, such as donors, governments and UN agencies. Often this requires a high degree of coordination and the collection of sensitive information.
•    Create feedback mechanisms, open learning channels, support pilot efforts for knowledge management, and ensure information flow between INGOs.
•    Conduct active and continued research into prevailing humanitarian, socio-economic, geo-political, security situation in CAR, providing the Forum with regular updates.
•    Identify gaps in research and analysis that could be used by large numbers of the membership and hire and manage CCO staff/consultants as needed to assist with and complement this task.
•    Provide oversight on the development and/or maintenance of the Forum Web site and rebranding of the Forum including development of a toolbox of branded materials and templates

Project Management and Human Resources 
•    Ensure high quality INGO Forum proposal development and donor reporting, as well as donor liaison on key areas of progress in collaboration with the Chair and Host Agency.
•    Report to Steering Committee and Plenary on project activity progress, expenditure and plans.
•    Build and maintain a productive relationship with the Host Agency.
•    Manage consultants, researchers and other external support.
•    Provide leadership and direction, promote professional working relationships, and encourage staff.
•    Conduct regular performance appraisals identifying capacity building needs and further career objectives; follow-up, and maintain updated job descriptions
•    Update the INGO Forum Strategy/work plans on an annual basis
•    Ensure smooth running of the governance model of the INGO Forum and where required make recommendations for changes.
What You Will Bring- 

  • 5+ years of experience in a conflict or post-conflict setting with an INGO in a coordination or senior management role (e.g. Country Director or similar levels
  • Experience of working in complex humanitarian situations is preferred.
  • Tertiary undergraduate/postgraduate qualifications in international relations, political science, development or other relevant field
  • Proven high profile management, coordination and advocacy experience in humanitarian context.
  • Demonstrated communication, leadership skills, interpersonal and negotiation skills
  • Documented skills in developing proposals, budgets and reports
  • Strong advocacy experience in conflict-affected countries
  • Demonstrated knowledge of humanitarian architecture, the UN system (HCT, ICC, Clusters), in an integrated mission context
  • Knowledge of international humanitarian law and humanitarian reform a plus
  • Experience working in CAR would be an asset
  • Strong understanding of conflict sensitivity and protection
  • Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities.
  • Experience in administration and coordination of coalition or secretariat functions a plus.
  • Strong communication, inter-personal, facilitation and diplomatic skills.
  • Fluency in English & French, both written and verbal, with strong writing and editing skills.
  • Behavioural competencies:- Strategic thinking; Initiating action and change; Influencing; Handling insecure environments

Find more details & Apply!- JD_NRC CAR INGO Forum Director.docx

What We Offer

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to join our work culture that empowers every employee to share ideas and take responsibility: At NRC we think outside the box. We encourage ideas and give responsibility to all employees at all levels, to help solve the complex issues that we face. You will have many opportunities to be heard and take the initiative

  • 12 months fixed term contract with possibility of extension
  • Management Grade 11 in NRC’s grade structure
  • An opportunity to match your career to a compelling cause
  • A chance to meet and work with people who are the best in their fields

Internal candidates are encouraged to apply but we are also open to external applicants who can show a commitment to NRC and being part of a challenging, but important mission to make a difference.  

To apply as an internal candidate, click on the suitcase icon “I am an employee” on the top right of the page to be redirected to NRC’s internal career site

**Apply by completing all the system required fields of your experience in your application**

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