Expertise France recrute pour ce poste (21 Janvier 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : Deputy Regional Coordinator for West Africa (Seaport Cooperation Projet - SEACOP) (H/F)

Niveau Requis : Master

Année d'Expérience Requise : 15 ans

Lieu du Travail : Sénégal

Date de Soumission : 07/02/2022

Description de l'emploi

Expertise France est l’agence publique de conception et de mise en œuvre de projets internationaux de coopération technique. L’agence intervient autour de quatre axes prioritaires :

  • gouvernance démocratique, économique et financière ;
  • paix, stabilité et sécurité ;
  • climat, agriculture et développement durable ;
  • santé et développement humain.

Dans ces domaines, Expertise France assure des missions d’ingénierie et de mise en œuvre de projets de renforcement des capacités, mobilise de l’expertise technique et joue un rôle d’ensemblier de projets faisant intervenir de l’expertise publique et des savoir-faire privés.

Description de la mission

  • General objective of the mission:

Under the supervision of the Regional Coordinator, the Deputy Regional Coordinator for Africa provides his/her support for the overall implementation of activities and initiatives undertaken in the partner countries in the region of Africa.

The Regional Coordinator is free to decide a repartition of roles and duties, after consultation of the Project Director.

The Regional Coordinator remains the official entry point for any matter related to Africa. In addition, the deputy regional coordinator may be tasked by the Project Director for transversal matters/topics

  • Specific objectives:
    • Provide inputs, advices and updates on the specific national and regional contexts in the area: actors, stakeholders, challenges, ports of interests, maritime and organised crime news…
    • Participate to the definition of the action plan for Africa
    • Participate to the implementation of the action plan in Africa
    • Participate to the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation policy for the region (collection of data, reporting, evaluation)
    • Coordination of the overall training strategy ( joint to Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean).
  • Description of tasks to be assigned:
  • Partnerships
    • Support the identification of local stakeholders (agencies, ports, ministries, regional actors…) and develop relations with them
    • Participate to the development of relations with other international projects and initiatives in the area
    • Participate in matter-related events (conferences, webinars…) in the region to ensure visibility of the project
    • Participate to meetings with European Union Delegations and EU Member States Embassies
  • Strategy
    • Participate to the development of a thorough understanding of the challenges/threats in the area and share it with the team
    • Provide strategic inputs to the Regional coordinator and the rest of the team
    • Ensure dissemination of relevant information and difficulties (top-down and bottom-up) to the Regional coordinator for Africa and, if relevant, the Director
    • Participate, under the leadership of the regional coordinator for Africa, to the elaboration of the work plan for the countries in Africa
    • Participate to the implementation of the work plan for the countries in Africa
    • Participate to the identification of transregional activities (seminar, workshops…)
    • Participate to the relevant project’s governance bodies (Coordination Committee, weekly team meeting and other on request)
  • Implementation of activities
    • Prepare the Terms of reference of identified project’s activities, follow-up on the implementation and draft the mission report
    • Participate to the identification of short term expertise (terms of reference)
    • Participate to the activities and preparation of training materials
    • Responsible for collecting data to feed into monitoring and evaluation tools
    • Contribute to drafting official reports
    • Contribute to the preparation of the different internal meetings
    • Any other tasks identified by the Regional Coordinator for Africa or the Project director


  • Monthly report
  • Terms of reference of activities
  • Terms of reference for short term expertise
  • Activities/mission reports
  • Monthly update of project’s indicators
  • Documents (Presentations, leaflets…) requested for official meetings

Description du projet ou contexte

The project “Seaport Cooperation (SEACOP V)) financed by the European Union (DEVCO) under the Instrument contributing to Peace and Stability, will be implemented by a Consortium led by Expertise France (EF).  The project aims to contribute to the fight against maritime illicit trade and associated criminal networks in the targeted countries and regions in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa, consistent with human rights.

The traffic of illicit goods is a growing and international phenomenon which has a devastating impact on social and economic development as well as public health. Its development can rely, among others, on the increasing use of maritime routes and containerisation for the international trade in the context of globalisation and, as a consequence, the difficulty faced by the relevant authorities in ports to control a growing volume of goods.  Traffic of illicit goods are orchestrated by transnational criminal groups operating across different continents which are often also involved in other criminal activities (ex: kidnapping, terrorism, money laundering…). Therefore, the maritime illicit trade is not an isolated element, it must be understood and dealt with taking into account the criminal environment evoked supra. This is key to ensure an efficient fight against it.


The overall objective of SEACOP V is to support the fight against maritime illicit trafficking and associated criminal networks in the targeted countries and regions in order to alleviate the negative impact of illicit trafficking in terms of public health and economic stability.

Two results will be sought:

  1. The creation and empowerment of national joint maritime control units (JMCUs) and maritime intelligence units (MIUs) in order to develop the inter-administration approach to the fight against illegal trafficking and ultimately prevent and disrupt illegal traffic.
  2. The set-up of an intraregional and trans-Atlantic intelligence and cooperation network to favour exchange of information, good practices and situation analysis (especially concerning cocaine trafficking) as well as to ensure a fertile ground for joint operations.

Profil souhaité

Education / Qualifications:

  • University degree (BA or MA) in maritime security, criminal organisations or related matter;
  • Fluent in spoken and written French and English (C1 expected)
  • Requested highest demonstrable professional skills on:
    • Inter-cultural communication
    • Team spirit / work
    • Methodological skills
    • Project management
    • Drafting, analysis and reporting

Professional experience:

  • A minimum of fifteen (15) years of working experience in domains related to fighting maritime organised crime, in particular illicit traffics
  • Proven experience in law enforcement operatives (ideally multinational), multiagency cooperation or with law enforcement agencies
  • Experience of capacity building activities
  • Experience of maritime security issues
  • Experience of cooperation project management would be an asset.


Selection criteria for the shortlist (/100 points)

Experience of at least 15 years in fighting organised crime and drug trafficking in public sector, in national or multinational law enforcement ; experience of multi-agency cooperation 30 points
Experience in capacity building activities 20 points
Knowledge of maritime security issues 10 points
English and French C1 20 points
Proven working experience, ideally in, or with the region


10 points
Knowledge or experience with the EU / working with public institutions 10 points


Selection criteria during the oral interview with the 3 persons selected on the shortlist (/100 points)

Understanding of the mission, the context project and the mission

Oral communication skills in French and English

Interpersonal skills

Competence for analysis, synthesis and organization

40 points

20 points

20 points

20 points



Informations complémentaires

  • Period of implementation: March 2022 – October 2023
  • Place of duty: Home-based with frequent missions in the region or field-based (Dakar, Sénégal, tbc)
  • Recruitment:
    • Full-time position.
    • French work contract

Date limite de candidature : 07/02/2022 16:03

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