Expertise France recrute pour ces 02 postes (25 Avril 2022)

Expertise France recrute pour ces 02 postes (25 Avril 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : 02 postes

Description de l'emploi

Expertise France est l’agence publique de conception et de mise en œuvre de projets internationaux de coopération technique. L’agence intervient autour de quatre axes prioritaires :

  • gouvernance démocratique, économique et financière ;
  • paix, stabilité et sécurité ;
  • climat, agriculture et développement durable ;
  • santé et développement humain.

Dans ces domaines, Expertise France assure des missions d’ingénierie et de mise en œuvre de projets de renforcement des capacités, mobilise de l’expertise technique et joue un rôle d’ensemblier de projets faisant intervenir de l’expertise publique et des savoir-faire privés.

Poste 1 : Chargé Finance CAM Côte d’Ivoire (H/F)

Le Chargé Finance (H/F) a pour supérieur hiérarchique, le Responsable Administratif et Financier (RAF).

Il/Elle est en lien fonctionnel avec les services financiers et administratifs au siège à Paris.

En collaboration avec le RAF, elle/il est en charge du suivi financier des projets (et de la CAM) en CI, y inclus les reporting financiers internes et externes et les audits y afférent.

En lien avec le RAF, elle/il contribue aussi à l’amélioration et à l’évolution des procédures de son département.

Elle/il a un rôle aussi d’appui à la comptabilité et de vérification de certaines pièces comptables.

Les principales missions confiées sont les suivantes :

Achats :
• Vérification de la conformité des justificatifs avant traitement des demandes de paiement
• Saisie de tous les bons à payer (BAP) Atlas ( projet ou CAM)

Trésorerie :
• Contribution au suivi de l’évolution de la trésorerie des projets, à l’anticipation des dépenses et aux demandes de réapprovisionnement
• Appui pour la détermination de la trésorerie dans les cas de missions et évènements

Comptabilité :
• S’assurer de la bonne imputation de budgétaire dans les journaux comptables
• Transmettre mensuellement les journaux de dépenses des projets au RAF

Finance :
• S’assurer des informations contractuelles et financières disponibles
• En lien avec le RAF, préparer et suivre les suivis financiers selon le format établi chez Expertise France
• Vérifier les suivis financiers mensuels (imputation des dépenses, consommation, prévisions, etc.)
• En lien avec le RAF, préparer les reporting internes et externes (bailleurs de fonds)
• Préparer et accompagner les audits ou les contrôles éventuels
• Préparer les exercices budgétaires mensuels et semi-annuels des projets en lien avec le RAF (budget initial, budget révisé et prévisions d’atterrissage)

Contrôle interne :
• Mise en application du contrôle interne au sein du projet (transmission des procédures, suivi de leur appropriation)

Archivage :
• Mise en œuvre la procédure d’archivage

Description du projet ou contexte

Agence publique, Expertise France est l’acteur interministériel de la coopération technique internationale, filiale du groupe Agence française de développement (groupe AFD). Deuxième agence par sa taille en Europe, elle conçoit et met en œuvre des projets qui renforcent durablement les politiques publiques dans les pays en développement et émergents. Gouvernance, sécurité, climat, santé, éducation… Elle intervient sur des domaines clés du développement et contribue aux côtés de ses partenaires à la concrétisation des objectifs de développement durable (ODD), pour un monde en commun.

La Côte d’Ivoire est le deuxième pays d’intervention d’Expertise France pour la région du Golfe de Guinée. L’agence y met en œuvre de nombreux projets régionaux et intervient sur une grande diversité de thématiques (éducation, santé, énergie, finances publiques, sécurité…).

Comme déjà dans d’autres Pays, Expertise France est en train de mettre en place en RCI une Cellule d’Appui Mutualisé (CAM).La CAM sera en charge de tous les services supports typiques ( RH, Finance, Achats, Logistique, etc), et coordonnée par un Coordinateur des Fonctions Transverses (CFT). C’est dans ce cadre et cette équipe que ce poste s’inscrit.

Profil souhaité

Diplôme universitaire en Finance, Comptabilité , Administration
Expérience réussie d’au moins 2 ans sur un poste d’Assistant finance
Une expérience dans les suivis budgétaires serait très appréciée
• Capacité à supporter le stress,
• La multidisciplinarité serait un atout
• Expérience dans une organisation internationale serait un atout
• Bonne maîtrise des outils bureautiques, notamment Word ; expertise en Excel
• Avoir le sens de la discrétion et de la confidentialité

Date limite de candidature : 05/05/2022 23:59

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Poste 2 : Short Term Expert (H/F)

CIVIL SOCIETY FOR MALARIA ELIMINATION (CS4ME) is the first global platform of civil society organizations engaged in malaria elimination with over 450 members now from 43 countries.

CS4ME’s vision is a world free of malaria and aims to:

  • Connect civil society organizations and communities affected by or at risk of malaria on a single platform, build their capacity and enable south-south collaboration and coordination
  • Promote the participation of civil society organizations and local communities beyond service delivery as stakeholders in decision-making processes, strategy development, programming, monitoring, evaluation, and research to complement and strengthen malaria control and elimination while contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Advocate for sufficient and sustained resource mobilization for malaria control and elimination by prioritizing appropriate allocations to both civil society and communities;
  • Promote universal access and effective use of existing tools, requiring innovative responses that respond to community needs and local conditions;
  • Call for an effective multisectoral response to malaria elimination with civil society and communities as key stakeholders.

The Global Fund is the primary financier of the fight against malaria worldwide. It is important to strengthen malaria civil society participation in Global Fund-supported mechanisms and programs to make them more effective, human rights-based, gender-sensitive, adequately funded, and focused on community needs.

It is important to maintain the gains made by Global Fund-supported programs and to accelerate the response and sustainability. Better structured civil society organizations will be able to play a more visible role in advocacy, mobilization of domestic resources for the scaling up and sustainability of high-impact interventions and also ensure that the most vulnerable populations have access to quality services and care, and take greater ownership of effective prevention and management tools in the fight against malaria. A more structured, trained, and active civil society can help improve malaria control programs and increase impact.

In 2020, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation via its secretariat impact sante Afrique, CS4ME developed its first Strategic Plan 2021-2025, which established the platform’s vision whereby “national civil society and communities are recognized as bold and creative catalysts of change, and are supported to drive people-centered national, regional and global malaria elimination efforts”.  CS4ME mission is “to strengthen, organize and unite civil society, and engage and empower affected communities to be creative, bold, catalysts for change, to accelerate malaria elimination.”

In 2021, under the request its secretariat,  to prepare for the implementation of the strategic plan, CS4ME undertook a capacity assessment exercise supported by the Community Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative of the Global Fund.  It was key to have a clear focus on the interventions. This was immediately followed by support from Expertise France  to develop the CS4ME 2021-2025 Operational plan.

A first TA mission financed by Expertise France-L’ Initiative aimed to provide expertise to develop an operational plan and a plan to mobilize resources to implement the CS4ME 2021 – 2025 strategic plan.


  • Support the development of a detailed annual action plan for the strategic plan (for the years 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025) including priority activities, budget estimates, timelines, human resource requirements and stakeholders
  • Support the development of tools that will facilitate the implementation of the operational plan
  • Support the development of a resource mobilization plan

Following a Technical assistance funded by Expertise France-L’ Initiative and Global Fund CRG,

the following results were obtained:

Results AT Expertise France


Results AT Global Fund CRG
CS4ME Operational Plan

  1. Operational Plan
  2. Detailed Implementation plan
  3. Monitoring, evaluation, reflection and learning framework
  4. Supporting tools:
    1. Steering Committee TOR
    2. Capacity building working group TOR
    3. CCM working group TOR
    4. Advocacy and Communications working group TOR
    5. Friends of CS4ME TOR
    6. Member self-assessment tool
    7. Performance management policy
    8. Sub-grant mechanism design
    9. Capacity statement and value propositions
    10. Tracking tools
  5. CS4ME member survey
  6. Friends of CS4ME meeting presentation
  7. Resource mobilization plan
  8. Self-funding assessment tool


CS4ME Organization  Capacity Assessment


1.       CS4ME Capacity Assessment Analysis Report Discussion Draft

2.       CS4ME Assessment Results

3.       CS4ME Assessment Summary

4.       CS4ME Development Plan

5.       CS4ME Organizational Development Plan

6.       CS4ME Development Roadmap

7.       CS4ME Operational Tools Final Report

–       Annex 1 CS4ME Tools Outline

–       Annex 2 CS4ME Organigram

–       Annex 3 CS4ME Steering Committee Charter

–       Annex 4 Steering Committee TOR_updated

–       Annex 5 Communication Protocol

–       Annex 6 Performance Management Tool

–       Annex 7 Member Engagement Tool

–       Annex 8 Member Engagement Summary

–       Annex 9 External TA Guidance

–       Annex 10 Case studies

–       Annex 11 Geographic Priorities Consultant TOR

–       Annex 12 CS4ME Tools for Steering Committee

–       Annex 13 CS4ME Tools for Members


Therefore, the CS4ME Operational Plan has been developed by an active working group, representing CS4ME’s steering committee, secretariat, and its members. The plan lays out clear steps for how CS4ME can implement its strategic plan, as well as continue to strengthen the capacity of the platform itself, as well as that of its members to effect change on the ground. However, in order to support the implementation of the Operational Plan, further assistance is needed, particularly to facilitate rollout of the plan among its members, strengthen capacity in key areas critical to success of the strategic plan, and to finalize internal mechanisms to support implementation.

CS4ME now has an operational plan, resource mobilisation plan and however it does not yet all the tools or structures in place necessary to implement it effectively. Continued support is necessary to follow up on the plan’s development to support the secretariat to operationalise the plan, which also includes the capacity building plan.

Description du projet ou contexte

  • Objectif général de la mission

The overall objective of the TA is to support CS4ME to prepare for the successful implementation of its Operational Plan 2021-2025.

  • Objectifs spécifiques :

 The specific objectives are:

  • Objective 1: Elaborate the CS4ME Advocacy & Communication plan of the CS4ME strategic plan and Key tools to promote CS4ME
  • Objective 2: To strengthen the capacity of CS4ME secretariat and members to in priority areas essential to the success of the operational plan;
  • Objective 3: To finalise CS4ME’s sub-grant mechanism

Résultats attendus:

  • Objective 1: Elaborate the CS4ME Advocacy & Communication plan of the CS4ME strategic plan and Key tools to promote CS4ME


  • Conduct a quick situation analysis of the communications and advocacy needs to meet the CS4ME strategic plan goal
  • Develop in an interactive manner the CS4ME advocacy and communication plan  of the CS4ME strategic plan
  • Finalize  the draft  of the plan and tools with CS4ME working group and secretariat
  • Develop 4 tools that will support the communication and advocacy plan

Objective 2: To strengthen the capacity of CS4ME secretariat and members to in priority areas essential to the success of the operational plan;

Many of CS4ME’s members are extremely skilled in various areas necessary to achieve its strategic plan, however, some may be strong in some areas, but less so in others. Other members are more nascent organisations, and require support to be able to contribute to the plan effectively. Technical assistance is required to develop materials, deliver training, and create a mentoring network to support members to be able to :

  • (a) Develop and manage projects;
  • (b) Mobilise their own resources; and
  • (c) Communicate and advocate.

These skill areas are critical to the implementation of the operational plan in that they are considered to fundamental skills that other work will build on. These areas are also highlighted as priority areas for capacity strengthening in a member survey.

The training is expected CS4ME members who expressed needs and provide the fundamentals in each area. At minimum, by the end of each training, members will be expected to have a basic but solid understanding of key concepts and terminology, expectations of donors, and a chance to reflect on where they are and what they need to do in order to meet those expectations. The added value of coordinating and working together under the CS4ME umbrella will also be emphasised. Based on observations of members, the following learning objectives are proposed for each training:

  1. Project design and management: Participants will be able to:
  2. Design a logical framework for a project
  3. Create a project work plan
  4. Create a monitoring and evaluation plan
  5. Develop a basic project report.

Resource mobilisation: Participants will be able to:

  1. Understand different types of funding available, which is appropriate for them, and how they can adapt this information to their country context
  2. Understand the minimum requirements to submit a proposal and assess their own organisation’s readiness
  3. Draft their organization’s capacity statement
  4. Deliver an “elevator pitch” of their project idea
  5. Use a template to write a simple funding proposal.

Communication and advocacy: Participants will be able to:

  1. Deliver an “elevator pitch” of CS4ME and their organisation’s contribution to malaria elimination, based on communication plan
  2. Develop a basic problem tree and stakeholder analysis
  3. Use a template to develop a basic advocacy message and strategy
  4. Use a template to write a success story.


  • Use the results of the member survey (July 2021) to understand current capacity in priority areas, and seek exemplars of high performance to use as case studies
  • Develop draft training materials in:

a.       Project development and management

b.       Resource mobilisation for their own organisation

c.       Advocacy and communication Fundamentals

  • Facilitate the trainings virtually

Objective 3: To finalise CS4ME’s sub-grant mechanism

CS4ME envisions being able to channel funding to its members to be able to carry out community-level advocacy or impact projects. This mechanism was designed during the operational planning process, but as it was not a planned activity under the current technical assistance, there was not enough time to finalize the tools, train the Secretariat, and introduce the mechanism to members. The mechanism is expected to consist of a manual, outlining policies and step-by-step processes, including the necessary forms and templates, as well as a simple but robust tracking tool and filing system to support management.


  1. Conduct a quick analysis on the best practices around sub grants mechanism and support for CSOs
  2. Develop the CS4ME sub-grant management manual and a tool  (“sub-grant mechanism”)

Main Stages and Activities of the mission


  • Launch of the Terms of Reference: March 2022
  • Receipt of technical and financial offers: March2022
  • Selection of the consultant: March 2022
  • Submission of the scoping note: March 2022
  • Collection and analysis of information: March-May 2022
  • Delivery of the interim report: May-June 2022
  • Delivery of the final report: May-June 2022

2) Expected deliverables

  • Livrables attendus

 Objective 1

  1. CS4ME communication and Advocacy plan 2022-2025
  2. Communication and Advocacy tools (3 key tools from the plan)
  3. Organization of a workshop to validate the communication and Advocacy plan

Objective 2

A Training tool for CSOs for project development and management and  training

  1. A training tool of resource mobilization for CSOs for their organizations and training
  2. A training tool on Advocacy and Communication Fundamentals for CSOs and  training

Objective 3

  1. Sub-Grants Manual tool
  2. Sub-Grants tracking tool system

Profil souhaité

  • Degree in one or more of the following areas: Master’s degree in finance, accounting, management, auditing, grant research or equivalent experience;
  • At least 10 years of professional experience in resource mobilization or grant research;
  • Ability to write administrative and financial procedures manuals;
  • Good writing, analytical and synthesis skills;
  • Good knowledge of how civil society organizations operate;
  • Experience in CSO capacity building, updating basic documents and procedures/strategic monitoring would be an asset;
  • Good planning, organization and work management skills;
  • Good writing, analytical and synthesis skills;
  • Good knowledge on good sub-grant systems
  • Computer skills (MS Office) / Familiarity with remote meeting and conferencing applications

Informations complémentaires

  • Date estimée de démarrage : 01/15/2022
  • Durée de réalisation de la mission : 45 days (indicative)

 –          The number of 20 days (working days) is an estimation. CS4ME and Expertise France based on the technical proposal will validate the work plan.

  • Date estimée de remise des livrables : 31/05/2022
  • Organisation logistique et consignes de sécurité d’Expertise France

Duration of the mission: 45 days (indicative) the actual duration of the mission (working days) is estimated at 45 days. The beneficiary and Expertise France, upon proposal of a technical offer from th2e experts, will validate the work schedule.  The mission will end with a debriefing of the mission with the beneficiary after validation of the deliverables by the latter.

The team of experts interested in the mission is invited to submit a complete offer consisting of:

  1. A simplified technical offer (3 pages maximum) including:

– The CV of the expert;

– A description of the background and experience of the experts in relation to the present terms of reference;

– Their understanding of the health situation related to COVID-19 in relation to the issues of the mission;

– A detailed work schedule (activities, dates, location) based on the major steps specified in these terms of reference.

  1. A financial offer in Euros.

n of the background and experience of the experts in relation to the present terms of reference;

– Their understanding of the health situation related to COVID-19 in relation to the issues of the mission;

– A detailed work schedule (activities, dates, location) based on the major steps specified in these terms of reference.

Critères de sélection des candidatures

Le processus de sélection des candidats s’opérera selon le(s) critère(s) suivant(s) :

  • Formation/compétences/expériences du candidat
  • Formation/diplômes du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise
  • Expériences du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise

Date limite de candidature : 29/03/2022 11:59

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