Concern Worldwide recrute pour ce poste (14 Janvier 2022)

Informations sur l'emploi

Titre du Poste : Programme Director

Niveau Requis : Licence

Année d'Expérience Requise : 5 ans

Lieu du Travail : Niger

Date de Soumission : 26/01/2022

Description de l'emploi

Concern Worldwide est une ONG humanitaire internationale basée en Irlande dédiée à la réduction de la souffrance et l’élimination de l’extrême pauvreté dans les pays les plus pauvres du monde. Concern vise à permettre aux populations des pays en développement de réaliser des progrès majeurs dans leur vie et des progrès viables sans l’appui continu de Concern.

Concern offre des chances égales d’emploi à tous – Les candidatures féminines sont vivement encouragées.

Concern a un Code de Conduite (CCoC) avec trois politiques connexes : la Politique de Protection des Participants aux Programmes (P4), la Politique de Protection de l’Enfant et la Politique contre la Traite des Personnes. Ces documents ont été développés pour assurer la protection maximale des participants aux programmes contre l’exploitation, et clarifier les responsabilités du personnel, des consultants, des visiteurs aux programmes et des organisations partenaires de Concern ainsi que les normes de conduite attendues d’eux. Dans ce contexte, le personnel de Concern a la responsabilité envers l’organisation de s’efforcer à atteindre et à maintenir les plus hauts standards dans la conduite quotidienne de son travail conformément aux valeurs fondamentales et à la mission de Concern. Tout candidat à qui l’on offre un emploi chez Concern Worldwide devra signer le Code de Conduite et les politiques connexes comme annexes de leur contrat de travail. En signant le Code de Conduite de Concern, les candidats confirment qu’ils ont compris le contenu du Code de Conduite de Concern et des politiques connexes et qu’ils acceptent de se comporter conformément aux dispositions de ces politiques. En outre, Concern s’engage au Safeguarding et à la protection des adultes et enfants vulnérables dans notre travail. Nous ferons tout notre possible pour veiller à ce que seules les personnes aptes à travailler ou à faire du bénévolat auprès des adultes et des enfants vulnérables soient recrutées par nous pour de tels rôles. Subséquemment, le travail ou le bénévolat avec Concern est soumis à une séries de vérifications et d’enquêtes, y compris la vérification des antécédents criminels des candidats et volontaires.

Your purpose:

As a member of Concern Niger’s Senior Management Team, the Programme Director (PD) will manage and guide the development of Concern’s programme activities in Niger in line with the Country Strategic Plan and Concern Worldwide policies and strategies, ensuring quality, strategic purpose, participation and accountability.

She/He will:

  • Lead the development and high-quality implementation of programmes through continuously improving programming methodologies, techniques, programme tools and approaches.
  • Oversee the development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems in Concern Niger’s programme activities, in line with the Concern Worldwide Programme Quality Guide and strategies.
  • Ensure the effective and professional management of donor grants and support fundraising including the development of new high quality proposals.You will be responsible for:

Programme Development and Implementation

  • Ensuring programmes are designed and implemented in line with Concern Worldwide policies using a results-based management approach.
  • Identifying new programme interventions and opportunities in accordance with Country Strategic Plan, based on thorough contextual analysis and using How Concern Understand Extreme Poverty guidelines.
  • Lead high quality programme development processes through project concept notes, proposals etc., and by ensuring adherence to Concern Worldwide PQ guide.
  • Ensuring programmes meet Core Humanitarian Standards of accountability and quality
  • Ensuring that Concern Niger retains and develops its capacity to respond to emergencies within its programme areas and other parts of the country as necessary.
  • Frequently visiting programme areas and providing feedback to managers and staff
  • Developing effective linkages with Government, donors, strategic networks and partners
  • Assisting Grants Officer, Advisors, Coordinators to produce reports in line with donor, government and Concern Requirements  

People management

  • Line manage staff (Advisors, Coordinators, Officers), contributing to their capacity building and career development, by providing relevant feedback and evaluations. Support career development initiatives of staff in programmes (especially national staff) to develop their skills and widen their international perspectives.
  • Provide technical support and on-going on-the-job training and coaching to staff, including in particular a thorough induction at the start of their contract.
  • Ensure that all positions have accurate job descriptions and that each member of the team fully understands outcomes which are expected of them, by setting SMART objectives, and that they are aware of the success criteria relating to their work.
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of and comply with Concern’s policies and procedures.

Budget Management

  • Work with the Country Director and the Desk Officer to develop and implement a funding strategy.
  • Work with the Country Finance Controller and the programme budget-holders to ensure close monitoring and appropriate management of relevant budgets & expenditure.
  • Ensure that annual programme budgets (and budget revisions) are complete, realistic and comply with relevant Concern and donor requirements.
  • Ensure that project proposal budgets are complete, realistic and comply with relevant Concern and donor requirements.
  • Reporting any suspected or actual financial irregularities to the Country Director  

Networking and Representation

  • Representing Concern at relevant technical inter-agency, UN, Government and coordination meetings when requested by the Country Director
  • Engage with and support national level networks relevant to increasing Concern’s learning.
  • Lead the development a partnership strategy and advocacy strategy for Concern Niger.
  • Serve as the national level focal point for contact with National Partners. 


  • Produce monthly, quarterly and annual programme progress reports timely and to a high standard. Participate and provide input to the SMT and CMT reporting.
  • Reviews are documented and evaluations reports are in line with the organisation’s and donors’ requirements.
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Appraisal and Learning:
  • Ensuring Monitoring & Evaluation plans and mechanisms are developed and rolled out
  • Ensuring Programme Managers coordinate the monitoring and evaluation of all programmes (including partner programmes) within the agreed plans, budgets, time frames and donor guidelines
  • Leading learning processes inside the organisation and developing capitalisation and learning plans in collaboration with key Programme staff. 
  • Security Management:
  • Monitoring and reporting on security issues to the Security Focal Person when necessary
  • Ensuring programme staff awareness and adherence to Country Security Management Plan and identifying security training needs where appropriate
  • Other:  
  • Take active measures to address equality issues, particularly relating to gender, in programme as well as in operational (e.g. HR, logistics, etc.) activities.
  • Ensure the highest standards of accountability through ensuring good communication and information sharing within and outside the programme and enabling staff, beneficiary and other stakeholders’ participation at all stages of the project cycle.
  • Be aware of, understand, comply with and be a model of Concern’s HR policies like Concern’s Code of Conduct and Associated Policies.
  • Undertake other related duties as may reasonably be assigned by the Country Director (the line manager for this role).

Expériences / Formation


  • 3rd level qualification in relevant field humanitarian assistance, development, social sciences or other related professional fields
  • Fluent French and English (written and spoken)
  • At least 5 years overseas experience with an NGO with an emphasis on programming. At least 2 of these years should be in managing a complex and insecure emergency context.
  • Strong understanding of and commitment to the promotion of equality.
  • Knowledge and experience of Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and emergency preparedness.       Previous experience of managing a diverse team of senior staff including international staff. Proven strong management ability, including the ability to lead and motivate others; Strong training and mentoring skills.
  • Experience of mainstreaming accountability, protection and DRR; ensuring accountability to beneficiaries, staff, partners and other stakeholders; monitoring & evaluation processes, ensuring programme quality.
  • Knowledge of rights based approaches, equality issues and advocacy skills.
  • Excellent organisational and planning skills. Strong problem solving and analytical skills.
  • Willingness to travel frequently to rural field locations and spend periods of time away from the capital in which the PD position is based and experience fairly basic conditions.
  • We would also like:
  • Masters in Development or a related field
  • Work experience in Niger or any Francophone or Sahelian country in Africa.
  • Previous experience with Concern and Knowledge of Concern Policies and Programming Approaches.
  • Experience working in the education, sustainable livelihood, health and emergency sectors.
  • Experience in advocacy and/or influencing change at national level
  • Experience of working in an insecure environment

Apply here