Expertise France recrute pour ce poste (14 Septembre 2022)

Expertise France recrute pour ce poste (14 Septembre 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : Human Resources Diagnosis - Assessment of SIGA Organizational Structure (H/F)

Lieu du Travail : Accra, Ghana

Date de Soumission : 16/09/2022

Description de l'emploi

Expertise France est l’agence publique de conception et de mise en œuvre de projets internationaux de coopération technique. L’agence intervient autour de quatre axes prioritaires :

  • gouvernance démocratique, économique et financière ;
  • paix, stabilité et sécurité ;
  • climat, agriculture et développement durable ;
  • santé et développement humain.

Dans ces domaines, Expertise France assure des missions d’ingénierie et de mise en œuvre de projets de renforcement des capacités, mobilise de l’expertise technique et joue un rôle d’ensemblier de projets faisant intervenir de l’expertise publique et des savoir-faire privés.

Description de la mission

  • General objective:

Support the fulfillment of SIGA mandates through progressive strengthening of SIGA’s skills and its organizational structure.

  • Specific objectives
  1. Human resources diagnosis:
  • General diagnosis of the organization (management, HR processes) and existing human resources in SIGA
  • Review of the organic framework draft and the organizational chart
  • Draft of job descriptions
  • Conducting skills assessment with SIGA staff
  1. Training needs assessment and capacity building plan
  • Training needs assessments
  • Draft of a training plan for 2023, 2024 and 2025 to support the capacity building of staff of SIGA


To achieve its objective of organizing training and other capacity building activities for the management and staff of SIGA, the project is seeking consultancy service to assess and identify the training and capacity building needs as well as other carrier development beef ups that are needed by the management and staff of SIGA. The assignment involves engaging with the management and staff of SIGA to identify key skills, training and career development gaps that needs to be filled to improve organizational efficiency and performance. The assignment also involves the design of a training curriculum and action plans for the organization, based on the HR policy currently being formulated by SIGA. This will allow SIGA to integrate its increasing responsibilities, expected increase in number of employees and need to develop a corporate culture.


  1. Detailed content of this mission

Human resources diagnosis

  • Conducting an inventory concerning the human resources available
    • Permanent staff assigned to the current organization, permanent staff not yet assigned, permanent staff with a transversal mission, non-permanent staff but active in the missions conducted by SIGA.


  • Carry out a general diagnosis of the organization (management, HR processes, and organization) and the existing human resources dedicated to the supervision of SOEs. This diagnosis will include a diagnosis of the management, in order to facilitate the creation of a real culture focused on animation, steering and performance. The expert will have to :
    • Evaluate the level of skills currently available in SIGA and its management tools (procedures, working methods, reporting tools…) with regard to the minimum requirements for the functioning of an administration;
    • Identify concrete measures to be considered in order to strengthen the efficiency of SIGA in the short and medium term, within the framework of the evolution of its organizational structure and propose a detailed implementation plan.


  • Carry out precise skills assessments of the human resources in SIGA, distinguishing the main possible functions, examples below:
    • Examples of desired skills: economic and financial analysis skills, basic data management skills, spreadsheet calculation skills, formatting of a summary analysis (drafting and graphical formatting), critical ability to review financial statements, ability to prioritize issues, ability to discuss the conclusions of the analysis with high-level officials
    • IT Assistant. Examples of desired skills: office assistance (excel…), technical help desk (PC, server…)…
    • Administrative assistant. Examples of desired skills: receipt and distribution of paper mail, proper maintenance of paper files, electronic document management…
  • Drafting the main job descriptions of SIGA related to the organizational chart.


Training needs assessment and capacity building plan

  • In addition to this HR diagnosis, the expert will have to carry training needs assessment and to construct a capacity building plan.
  • Also, the expert will produce a tentative of strategic workforce planning (job and competency planning) 


  1. Deliverables and Timeline

The expected deliverables under the assignment are:


Deliverable 1: an inception report indicating approach, methodology and schedule of work to be agreed with the Client (maximum 5 pages).

Regarding HR diagnosis:


Deliverable 2: A draft report addressing key findings and assessment results, action plans, recommendations (especially recommendations on HR management tools


The report will be expected to contain sufficient detail and supported by the evidence where required. The report will be submitted in both print and electronic forms.


Deliverable 3Skills assessment: one report by assessment conducted.

Deliverable 4: Job positions related to the organizational chart decided in link with SIGA management (xxx job positions).


Regarding the training needs assessment and capacity building plan:


Deliverable 5: Draft of a 3-year training plan for the profiles identified, integrating the priority of the management. This training plan will integrate recommendations to assist the recruitment process to be conducted to fill the organizational chart.

This capacity building plan will integrate all the training need assessments conducted during the mission and a detailed plan of concrete measures to be considered in order to reinforce in the short and medium term the efficiency of SIGA. This plan will have to integrate the procedures covering the management of staff, skills, mobility and training.

This deliverable (capacity building plan will integrate:

  • Professional development framework/roadmap
  • Performance plan framework/roadmap
  • Recommendations on training needs
  • Succession plan
  • Core competencies framework


Deliverable 6: Comprehensive final report which includes final recommendations about HR policy training plan and Job and Competency Planning


  1. Duration and Cost of Assignment

The estimated work volume is est. 50 – 60 working days (maximum of 60 working days).

This assignment will have a maximum duration of 4 months from the date of signing the contract.

The cost of the assignment will be mutually agreed between the Consultant and Expertise France but would be based on remuneration for the technical effort of the Consultant for the assignment; transport and agreed reimbursable costs.



The mission will take place as follows:

  • Phase 1: A 1st mission on site of at least 10 days to carry out the HR diagnosis and the skills assessments
  • Phase 2: Production of deliverables (which can be done remotely)
  • Phase 3: A 2nd on-site mission to finalize the work, present and validate the deliverables to the decision makers


SIGA management and staff and the project team of Expertise France will be in charge of the follow-up and the organization of this technical mission, especially the missions in Accra.






Description du projet ou contexte

  • General objective:

Support the fulfillment of SIGA mandates through progressive strengthening of SIGA’s skills and its organizational structure.

  • Specific objectives
  1. Human resources diagnosis:
  • General diagnosis of the organization (management, HR processes) and existing human resources in SIGA
  • Review of the organic framework draft and the organizational chart
  • Draft of job descriptions
  • Conducting skills assessment with SIGA staff
  1. Training needs assessment and capacity building plan
  • Training needs assessments
  • Draft of a training plan for 2023, 2024 and 2025 to support the capacity building of staff of SIGA


To achieve its objective of organizing training and other capacity building activities for the management and staff of SIGA, the project is seeking consultancy service to assess and identify the training and capacity building needs as well as other carrier development beef ups that are needed by the management and staff of SIGA. The assignment involves engaging with the management and staff of SIGA to identify key skills, training and career development gaps that needs to be filled to improve organizational efficiency and performance. The assignment also involves the design of a training curriculum and action plans for the organization, based on the HR policy currently being formulated by SIGA. This will allow SIGA to integrate its increasing responsibilities, expected increase in number of employees and need to develop a corporate culture.


  1. Detailed content of this mission

Human resources diagnosis

  • Conducting an inventory concerning the human resources available
    • Permanent staff assigned to the current organization, permanent staff not yet assigned, permanent staff with a transversal mission, non-permanent staff but active in the missions conducted by SIGA.


  • Carry out a general diagnosis of the organization (management, HR processes, and organization) and the existing human resources dedicated to the supervision of SOEs. This diagnosis will include a diagnosis of the management, in order to facilitate the creation of a real culture focused on animation, steering and performance. The expert will have to :
    • Evaluate the level of skills currently available in SIGA and its management tools (procedures, working methods, reporting tools…) with regard to the minimum requirements for the functioning of an administration;
    • Identify concrete measures to be considered in order to strengthen the efficiency of SIGA in the short and medium term, within the framework of the evolution of its organizational structure and propose a detailed implementation plan.


  • Carry out precise skills assessments of the human resources in SIGA, distinguishing the main possible functions, examples below:
    • Examples of desired skills: economic and financial analysis skills, basic data management skills, spreadsheet calculation skills, formatting of a summary analysis (drafting and graphical formatting), critical ability to review financial statements, ability to prioritize issues, ability to discuss the conclusions of the analysis with high-level officials
    • IT Assistant. Examples of desired skills: office assistance (excel…), technical help desk (PC, server…)…
    • Administrative assistant. Examples of desired skills: receipt and distribution of paper mail, proper maintenance of paper files, electronic document management…
  • Drafting the main job descriptions of SIGA related to the organizational chart.


Training needs assessment and capacity building plan

  • In addition to this HR diagnosis, the expert will have to carry training needs assessment and to construct a capacity building plan.
  • Also, the expert will produce a tentative of strategic workforce planning (job and competency planning) 


  1. Deliverables and Timeline

The expected deliverables under the assignment are:


Deliverable 1: an inception report indicating approach, methodology and schedule of work to be agreed with the Client (maximum 5 pages).

Regarding HR diagnosis:


Deliverable 2: A draft report addressing key findings and assessment results, action plans, recommendations (especially recommendations on HR management tools


The report will be expected to contain sufficient detail and supported by the evidence where required. The report will be submitted in both print and electronic forms.


Deliverable 3Skills assessment: one report by assessment conducted.

Deliverable 4: Job positions related to the organizational chart decided in link with SIGA management (xxx job positions).


Regarding the training needs assessment and capacity building plan:


Deliverable 5: Draft of a 3-year training plan for the profiles identified, integrating the priority of the management. This training plan will integrate recommendations to assist the recruitment process to be conducted to fill the organizational chart.

This capacity building plan will integrate all the training need assessments conducted during the mission and a detailed plan of concrete measures to be considered in order to reinforce in the short and medium term the efficiency of SIGA. This plan will have to integrate the procedures covering the management of staff, skills, mobility and training.

This deliverable (capacity building plan will integrate:

  • Professional development framework/roadmap
  • Performance plan framework/roadmap
  • Recommendations on training needs
  • Succession plan
  • Core competencies framework


Deliverable 6: Comprehensive final report which includes final recommendations about HR policy training plan and Job and Competency Planning


  1. Duration and Cost of Assignment

The estimated work volume is est. 50 – 60 working days (maximum of 60 working days).

This assignment will have a maximum duration of 4 months from the date of signing the contract.

The cost of the assignment will be mutually agreed between the Consultant and Expertise France but would be based on remuneration for the technical effort of the Consultant for the assignment; transport and agreed reimbursable costs.



The mission will take place as follows:

  • Phase 1: A 1st mission on site of at least 10 days to carry out the HR diagnosis and the skills assessments
  • Phase 2: Production of deliverables (which can be done remotely)
  • Phase 3: A 2nd on-site mission to finalize the work, present and validate the deliverables to the decision makers


SIGA management and staff and the project team of Expertise France will be in charge of the follow-up and the organization of this technical mission, especially the missions in Accra.






Profil souhaité

The Consultant/team leader of a firm for this assignment must have:

  • Master’s Degree in the field HR, Organizations Development, Management or related field;
  • Expertise and experience in organizational diagnosis
  • Expertise and experience in conducting skills assessments
  • Expertise and skills in developing professional training plans
  • Ability to dialogue and listen
  • Knowledge of the context of developing and emerging countries
  • Excellent oral and written command of English. Knowledge in French would be an advantage
  • Diplomacy and discretion
  • Good knowledge of the functioning of public administrations (especially in terms of human resources management)
  • Knowledge of the Ghanaian context will be an asset. Otherwise, similar experience in comparable contexts is required.


  • Consultancy firm/individual must demonstrate sufficient experience in undertaking similar task for assignments


The expert must have more than 10 years of professional experience, particularly in the field of skills assessment and HR management.


Informations complémentaires

Expertise France takes directly in charge the flight tickets, visa, per diem payments per day of mission in Ghana (including hotel, food costs and local transportation).

Critères de sélection des candidatures

Le processus de sélection des candidats s’opérera selon le(s) critère(s) suivant(s) :

  • Compétences du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise
  • Expériences du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise
  • Compréhension par le candidat du rôle de la mission au sein du projet de coopération

Date limite de candidature : 16/10/2022 23:59

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